Nov. 20, 1939

General Measures to Secure Jewish Property issued by the Head of Foreign Exchange [Germany / Occupied Poland]: “(1) Accounts, deposits and safe deposit boxes at banks and financial institutions, which are managed on behalf of a Jew, […] will be blocked. (4) Money and credit institutions shall be entitled to pay off Jews up to 250 zlotys weekly without permission. (6) Jews are obliged to pay into an account immediately all cash in their possession that exceeds the amount of 2000 Zloty. Krakow 20 November 1939 – The Head of the foreign exchange in the office of the General- Govenor, Tetzner.”
Yad Vashem Archives, the Weichert Collection, file no. 1, page 33. Accessed online; Translated by Franziska Wagener 1/22/2016