Feb. 9, 1939

Royal Decree-Law – Feb. 9, 1939-XVII, no. 126 Implementing rules and integration of the provisions of art. R. 10 of the decree-law on Nov. 17, 1938-XVII, no. 1728, on the limits of real estate and industrial and commercial activities for Italian citizens of Jewish race [Italy]: ” … Art. 1 The limitations of the real property, established by art. 10, d) and e) of R. decree-law on Nov. 17, 1938-XVII, no. 1728 are determined by accumulating separately the land and buildings of urban sites in the territory of the Kingdom and making up the real estate assets of Italian citizens of Jewish race to the date of entry into force of this decree. … Art. 4 The part of the real estate in excess of the permitted limits for Italian citizens of Jewish race, to be transferred indicated in the Entity. 11 in accordance with the provisions of this decree. … Victor Emmanuel Mussolini – The Revel … Acts of the Government, the register 406, sheet 32. – Mancini.” [Editor’s note: Google translated from Italian on 8/2015.]
The Anti-Jewish Laws of Fascist Italy, CDEC, Foundation Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation, Accessed online 8/26/2015