1. Full Date of Act
Aug. 13, 1844
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Decree, issued by the Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Württemberg
3. Geography of Act
Present-day Germany
4. Text of Act

After the Ministry of Justice had been informed of several real estate sales by Israelites that were court-approved, even though the legal requirements detailed in the law of April 25, 1828, had not been met, the Ministry ordered, by decree of August 7, that the municipal offices be informed of their right and responsibility to disapprove such sales. Likewise, the county government offices, as well, are hereby ordered to instruct their police departments to notify the appropriate court authorities of any presumably unlawful real estate sale by Israelites, so that the court may intervene against the contravention in a timely manner, by refusing to approve the sale.

5. Source
Mayer, F.F. (ed.). Sammlung der württembergischen Gesetze in Betreff der Israeliten (Collection of Württembergian Laws Regarding the Israelites). Fues: Tübingen, 1847. p. 198.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Nov. 13, 1844
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Order 910 of the Ministry of National Education on the Main Principles of Jewish Education
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

1.The purpose of Jewish education is to gradually integrate them with the Christian population and to eradicate superstition and harmful prejudices instilled by the teachings of the Talmud. … 3. … After the establishment of a sufficient number of state Jewish schools, the Ministry will close the current Jewish educational institutions, and bring private schools and home education under the authority of a new decree.

5. Source
Electronic Library of Historical Documents, “1844. November 13. On the Main Foundations of Education of Jews,” docs.historyrussia.org, accessed September 18, 2024.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Dec. 19, 1844
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Article 4 of the Law on the Elimination of Jewish Kahals
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

No special Jewish administration should exist, and therefore all kahals and their sub-kahals are abolished and their affairs are immediately transferred to the city councils and town halls according to their jurisdiction.

5. Source
M. I. Mysh, “Руководство к русским законам о евреях [A Guide to Russian Laws on Jews],” St Petersburg, 1914, p. 63, available from books.google.com.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, a kahal is “the local governing body of a former European Jewish community administering religious, legal, and communal affairs.”
The text of this Act is available in Russian in the source above. It was translated into English using Google translate.
1. Full Date of Act
Dec. 19, 1844
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Law Establishing the Box Tax
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

No Jew is exempt from the box tax in the governorates in which the Jews permanently reside, irrespective of whether a Jew residing in such governorate is a local or a temporary resident.

5. Source
“Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire,” T 19, Branch 1-E. 1844. From No. 17472-18577, p. 876-877, available from prlib.ru.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
The box tax was a tax levied on the Jewish population for each animal slaughtered and for each pound of meat sold. The text of this Act is available in Russian in the source above.
It was translated into English by Kateryna Mukhina.
1. Full Date of Act
Jan. 3, 1845
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Ukase of Tsar Nicholas I forbidding Jewish soldiers and their families from living within the walls of fortresses in the Russian Empire.
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

[Generals are] in no case to allow Jewish families to stay inside fortresses.

5. Source
André Swanström, “Nicholas I and the Jewish Cantonist Soldiers in Finland: A Chapter in the Psychohistory of Intolerance,” Studies On Religion And Memory, No. 2, 2016, p. 98, available at academia.edu.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
An Ukase was an edict of the Tsarist government of Russia.
1. Full Date of Act
Feb. 28, 1845
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
“Ordinance” issued by the Bohemian Government
3. Geography of Act
Austrian Empire
4. Text of Act

Among the Israelis there appears to be often an abuse [of the law so] that illegitimate children, especially those, the unwedded begetters admit to being the father of and who are listed in the birth registers as such which violates the explicit ordinance of §165 […] which requires that the last name of the mother be used and not that of the father […]. In order to put an end to this which can cause only confusion, all Jewish register-maintainers are to be instructed to make sure in the future, when entering a Jewish new-born, whether the parents have received the local marriage permit and whether they are actually married. […] The local authorities (‘Kreisamt’) are to make sure that each abuse, whenever it occurs, is reprimanded and halted immediately, and the current concubinages in their attempt to circumvent the legal restrictions placed on their marriages are not to be tolerated, and from case to case, the necessary precautions are taken so that these persons can be stopped — either separately, or where it’s legal — to be required to enter into a legally binding marriage. The curating cleric (‘Kuratklersus’) is to be notified of this ordinance through the episcopal consistories.

5. Source
Alphabetische Sammlung aller politischen und der einschlägigen Polizei-, Justiz-, Militär-, Finanz-, Unterrichts-, geistlichen, Agricultur- Handels-, Gewerbe-, Bau-, Communications-, Post-, Telegraphen-, Rechnungscontrol-, Theater-, Sanitäts-, Gemeinde-, und Beamten-Gesetze des Kaiserthums Oesterreich für alle Kronländer mit Ausnahme der ungarischen und italienischen Provinzen von Heinrich Astl, k. k. Bezirksamtsaktuar zu Deutschbrod, Caslauer Kreises in Böhmen. Zweite bedeutend vermehrte und gänzlich umgearbeitete Auflage. Dritter Band. (Prag; 1867); (Alphabetical Collection of all political and pertinent police, judicial, military, financial, educational, spiritual, agricultural, Commerce, trade, construction, communication, postal, telegraphical, billing, theater, medical, community and official laws of the Empire of Austria for all crown lands except the Hungarian and Italian Provinces [gathered] by Heinrich Astl, r[oyal] i[mperial] District Actuary to Havlickuv Brod* [Deutschbrod in German], in the Caslau District of Bohemia. Second significantly augmented and entirely reworked edition. Third Volume.); (Prague; 1867)
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Apr. 15, 1845
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Ukase, issued by Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia
3. Geography of Act
Present-day Russia
4. Text of Act

It is hereby ordered, that the Jews shall discard their peculiar garb (a patchwork of old Spanish, Polish and Turkish costumes), and adopt a European or Russian style of dress.

5. Source
Pinner, M. Offenes Sendschreiben an die Nationen Europa’s und an die Stände Norwegen’s. Enthaltend: A. Die politische Stellung der Juden in allen Staaten seit den ältesten Zeiten bis jetzt. B. Hauptgrundsätze des Talmud. (Open Letter to the Nations of Europe and to the Estates of Norway. Containing: A. The Political Station of Jews in all States, from Oldest Times Until Now. B. Main Principles of the Talmud). M. Pinner: Berlin, 1848. Page 164.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. This edict was meant to include sidelocks ("payot"), but not beards, as many Russian non-Jews wore beards, too. 2. A ukase, or ukaz (Russian for "imposition"), in Imperial Russia, was a proclamation of the tsar, government, or a religious leader (patriarch) that had the force of law. "Edict" and "decree" are adequate translations using the terminology and concepts of Roman law.
1. Full Date of Act
May 9, 1845
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
“Decree” (“Hofdekret”) of the Court Chamber
3. Geography of Act
Europe (multi-countries)
4. Text of Act

When Jews apply for the granting or renewal of a peddling-permit (‘Hausierpässen’), their identity card with the properly paid Jewish tax must be presented each time. […]

5. Source
Systematische Darstellung aller über den Hausier-Handel bestehenden kaiserl. Königl. österreichischen Gesetze und Verordnungen verfaßt von Friedrich Selner (“Systematic Representation of all Imperial Royal Austrian Laws and Ordinances Regarding Peddling Written/Compiled by Friedrich Selner”; (1847)
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, German, Hungary
1. Full Date of Act
Nov. 27, 1845
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Order No. 19.474 on Jewish Printing Houses
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

§1. In order to supply Jews with the Jewish books necessary for their use, it is permitted to establish in the provinces designated for their permanent residence two Jewish printing houses: one in Vilnius, and the other in Zhitomir [only]. … §5. The following may be accepted for publication in Jewish printing houses: 1) manuscripts previously approved by one of the Censorship Committees, in which Jewish books are specifically reviewed; 2) new editions of printed books, provided with such permission; 3) manuscripts, books, and various kinds of articles, submitted to them for printing by order of the government.

5. Source
Electronic Library of Historical Documents, “1845. November 27. Regulations on Jewish Printings,” docs.historyrussia.org, accessed September 17, 2024.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
This Act is available in Russian from the source above. It was translated using Google translate.
1. Full Date of Act
Apr. 15, 1847
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
“Law” issued by King Ernst August of Hannover
3. Geography of Act
Present-day Germany; Kingdom of Hannover
4. Text of Act

Ernst August, King of Hannover by the grace of God, royal prince of Great Britain and Ireland, Duke of Cumberland and Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg […] In reference to the law of September 30, 1812, regarding the legal standing of Jews [… [w]e decree […] the following: 1) In order to eliminate any doubt, it is declared that […] Jews shall not be able to transfer their claims from one Christian to another […] and contracts between Jews and Christians must be entered before the authorities […] 4) Jews are permitted to purchase a house with 1 1/4 morgen* land. The acquirement of more than one house and more than 1 1/4 morgen is prohibited to Jews, except if possibly granted a special permission (‘Dispensation’). […]

5. Source
Sammlung der Gesetze, Verordnungen und Ausschreiben für das Königreich Hannover, vom Jahre 1847. (Collection of laws, ordinances, and circulars/announcements for the Kingdom of Hannover from the year 1847); (Hannover; 1847);
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
This edict was published in Hannover on April 24, 1847, and contains a number of pro-Jewish paragraphs too. *A morgen was a unit of measurement used in Germany, Netherlands, Poland and the Dutch colonies and varied from 1/2 to 2 1/2 acres - which is about 0.2 - 1 hectare.
1. Full Date of Act
Jun. 24, 1847
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Order No. 201 of the Imperial and Royal Court Commissioner in Krakow regarding the escort duty for Jews coming from the Kingdom of Poland through the Krakow area.
3. Geography of Act
Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria
4. Text of Act

With regard to Jews coming from the Kingdom of Poland, the following is made known to the general public:
1. From now on, no Jew or Jewess from the Kingdom of Poland will be allowed into the country anywhere other than at an Imperial and Royal border customs office, whether or not they are carrying customs-payable items.
2. Imperial and Royal Polish Jews appearing at the border customs offices must pay the following escort duty to the Imperial and Royal Customs Office before they are allowed to enter the country. …
a) Every trading and other free Jew 4 fl. 45 kr.
b) Every Jewish servant and every Jewish woman 3 fl. 15 kr.
c) Every Jewish child up to the age of 14 1 fl. 45 kr. …
Those Jews who trade in livestock or foodstuffs only have to pay 1 fl. 6 kr. …
However, the following are exempt from paying these escort duties: Jewish doctors, midwives and midwives, if they can prove their status with certificates from their superiors, and finally those Jews who only carry out transit trade through the Krakow region, Galicia and Lodomeria.
3. This escort duty must be paid in hard cash according to the convention rate.
4. The relevant customs office will issue the incoming Jew, Jewess or Jewish child,… a permit valid for four weeks and will mark the amount of the corrected escort duty on the back of the permit, as well as the types of coins in which the escort duty was paid, and will finally instruct the incoming Jew to take his permit to the police directorate in Krakow, or in Galicia to the district office of the district where he intends to spend his four-week stay.

5. Source
“Provinzial-Gesetz-Sammlung des Königreiches Galizien und Lodomerien für das Jahr 1847 [Provincial Law Collection of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria for the Year 1847],” Imperial and Royal Galician Provincial State Printing Office, 1832, pp. 56-60, available from archive.org.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
The text of this Act is available in German and Polish in the source above. It was translated using Google translate.
1. Full Date of Act
Jul. 23, 1847
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Law Regarding the Status of Jews, issued by Friedrich Wilhelm, King of Prussia
3. Geography of Act
Prussia / Present-day Poland
4. Text of Act

(2) Any employment of a Jew by state or municipal government is permissible only if his position does not involve the execution of any judicial, police or executive powers. Jews are furthermore excluded from any leadership or supervisory positions within Christian places of education. In universities, Jews may teach medicine, mathematics, natural sciences, geography and languages. They are excluded from all other departments and from the academic senate, as well as from the positions of dean, assistant dean and department chair. In secondary schools, Jews are limited to employment by Jewish institutions. (3) Estates of the realm are inaccessible to Jews. They may not personally act as judge or police, but may be employed as court or police clerks. (5) Jews are obligated to bear inalienable and inheritable family names. (6) Their accounting books must be in German or another living language, using German or Latin writing. Jews in violation of this section will be punished by a fine of 50 Thalers or six weeks of imprisonment.

5. Source
Gesetz-Sammlung für die königlichen preussischen Staaten. Prussia (Kingdom). G. Decker (publisher), Berlin 1847. p. 263. Accessed online
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Jan. 1, 1848
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
“Decree” issued by Emperor Franz Joseph
3. Geography of Act
Europe (multi-countries)
4. Text of Act

[…] Jews are banned from owning Christian houses and royal properties. […]

5. Source
Bondy, Gottlieb and Franz Dworsky: Geschichte der Juden in Böhmen, Mähren und Schlesien; II 1577-1620 (History of Jews in Bohemia, Maehren, and Silesia; Vol. II 1577-1620); (Prague; 1906)
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary
1. Full Date of Act
Mar. 10, 1848
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Acquisition of mortgaging rights decree of the Court Chancellery to the Lower-Austrian government
3. Geography of Act
Lower-Austria; Present-day Austria
4. Text of Act

Jews are not fit to own property in Lower-Austria and Vienna; however, they are not excluded from acquiring mortgaging rights.

5. Source
Braumüller, Wilhelm: Urkunden und Akten zur Geschichte der Juden in Wien. Erste Abteilung. Allgemeiner Teil 1526-1847. Zweiter Band. (Wien) 1918; p. 546.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
“Restrictions on Jewish Immigration”
3. Geography of Act
Russian Occupied Moldovia
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) No Jew is allowed to enter Roumania [Rumania] unless he possesses 5,000 plasters and has a known occupation. Kohler, Max J. and Simon Wolf: Jewish Disabilities in the Balkan States; (1916)

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
May 1, 1850
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Imperial Ukase banning Jewish dress.
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

All over (the Empire) the use of a distinct Jewish form of dress, beginning with January 1, 1851, [is prohibited]

5. Source
S. M. Dubnow, “History of the Jews in Russia and Poland - From the Earliest Times to the Present Day: Volume II,” The Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia, 1918, p. 144, available from archive.org.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
According to the source above, the prohibition extended to the earlocks, or petes, of the men. In April 1851, women were forbidden to shave their heads upon entering into marriage.
1. Full Date of Act
Dec. 31, 1851
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
§816 of the Law on Taxes
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

Over and above the ordinary assessments to which the rural population and the inhabitants of the towns are liable, the Jews have to pay the following special taxes: … II. - Candle Tax (on Sabbath lights), amounting to 230,000 roubles a year.

5. Source
Russo-Jewish Committee, “The Persecution of the Jews in Russia: With Appendix Containing a Summary of Special & Restrictive Laws,” Wertheimer, Lea & Co., London, 1890, p. 46, available from books.google.com.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
The text of this Act is available in Russian in the “Code of the Russian Empire,” Volume 9, St. Petersburg, 1857, p. 95, available from civil.consultant.ru.
The English translation is taken from the book quoted in the source above and verified from the Russian by Kateryna Mukhina.
1. Full Date of Act
Jan. 7, 1852
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
The Nassau Ordinance Concerning the Cult Conditions of the Israelites.
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

The auctioning of religious services, particularly the call to the Torah, is prohibited. The sale of synagogue seats is also not permitted, and the leasing of these seats should be avoided if possible. The collection of an entrance fee for newly received members of the community is not allowed unless explicitly approved by the Ducal Ministry of the Interior in a specific case. …
[Jewish] leader[s] must ensure that no religious services are held in private homes by his fellow believers, except in cases of death or extraordinary occasions.

5. Source
Max Kollenscher, “Rechtsverhältnisse der Juden in Preussen [Legal Status of Jews in Prussia],” J. Guttentag, 1910, p. 169-176, available at books.google.com.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
The text of this Act is available in German from the source above. It was translated using chatgpt.com.
1. Full Date of Act
Jan. 26, 1852
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Miller v. Salomons, court decision issued by the Court of Exchequer, London
3. Geography of Act
Great Britain
4. Text of Act

We entertain no doubt whatever that, according to the existing law, Jews are excluded from sitting in either House of Parliament.

5. Source
The Jews & the English Law. Henriques, H.S.Q. (p. 276) H. Hart: Oxford, 1974. Accessed online.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Oct. 10, 1852
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Order issued by the Senate of Russian Empire
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

Order of the governing Senat following the Highest Order of August 19, 1852 as the decision of the raised problem - how should be punished the Jewish women who contrary to the prohibition of March 1851 let their heads to be shaved. The content of the order is the following: As it principally depends on Rabbis to prevent the shaving of heads by Jewish women after their marriage, the Rabbis should be obliged by undersigning of the obligation absolutely not to allow Jewish women to shave heads after marriage, and those Rabbis who do not perform this duty should be taken to court according to the Penal Code, clause 1338, item 9. Upon the Jewish women, who violated the prohibition, a fine of 5 Roubles in silver should be imposed. Concerning: The regulations of the punishment of Jewish women for shaving heads. Issued by the 1 department on October 10, 1852…

5. Source
“Shaved heads of married Jewish women.” Bruno Martuzans. 2002, Online article.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Bukovinian Regulation
3. Geography of Act
Present-day Ukraine
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) "The new regulation from the local regional office that the Israeli Jews population may not keep Christian servants, did not comfort the Jews in any way." Czernowitz Police, Hohes Praesidium der k.k. obersten Polizey-Behörde! 31 December 1853/ ANR, Fond "Guvernmântul Bucovinei;" MI 79/2.; dare.uva.nl

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Aug. 8, 1853
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Parliamentary Decision, reported to the King of Denmark by the Parliament of Iceland
3. Geography of Act
Present-day Iceland
4. Text of Act

Regarding the April 5, 1850 'Law on Foreign Jews' Right to Stay Here in the Kingdom,' we failed to find a reason to pray for Your Royal Highness to guide the laws of this country; as it would thus not be raised up as it should be, and likewise, the various decrees regarding the Jews in question, published in Denmark, do not have the same legal value here, and this may result in problems and uncertainties in future cases. With 13 votes against 6, a majority of members of this body thus voted to disallow your measure.

5. Source
Pètursson, P. & Guðmundsson, Jón (Eds.). Tídindi frá Alþíngi Íslendínga. Fjórða þing, 1. júli til 10. ágúst 1853 (News from the Icelandic Parliament. Fourth Congress, July 1 through August 10, 1853). State Printing Press: Reykjavik, 1854. Page 1033.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
The Danish law of April 5, 1850, giving foreign Jews the right to enter the Danish empire and settle there, had been submitted to the Althing (i.e., the Icelandic parliament) in a letter from the Danish Minister of Justice, dated 23 May 1853, as Iceland was, at the time, a Danish possession.
1. Full Date of Act
Feb. 5, 1854
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Ordinance, issued by George V, King of Hanover
3. Geography of Act
Present-day Germany
4. Text of Act

Art. 3 – In the absence of a separate Jewish school, the children of Jews shall take part in the lessons at the local Christian school, with the exception of religious instruction....Art. 6 – Jewish children who are lacking sufficient religious instruction shall, upon reaching their maximum age for mandatory schooling, attend a Jewish religious school for at least one year....Art. 8 – Jewish children, in the future, shall, upon their entry into the workforce, provide a certificate from their teacher and school board, certifying that they have received sufficient instruction in their religion....Art. 32 – Jewish elementary schools shall schedule at least 33 hours for general instruction, as well as a minimum of 11 hours for religious instruction.

5. Source
Grotefend, G.A. (ed.). Die Gesetze und Verordnungen für die Provinz Hannover (Laws and Ordinances of Hanover Province). Schwann: Düsseldorf, 1879. Page 567.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Nov. 23, 1854
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
“Order/Decision” issued by the governing Council (of the Canton) of Aargau
3. Geography of Act
Present-day Switzerland
4. Text of Act

The Jews of Aargau are permitted to slaughter cattle according to their culture/rituals and in derogation of §2 of the law regarding animal abuse from November 23, 1853,* […], however, this is to be only limited to the communities in Endingen and Lengnau […]

5. Source
Stüssi, Marcel: Modes of Religious Freedom. Switzerland, the United States, and Syria by Analytical, Methodological, and Eclectic Representation. (Zurich/Berlin; 2012);
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
*This regulation stipulated: “The slaughter of animals without prior anesthesia before blood-letting is prohibited for all kinds of animals without exception …” which rendered all slaughter according to Jewish rituals illegal.
1. Full Date of Act
May 13, 1857
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
§12 of the Appendix to Article 68 - Rules on the Permanent and Temporary Stay of Jews In and Outside the Pale of Settlement.
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

The Jew who has become a merchant of the first guild and settles outside the Pale of Settlement, forfeits his rights, and is obliged to return into the Pale, if he cease to pay the fees of the first guild, unless he has paid the fees for at least ten years.

5. Source
Russo-Jewish Committee, “The Persecution of the Jews in Russia: With Appendix Containing a Summary of Special & Restrictive Laws,” Wertheimer, Lea & Co., London, 1890, p. 59, available from books.google.com.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
The text of this Act is available in Russian in the “Complete Code of Laws of the Russian Empire,” Volume 14, Saint Petersburg, 1903, p. 68, available at books.google.com. It was found and verified by Inga Romm.