1. Full Date of Act | Feb. 19, 1190 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Charter of Emperor Henry IV |
3. Geography of Act | Present-day Italy; Roman Empire |
4. Text of Act | […] 9) However, it is not permissible for them (Jews) to buy a Christian slave. |
5. Source | The Jews in Christian Europe: A Source Book, 315–1791, |
6. Researcher | Ziba Shadjaani |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
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1. Full Date of Act | Mar. 22, 1190 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | A Charter by which many liberties are granted and confirmed to the Jews. Granted by Richard I, King of England |
3. Geography of Act | England |
4. Text of Act | III.—And if any of the aforesaid Jews shall die let not his body be kept above ground, but let his heir have his money and his debts so that he be not disturbed if he has an heir who can answer for him and do right about his debts and his forfeits, and let the aforesaid Jews receive and buy at any time whatever is brought them except things of the church and bloodstained garments. |
5. Source | The Jews of Angevin England: Documents and Records from Latin and Hebrew Sources, Printed and Manuscripts. Jacobs, Joseph. London: D. Nutt, 1893 (p. 135). Accessed online |
6. Researcher | Dominik Jacobs |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1194 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Ordinance of the Jews” issued by Richard I |
3. Geography of Act | England [Provisional] |
4. Text of Act | All the debts, pledges, mortgages, lands, houses, rents and possessions of the Jews shall be registered. The Jew who shall conceal any of these shall forfeit to the King his body and the thing concealed, and likewise all his possessions and chattels, neither shall it be lawful to the.Tew (sic) to recover th-e.thing (sic) concealed. Likewise six or seven places (1) [Editor includes ‘(1) Probably London, Lincoln, Norwich, Winchester, Canterbury, Oxford, Cambridge, Nottingham, Hereford, or Bristol.] shall be provided in which they shall make all their contracts, and there shall be appointed two lawyers that are Christians and two lawyers that are Jews, and two legal registrars, and before them and the clerks of William of the Church of St. Mary's and William of Chimilli, shall their contracts be made. And charters shall be made of their contracts by way of indenture. And one part of the indenture shall remain with the Jew, sealed with the seal of him, to whom the money is lent, and the other part shall remain in the common chest…And from henceforth no contract shall be made with, nor payment, made to, the Jews, nor any alteration made in the charters, except before the said persons or the greater part of them, if all of them cannot be present…Moreover every Jew shall swear on his Roll, that all his debts and pledges and rents, and all his goods and his possessions, he shall cause to be enrolled, and that he shall conceal nothing as is aforesaid… |
5. Source | “Medieval Sourcebook: English Jewry is Organized: The Ordinance of the Jews, 1194.” Paul Halsall. January 1999, Accessed online 8/4/2011 |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1194 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Northampton Donum |
3. Geography of Act | England |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) "Representatives of the Jews of England were summoned to meet... to agree what each community should pay towards the amount assessed as the Jews' share of the ransom demanded for the release of King Richard I." Langham, Raphael: The Jews in Britain: A chronology, p. 16 |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Apr. 3, 1195 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Official Document” of Holy Roman Emperor Henry (Heinrich) VI |
3. Geography of Act | Present-day Italy |
4. Text of Act | Henry gifts Abby Innocence of Santa Maria of Nardo and his heirs/successors the Jewry of the City of Nardo with all of the accompanying rights, services, and liens/taxes and confirms all previously given privileges and gifts of Christians princes and lords, especially those given by Duke Robert (Guiscard), Earl Gottfried and Alexander (von Conversano), the princes Boemund von Antiochia as well as King Roger (II.) and Wilhelm (II.). |
5. Source | Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Heinrich VI. 94/220; BB 416. (Monuments of Germanic History. Henry VI. 94/220; BB 416); |
6. Researcher & Translator | Ziba Shadjaani |
7. Year of Research & Translation |
8. Notes |
1. Full Date of Act | 1198 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Laws of the Church about the Jews, issued by the Catholic Church, ca. 1198 AD |
3. Geography of Act | Holy Roman Empire [Provisional] |
4. Text of Act | “C. I.—If a slave, bought by a Jew, becomes or desires to become a Christian, for trading purposes, he is redeemed for 12 pence. C. II.—A Jew cannot have a Christian for a slave but he can for a churl. C. III.—Jews may keep their old synagogues, may not erect new ones. C. IV.—On Good Friday Jews may not keep their doors or windows open. C. V.— Christians ought to be excommunicated who serve Jews in their houses. And secular princes ought to be excommunicated who spoil baptized Jews of their goods. C. VII.—Jews may restore their synagogues to their former state, but may not build them up afresh. C. VIII.—Christians ought not to be in the family service of Jews. C. IX.—Jews are not to be baptized against their will nor forced to it, nor to be condemned without judgment, nor to be spoiled of their goods nor disturbed at their festivals, nor are their cemeteries to be molested or their bodies to be exhumed. C.XIII.—Jews ought not to have Christian nurses or servants, those doing contrary are to be interdicted from commerce with Christians. C. XIV.—A Jew who strikes a priest is punished by the temporal power, and, if he cannot be, he is interdicted from commerce with Christian men till he has given satisfaction for the injury.” |
5. Source | Catholic Church. Corpus iuris canonici. (cc. 771-8). Graz : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1959.Electronic reproduction. Vol 1-2. New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Libraries, 2007. Columbia University Libraries Electronic Books. 2006. Accessed online |
6. Researcher | Dominik Jacobs |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1198 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Forced Conversion of Jews” ordered by Caliph al-Malik |
3. Geography of Act | Yemen |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from Other Sources: 1) Saladdin’s nephew al-Malik, Caliph of Yemen, summons all the Jews and forcibly converts them. Avraham, Yerachmiel Ben: All in the Name of Jesus: The Murder of Millions (2016) |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Aug. 15, 1198 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | "Papal bull by Innocent III" (Post miserabile) 1198 |
3. Geography of Act | Present-day Italy |
4. Text of Act | We warn the Jews to return the loans at this time, and gatherings are entirely denied until they return those loans of all faithful Christians under the pretense of excommunication. |
5. Source | Magnum bullarium romanum, v.1, paragraph 11. |
6. Researcher & Translator | Joan Paez |
7. Year of Research & Translation |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Sep. 11, 1198 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Papal Decree” issued by Innocent III to all Christians Princes |
3. Geography of Act | Holy Roman Empire |
4. Text of Act | We command that Jews be compelled to remit usury to Christians by you, sons of princes and secular powers. And [un]til they remit it (them) we command that all communication in any way be denied [to] them [Jews] by all faithful Christians, both in commerce and in other things on sentence of excommunication. |
5. Source | Jacobs, Joseph: The Jews of Angevin England: Documents and Records from Latin and Hebrew Sources; (Boston; 1897) |
6. Researcher | Ziba Shadjaani |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Sep. 15, 1199 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Constitution Pro Judaeis” (“Constitution for Jews”) issued by Pope Innocent III |
3. Geography of Act | Holy Roman Empire |
4. Text of Act | Although the Jewish perfidy is in every way worthy of condemnation, […] Thou shalt not destroy the Jews completely so that the Christians should never by any chance be able to forget Thy Law, which, though they [Jews] themselves fail to understand it, they display in their book to those who understand. […] Yet, Jews must live in perpetual servitude because they crucified the Lord although their prophets had predicted that He would come in the flesh to redeem Israel. |
5. Source | Teter, Magda: Jews and Heretics in Catholic Poland: A Beleaguered Church in the Post-Reformation Era (Cambridge; 2006) |
6. Researcher | Ziba Shadjaani |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Dec. 31, 1199 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Papal bull, issued by Pope Innocent III to the Archbishopric of Magdeburg |
3. Geography of Act | Present-day Germany |
4. Text of Act | The Jews who are charging interest to these [crusaders], shall be compelled by the secular powers to waive that interest, and until they have rescinded it, they shall be cut off from all intercourse with the Christian faithful, under threat of excommunication [of the Christians]. |
5. Source | Aronius, J. Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden im Fränkischen und Deutschen Reiche bis zum Jahre 1273 [Regests of the History of the Jews in the Frankish and German Empires until the Year 1273]. Simion: Berlin, 1902. Page 155. |
6. Researcher | Dominik Jacobs |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1201 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Papal bull issued by Pope Innocent III |
3. Geography of Act | Present-day Italy [Provisional] |
4. Text of Act | Papal Bull on Forced Baptisms (1201)…Assuredly, it is contrary to the Christian faith that one who is unwilling and totally opposed to [being baptized] be constrained to adopt and observe Christianity. For this reason, some make a distinction, which is valid, between those who are unwilling and those who are constrained. It is thus that he who is led to Christianity by violence, by fear, and by torture, and who receives the sacrament of baptism to avoid harm (even as he who comes falsely to baptism), receives indeed the stamp of Christianity and can be obliged to observe the Christian faith, even as he who expresses a conditional will, although in absolute terms he is unwilling. It is in this fashion that the decree of the Council of Toledo must be understood, which stated that those who previously had been forced to become Christians, as was done in the time of the most pious Prince Sisebut, and their association with the divine sacraments having been established, by the grace of the baptism received, they themselves having been anointed by the holy oil and having participated in the body of the Lord, must be duly constrained to abide by the faith they had accepted by force. However, he who has never consented, but has altogether opposed it, has received neither the stamp nor the purpose, for it is better to object expressly than to manifest the slightest consent… |
5. Source | “POPE INNOCENT III, On the Jews and Forced Baptisms (1199, 1201, 1209).” Alexis P. Rubin, Accessed online 10/3/2011 |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Apr. 10, 1201 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Charter of Liberties to the Jews, issued by King John of England |
3. Geography of Act | England |
4. Text of Act | John by the grace of God, etc. ... And it shall be lawful for Jews without hindrance to receive and buy all things which shall be brought to them, except those which are of the Church and except cloth stained with blood. And if a Jew be appealed by any man without witness, he shall be quit of that appeal by his bare oath upon his Book. And in like manner he shall be quit of an appeal touching those things which pertain to our crown, by his bare oath upon his Roll. And if there shall be dispute between Christian and Jew touching the loan of any money, the Jew shall prove his principal and the Christian the interest. And it shall be lawful for the Jew peaceably to sell his pawn after it shall be certain that he has held it for a whole year and a day. And Jews shall not enter into a plea save before us or before those who guard our castles, in whose bailiwicks Jews dwell. ... Witnesses ; Geoffrey Fitz Peter, Earl of Essex ; William Marshal, Earl of Pembroke ; Henry de Bohun, Earl of Hereford ; Robert de Turnham ; William Briwere ; etc. Dated by the hand of Simon, Archdeacon of Wells, at Marlborough, on the 10th day of April in the second year of our reign. |
5. Source | English Economic History: Select Documents. Edited by Alfred Edward Bland, Richard Henry Tawney. Macmillan: New York, 1919. p. 44, Accessed online. |
6. Researcher | Dominik Jacobs |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1204 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Decree of King John |
3. Geography of Act | Present-day England [Provisional] |
4. Text of Act | "Thou [Jews] shalt not lend at interest to thy [Jewish] brothers." |
5. Source | Revue des Etudes Juives, t. iv., 7-8 |
6. Researcher & Translator | Joan Paez |
7. Year of Research & Translation |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Jan. 15, 1204 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Papal Bull “Etsi Non Displiceat” issued by Pope Innocent III |
3. Geography of Act | Present-day Italy |
4. Text of Act | Moreover, although it has been declared by the Lateran Council that Jews should not be allowed to have Christian slaves in their houses, either under pretext of nursing their children, or as servants, or for any other reason whatsoever, but that those who presume to live with them should be excommunicated, yet they do not hesitate to have Christian servants and nurses, upon whom they sometimes practice abominations such as it rather becomes you to punish than us to point out. |
5. Source | “Pope Innocent III: The Keeping of Slaves by the Jews, 1204.” Paul Halsall. October 1998, Accessed online. |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Apr. 15, 1204 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Decree of King John, No Amnesty for Jews under John |
3. Geography of Act | Present-day England |
4. Text of Act | We have freed and acquitted...all the prisoners and incarcerated...except our Jewish prisoners. |
5. Source | Rymer. Foedera, i. 90. |
6. Researcher & Translator | Joan Paez |
7. Year of Research & Translation |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1205 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Papal bull by Pope Innocent III addressed to King of France |
3. Geography of Act | Present-day France |
4. Text of Act | "We advise and urge in the name of the Lord...that you strive to destroy Jewish abuses of the kingdom of the Franks...rise up to eliminate these heretics..." |
5. Source | S. Grayzel, The Church and the Jews in the XIIIth Century, New York, 1966, 104-8 |
6. Researcher & Translator | Joan Paez |
7. Year of Research & Translation |
8. Notes |
1. Full Date of Act | Jan. 16, 1205 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Papal Bull” issued by Pope Innocent III and addressed to King Philip of France |
3. Geography of Act | Papal States |
4. Text of Act | What is even worse, blaspheming against God’s name, they publicly insult Christians by saying that Christians believe in a peasant who had been hung by the Jewish people. Indeed, who do not doubt that He was hung for us, since he carried our sins in His body on the Cross […]. Also, on Good Friday the Jews, contrary to old customs, publicly run to and fro over the towns and streets and everywhere laugh at Christians because they adore the Crucified One on the Cross and, though their improprieties, attempt to dissuade them from their worship. The doors of the Jews are open to thieves half the night and if any stolen goods be found with them, none can obtain justice from them. The Jews likewise abuse the royal patience, and when they remain living among the Christians, they take advantage of every wicked opportunity to kill in secret their Christians hosts. Thus, it has recently been reported that a certain poor scholar has been found murdered in their latrine. Wherefore, lest through them the name of God be blasphemed and Christian liberty become less than Jewish servitude, we warn, and in the name of God exhort Your Serene Majesty - and we join thereto a remission of sins - that you restrain the Jews from their presumptions in these and similar matters and that you try to remove from the French kingdom abuses of this sort for you seem to have the proper zeal of God and knowledge of Him. Moreover, since secular laws should be directed with greater severity against those who profane the name of God, you should so turn against these blasphemers that the punishment of some should be a source of fear to all and that ease of obtaining forgiveness serve as an incentive to evil dowers. You should bestir yourself, moreover, to remove heretics from the French kingdom, nor should your Royal Highness permit wolves in your realm, but rather by persecuting them your Highness should display the same zeal with which he follows the Christian faith. |
5. Source | Church, State, and Jews in the Middle Ages. Edited with instructions and notes by Robert Chazan. (New York; 1953) |
6. Researcher & Translator | Ziba Shadjaani |
7. Year of Research & Translation |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Feb. 1205 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Papal Bull” issued by Pope Innocent III and addressed to King Philip (Philippe Auguste) II of France |
3. Geography of Act | Papal States [Provisional] |
4. Text of Act | “The Pope accuses the Jews living in France of extortion, usury, usurping church property, and the property of Christians (‘non solum usuras, sed usuras usurarum extorquent, ecclesiarum bona et possessiones Christionorum usurpent’). The Pope reaffirms the prohibition of Christian nannies to serving in Jewish homes and the preference of the testimony of Christians outlined by the Third Lateran Council and regrets that they are not observed. The Pope lambasts the fact that Jews erect higher synagogues than nearby churches where the celebration of the Christian liturgy is prevented by the great clamor with which the Jews celebrate his services. Innocent III claims that the Jews publicly insult the Christians with ridiculous words in relation to Jesus Christ and that the houses of the Jews are open until midnight to thieves and their booty. Furthermore, he claims that Jews abuse the patience of the king and kill Christians furtively. And so that in order that the name of the Lord is not soiled and the freedom of Christians is not worse than the slavery of the Jews, Innocent III finally exhorts Philip Augustus to abolish such abuses in the Kingdom of France and to punish blasphemers. Finally, the pope justifies the persecution of wolves who have accepted the appearance of sheep to thus demonstrate the fervor with which one professes the Christian faith (‘in eorum demonstret persecutione fervorem quo fidem prosequitur Christianam’)." |
5. Source | Documenta Catholica Omnia; Innocentii III Romani Pontificius; Regestorum Sive Epistolarum Liber Sextus. (Complete Catholic [Church] Documents; The Roman Pontif Innocent III, Legal Documents/Laws or Letters; Box Six); www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu; Accessed online |
6. Researcher & Translator | Ziba Shadjaani |
7. Year of Research & Translation |
8. Notes |
1. Full Date of Act | Nov. 9, 1205 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Clipping money |
3. Geography of Act | Present-day England |
4. Text of Act | If clipped money be found in the hand of a Jew or Jewess the money shall be taken and perforated and placed in a certain safe box for our needs, and the body of the Jew or Jewess that has such money shall be taken and their goods taken and retained without bail till we order otherwise. |
5. Source | Rot. Lit. Pat. ed. Hardy, i. 47b |
6. Researcher & Translator | Joan Paez |
7. Year of Research & Translation |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Jan. 26, 1206 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Decree of King John, Assize of Money, Winchester |
3. Geography of Act | Present-day England |
4. Text of Act | If a Jew clips money, and if any...Jewish clipper be found, let all their chattels be taken and their bodies placed in our prison, and they shall be at our will to do justice on them. |
5. Source | Rot. Lit. Pat. ed. Hardy, i. 54b |
6. Researcher & Translator | Joan Paez |
7. Year of Research & Translation |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1207 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Papal Bull” issued by Innocent III |
3. Geography of Act | Spain |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) Required Jews of Spain to pay tithes on possessions obtained from Christians. A Descriptive Record of the History, Religion, Literature, and Customs of the Jewish People from the Earliest Times to the Present Day; The Jewish Encyclopedia |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Jan. 17, 1208 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Papal Bull” (‘Ut esset Cain’) issued by Pope Innocent III and addressed to the Count Hervé de Donzy of Nevers IV |
3. Geography of Act | Papal States |
4. Text of Act | The Lord made Cain a wanderer and a fugitive over the earth, but set a mark upon him, making his head to shake, lest any finding him should slay him. Thus the Jews, against whom the blood of Jesus Christ calls out, although they ought not be killed, lest the Christians people forget the Divine Law, yet as wanderers ought they to remain upon the earth, until their countenance be filled with shame and they seek the name of Jesus Christ, the Lord. That is why blasphemers of the Christian name ought not to be aided by Christian princes to oppress the servants of the Lord, but ought rather be forced into the servitude of which they made themselves deserving when they raised sacrilegious hands against Him Who had come to confer true liberty upon them, thus calling down His blood upon themselves and up on their children. |
5. Source | Rist, Rebecca: Popes and Jews; 1095-1291 (Oxford; 2016) |
6. Researcher & Translator | Ziba Shadjaani |
7. Year of Research & Translation |
8. Notes |
1. Full Date of Act | 1209 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Social Restrictions Against Jews,” 1209 |
3. Geography of Act | Present-day France |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from Other Sources: 1) Raymond VI, Count of Toulouse, is humiliated and forced to swear that he would implement social restrictions against Jews. Avraham, Yerachmiel Ben: All in the Name of Jesus: The Murder of Millions (2016) |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Jun. 13, 1209 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Customs Roll of St. Simeon’s Collegiate Church for the City of Koblenz |
3. Geography of Act | Present-day Germany |
4. Text of Act | A Jewess who is carrying a child shall pay a duty for it. |
5. Source | Aronius, J. Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden im Fränkischen und Deutschen Reiche bis zum Jahre 1273 [Regests of the History of the Jews in the Frankish and German Empires until the Year 1273]. Simion: Berlin, 1902. Page 167. |
6. Researcher | Dominik Jacobs |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |