Sept. 23, 1940

Law – 23 September 1940-XVIII, n. 1459 Additions to the Law of 13 July, 1939, n. 1055, containing provisions on testamentary as well as on the regulation of surnames, against persons belonging to the Jewish race [Italy]: ” … Articles 3 and 4 of the Law of 13 July, 1939, n. 1055, containing provisions on testamentary, as well as on the regulation of surnames, against persons belonging to the Jewish race, are replaced by the following:  Art. 3 – ‘Italian citizens, born jew father and mother does not belong to the Jewish race, that ‘Under Article. 8, last paragraph, of the Royal Decree-Law of 17 November 1938-XVII, n. 1728, converted the Law of 5 January, 1939, n. 274, are not considered Jewish race, they can get to replace, their surname, that original mother, except what is art. 158, last paragraph of the decree R. July 9, 1939-XVII, no. 1238, on the organization of civil status. In the event that the original surname of the mother falls within the hypothesis set out in the said Article. 158, last paragraph of the Royal Decree of July 9, 1939-XVII, no. 1238, interested parties can get to change their surname with nothing between these hypotheses.’ … Victor Emmanuel Mussolini – Large – The Revel” [Editor’s note: Google translated from Italian on 8/2015.]
The Anti-Jewish Laws of Fascist Italy,” CDEC, Foundation Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation, Accessed online 8/26/2015 ADD PAGE # AND RESEARCHER/DATE