Jan. 23, 1941

“Law for the Protection of the Nation” issued by Bulgarian Government [Bulgaria]: “Law to Protect the Nation – Decree 3 We Boris III …meeting held on 24 dekemvriy 1940, voted and adopted. …Art. 18. Incumbent of this Act persons of Khazar origin that have the differently names in certain documents satisfying the name on the birth certificate are required within three months to submit a copy of the birth certificate in which to correct the name in the papers and documents referred to in the preceding article. For those born before 1893 must be submitted birth certificate by the Jewish community. Bulgaria-born persons of Khazar origin received Bulgarian citizenship by naturalization must provide a birth certificate in the municipality. …Art. 23. After the entry of this Act into force, any person of Jewish origin can not be established a new residence without the permission of the Police Directorate. …Chapter IV. For property to persons from the Khazar origin …Art. 26. …within one month the entry of this Act into force, all persons of Jewish origin who have property in the kingdom, are required to declare assets …Art. 27. …Within 6 months of the entry of this Act into force such rights of persons of Jewish origin should be liquidated or transferred to persons of Bulgarian origin and Bulgarian nationals or companies with Bulgarian capital. …Art. 47. Persons who directly or indirectly evade or help to conceal or transfer to foreign nationals, foreigners or companies with predominantly foreign capital property belonging to persons of Jewish origin or subject to recall this law to meet civil case of public assistance , jointly and severally, the amount of the highest value, which they had to hide or expropriated property after tax or alienation. …Report to His Majesty the King.” [Editor’s note: Google translated on 12/2013.]
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