Dec. 9, 1938

“Regulations on job description of Jewish consultants” issued by Reich Minister of Justice [Germany]: “1. The persons authorized to legal advice and representation of Jews use the professional title ‘consultant’. On signs, letterheads and business cards and similar announcements the following note has to be added in perfectly legible characters: ‘Admitted only for legal advice and representation of Jews.’ […].  2. The consultant has to attach a plate of light metal or wood […] to the door of his office as of 1 February 1939. The sign must bear the following inscription in black block letters on a white ground: The first- and surname, the job description ‘consultant’ and the label: ‘Admitted only for legal advice and representation of Jews.'[…]”
Deutsche Justiz 1938, page 1974 and Walk Joseph, Das Sonderrecht fuer die Juden im NS-Staat, page 264. Accessed online; Translated by Franziska Wagener 10/07/2015