Nov. 25, 1941

11th Ordinance of 25 November 1941 issued by Minister of Interior Wilhelm Frick [Germany]: “1941 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, P. 722 – …1. A Jew, having his regular residence abroad, cannot be a German national. …2. A Jew loses German nationality: a. If at the date this amendment becomes effective, he has his regular residence abroad. b. If he takes up his regular residence abroad later on, …3. The property of the Jew who is losing his nationality under this amendment shall be forfeited for the benefit of the Reich …10. Claims for pensions of Jews who lose German nationality under paragraph 2 cease with the end of the month during which the loss of nationality occurs. … 12. This amendment is valid also for the protectorate Bohemia and Moravia and the incorporated Eastern territories. 25 November 1941 Reich Minister of the Interior Frick, Party Chancellory Bormann * For the Reich Minister of Justice Schlegelberger”
“Harvard Law School Library – Nuremberg Trials Project – A Digital Document Collection.” Harvard Law School Library Item No. 220. Page 53, Accessed online 3/28/2014 ADD RESEARCHER