ca. Aug. 1941

[Possible/Probable] “Ordinance No.1” issued by General Hugo Schwab [Transnistria] [Provisional]: “The Jews will live in ghettos, colonies, and labor camps. All Jews at present in Transnistria who do not report to the authorities within ten days from the posting of this present order for the purpose of the fixing of their place of residence, will be executed. The Jews are forbidden to leave the ghettos, labor camps and convoys without the approval of the authorities. Those who do not respect this order will be punished by death…Every Jew brought to Transnistria who tries to cross, or has crossed, into Romania without the approval of the authorities will be executed. Anyone who gives shelter to the Jews . . . will be sent to prison for a period of between three to twelve years and fined between 100 and 200 marks.”
“Ghettos 1939-1945 New Research and Perspectives on Definition, Daily Life, and Survival.” No author. Online paper, Accessed on 10/10/2012