Apr. 27, 1802

“Order against the trading of Jews on Sundays and Christian Holy-days” issued by the City-Chancellery of City of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “[…] Jews are prohibited to trade on Sundays and Christian holy-days or to carry their merchandise openly on streets on those days or be fined one hundred Reichsthaler […] and all Jewish builders (‘Judenbaumeister’)* are to be informed to be vigilant [to such matters] and to report them to the major (‘Burgermeister’) […]” [Researcher’s note: It appears that they refer to “Jewish heads of community.”]
Sammlung der Verordnungen der Reichsstadt Frankfurt von Joh. Conr. Beyerbach. Elfter Theil. (Collection of ordinance of the Imperial City of Frankfurt by Joh. Conr. Beyerbach. Eleventh part.); (Frankfurt am Main; 1818); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 1/10/2020