Jun. 2, 1941

“Law of June 2, 1941 replacing the Act of October 3, 1940 concerning the status of Jews” issued by  Chief of State of Vichy France Philippe Petain [Vichy France]: “We, Marshal of France, French head of state, The Cabinet heard, Decree: Article 1. – Is regarded as a Jew: 1 The person, or not belonging to any denomination, which is derived from at least three grandparents of Jewish race, or two only if the spouse is himself a product of two [great] grandparents of Jewish race. Is regarded as being of Jewish grandparent belonged to the Jewish religion; 2 Whoever belongs to the Jewish religion, or belonged to June 25, 1940, and which is derived from two grandparents of Jewish race. …Art. 2. – Access to and exercise of public functions and tasks outlined below are prohibited to the Jews: 1. Head of State, members of the Government, …and all assemblies from the election officials. 2. Ambassadors of France, general secretaries of departments, …officials of all ranks attached to all police departments. 3. General residents, governors general, …4. Members of teaching staff. 5. Officers and NCOs of the army, navy and air force members …6. Directors, general secretaries in companies receiving concessions or grants from a public authority, incumbents in the appointment of Government Business in the public interest. Art. 3. – The Jews can not work in government or enterprises benefiting from concessions or grants from a public authority, …Art. 4. – The Jews can not exercise a profession, a commercial, industrial or craft, or a free profession, hold a charge of public or ministerial officer, or be invested with functions of judicial officers, …Art. 5. – Jews are prohibited to the following professions: banker, …Publicist, real estate agent …; Trader of businesses, …operator of forests; Dealer games, …editor, even under local correspondent, newspaper or periodical publications, excluding publications of a strictly scientific or confessional; …business manager for the purpose of manufacturing, printing, distribution or exhibition of motion pictures, director, …Entrepreneur shows; operator, manager, director, manager of all business relating to broadcasting. …Art. 11. – This Act shall apply to Algeria, to the colonies, protectorates, Syria and Lebanon. …Art. 13. – This Decree shall be published in the Official Journal and enforced as State law. Done at Vichy, June 2, 1941. Ph. PETAIN…” [Editor’s note: Original webpage is in French, Google translation was used on 5/31/2012 to change text to English.]
“LOI du 2 juin 1941 remplacant la loi du 3 octobre 1940 portant statut des juifs.” No author, Accessed online 5/31/2012 ADD PAGE # AND RESEARCHER/DATE