Nov. 28, 1938

Order issued by Reich Ministry of Interior [Germany]: “Police Regulation of the Appearance of Jews in Public of 28 November 1938. …ARTICLE 1 The Government Presidents in Prussia, Bavaria, and the Sudeten German areas, the proper authorities in the remaining provinces of the old Reich, the district captains (the Mayor in Vienna) in Austria and the Reich Commissar of the Saar district may impose upon Jews, both subjects of the German State and stateless Jews … restrictions as to place and time to the effect that they may not enter certain districts or may not appear in public at certain times. …Berlin, 28 November 1938. The Reich Minister of Interior. By order : Heydrich.”
“Anti-Semitic Legislation; Police regulation of the appearance of Jews in public.”, No author, Accessed online 11/29/2012 ADD PAGE # AND RESEARCHER/DATE