Mar. 18, 1941

“Decree law No. 711” issued by Ion Antonescu [Romania]: “Decrees-Laws Ministry Of Training, Education, Religious Denominations And Arts General Ion Antonescu, Leader of the Romanian State and President of the Council of Ministers, …Decree-Law on the amendment of Article 44 of the Law on the general regime of  religious denominations …Sole Article – The following paragraph will be added in the end of Article 44 of the Law on the general regime of religious denominations of April 22, 1928: ‘The provisions of this article will not apply to members of the Judaic religion.’ … No. 711. …Pursuant to the provisions of the Decrees-Laws no. 3.052 of September 5, 1940 and 3.072 of September 7, 1940, we hereby have the honor to submit to your approval and signature the attached Decree-Law amending Article 44 of the Law on the general regime of religious denominations of April 22, 1928. …In order to prevent these infiltrations into our national community, it is necessary to amend the wording of Article 44 of the Law on the general regime of religious denominations, in the sense that Jews of Judaic faith cannot switch to any other religious denomination. …Minister of Training, Education, Religious Denominations and Arts. General Radu Rosetti …No. 13.568.”
“Monitorul Oficial,” Kingdom Of Romania Official Gazette, Mar. 21, 1941 Courtesy Special Collections Department, The National Library of Romania, 6/23/2014 ADD PAGE # AND RESEARCHER/DATE