Apr. 19, 1942

Law – 19 April 1942-XX, n. 517 Exclusion of Jewish elements from the field of entertainment [Italy]: ” … Art. 2 Are prohibited representation, the execution, the public showing and recording of phonograph records of any work to which contribute or have contributed authors or performers Italians, foreigners or stateless persons belonging to the Jewish race and the performance of which was still part elements of Race Jewish. They are also prohibited the sale of phonograph records and importing disk arrays provided in the preceding paragraph and the subsequent reproduction of matrixes. Art. 3 It may not use in any way for the production of the films, actors, screenplays, literary, dramatic, musical, scientific and artistic, and any other contribution, of which the authors are persons belonging to the Jewish race, and to use and still use in that production, operation or dubbing or post-synchronization, artistic personnel, technical, administrative and executive belonging to the Jewish race. … Victor Emmanuel Mussolini – Pavolini – Large” [Editor’s note: Google translated on 8/2015.]
The Anti-Jewish Laws of Fascist Italy,” CDEC, Foundation Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation,  Accessed online 8/26/2015 ADD PAGE # AND RESEARCHER