Nov. 2, 1942

Decree about the loss of citizenship and the confiscation of properties of Jews in the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia [Germany / Present-day Czech Republic]: “1942, Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 637 – Decree of 2 November 1942 Concerning Loss of Citizenship of the Protectorate: Section 1 – A Jew who has his domicile abroad cannot be a citizen of the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia. Domicile abroad is established if a Jew was abroad under circumstances which indicated that his tenure there is not of a temporary nature. … Section 3 – 1. The property of a Jew who loses the citizenship of the Protectorate pursuant to the provisions of this decree, is confiscated by the Reich … 2. The confiscated property is to be used for all purposes connected with the solution of the Jewish problem. Berlin… the Reich Minister of the Interior … The Reich Minister of Finance”
“Harvard Law School Library – Nuremberg Trials Project – A Digital Document Collection.” Harvard Law School Library Item NG-715. Page 1. Accessed on 1/23/2015 ADD RESEARCHER