May 23, 1940

Law – 23 May 1940-XVIII, n. 587 Grant of a bonus in addition to the board to state employees for which is expected to dismissal, exempt from service in the execution of the decree-law R. Nov. 17, 1938-XVII, no. 1728, until reaching the maximum age limit for retirement [Italy]: ” … Sole Article Employees of State Administration, which is scheduled for the dismissal, exempt from service in accordance with art. 20 of the Royal Decree-Law of November 17, 1938-XVII, no. 1728, converted into the Law of 5 January, 1939, n. 274, because they belong to the Jewish race and entitled to a pension shall be granted, up to the age limit stipulated by the relevant place to the retirement and, in any case, not more than four years, in addition to treatment retirement benefits, an allowance equal to the difference between the salary of which were provided at the time of the pantry and the pension paid. … Victor Emmanuel Mussolini – The Revel” [Editor’s note: Google translated from Italian on 8/2015.]
The Anti-Jewish Laws of Fascist Italy, CDEC, Foundation Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation, Accessed online 8/26/2015 ADD PAGE # AND RESEARCHER/DATE