Dec. 10, 1941

“Order of December 10, 1941” issued by Vichy Regime [Vichy France]: “Procedures for periodic testing of the Jews. The French and foreign Jews will be subject to regular review. They will be notified through the press or individual convocations. The Jews in the department of the Seine must prove their identity after an issue of ‘November 1940 and bearing very conspicuously the stamp Jew or Jewish.’ The Jews from province shall, within 24 hours of their arrival in the Seine, to appear in person at the police headquarters equipped with their identification. The Jews changing their home within 24 hours will make a declaration to the police station the place of departure and place of arrival. The Jews and Gentiles that will host the Jews, gracefully or not, must be declared within 24 hours of the arrival of the Jew. The property of Jews will [not] be transported out of the department of Seine. Births, Marriages, arrived at the age of 15, etc.., or any changes in family status will be reported to the prefecture. In case of death, the identity card deceased shall be returned to the police station. The Jews who do not comply with these requirements to be displayed may be interned.” [Editor’s note: Original webpage is in French, Google translation was used on 7/26/2012 to change text to English.]
“Lois pour le contrôle des juifs (zone occupée puis France entière). [Laws for the control of the Jews (the occupied zone and all France)].” No author. May 12, 2007, Accessed online 7/13/2011