Jul. 12, 1942

Order issued by Philippe Hennequin during Jewish roundup [France]: “1. The guards and inspectors, after verifying the identity of the Jews to stop their task, not to discuss the various observations that can be made…by them… 2. They did not discuss either the state of health. Every Jew should be conducted to arrest the primary center.  3. The officers arrested when ensure all occupants of the housing is to bring that gas meters, electricity and water are closed. Animals are entrusted to the concierge… 7…The operations must be done with the maximum of speed, without unnecessary words and without any comment…Paris, July 12, 1942 The Director of the Municipal Police Signed Hennequin.” [Editor’s note: Original webpage is in French, Google translation was used on 8/23/2011 to change text to English.]
“La participation de la police francaise aux arrestations de Juifs [Participation of the French police arrests of Jews.]” No author, Accessed online 8/23/2011 ADD RESEARCHER