May 21, 1941

Order concerning the Operation of Cabarets and Vaudeville Houses [Serbia]: “By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Commander In Chief of the Army, I order as follows: Section 1. Cabarets, vaudeville houses, and similar places of entertainment shall not be operated unless permission of the Military Commander in Serbia shall have been obtained…Jews and gypsies or persons married to Jews or gypsies shall not be admitted to the operation of enterprises mentioned in Section 1…The applications shall contain the following data: i. First and family name, date and place of birth, and residence of the applicant. 2. A written affirmation by the applicant that neither he nor his wife is a Jew or gypsy. 3. Place of business. 4…5.The name of the person owning or in possession of the enterprise; in the case of a lease, the name of the lessor and the amount of the stipulated rentals. 6. The kind and amount of the capital invested in the enterprise, separated according to owned and borrowed capital, as well as data concerning the participation of Jewish capital. 7. First and family names, dates, and places of birth, racial origins, and residences of agents. 8. Written affirmation of the applicant that neither the agents nor their wives are Jews or gypsies…Works of Jewish authors and composers shall not be presented. The appearance of any master of ceremonies shall not be permitted…Jews and gypsies and persons married to Jews or gypsies may not be employed or occupied in cabarets or vaudeville houses. Belgrade, May 21, 1941. The Military Commander in Serbia.”
Lemkin, Raphael: “Axis Rule in Occupied Europe: Laws of Occupation, Analysis of Government, Proposals for Redress.” pp. 593-594 ADD RESEARCHER/DATE