May 26, 1747

Ordinance, passed by the City Council of Helmstedt [Present-day Germany]: “For the duration of all annual markets and fairs, Jews shall not be allowed to enter the city; should they wish to travel through the city during such time, as opposed to going around, they shall be escorted by the gate-keepers from one city gate to the other. Any Jews who dare to circumvent this prohibition shall not only have their wares confiscated, but shall also be subjected to firm punishment.”
“Wir Fürstlicher Braunschweig-Lüneburgische Gerichts-Schuldheiß, und Bürgermeistere und Rath der Stadt Helmstädt, fügen hiemit zu wissen… [We, the Royal Court Clerk of Brunswick-Luneburg, and the Mayor and Council of the City of Helmstädt, herewith make known…],” 5/26/1747; Decrees Collection; AR 379; Box 1; Folder 60; Leo Baeck Institute. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 12/9/2019