Apr. 26, 1941

Third Order concerning Measures against the Jews issued by the Chief of Military Administration [Germany / Occupied France]: “Article 1 – A Jew is anyone who descends from at least three grandparents of pure Jewish race. A grandparent is of pure Jewish race when he or she belonged to the Jewish religious community. […] Article 3 I. – Jews and Jewish businesses, for which a provisional administrator is not appointed, are prohibited to work in the subsequent industries with effect from 20 May 1941: a) wholesale and retail, b) catering and hotel, c) insurance […]. II. After 20 May 1941 no Jews are allowed to work as senior staff or as employees who have contact with customers […].”
Les juifs sous l’occupation / recueil de textes officiels français et allemands 1940-1944, ed. by the association F.F.D.J.F, 1982, page 42f. Translated by Franziska Wagener ADD DATE