1. Full Date of Act
Jul. 5, 1885
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Order by the Chief of Police banning Jews from trading at the local cattle market.
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

The Jews,… [are forbidden] from going to the cattle market to earn their living there.

5. Source
Edmond Sincerus, "Les Juifs en Roumanie [The Jews of Romania]," MacMillan and Co., London, 1901, p. 47, available from archive.org.
6. Researcher
Laure Berthelot (Covington)
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
The text of the Act is available in French in the source above. It was translated using Google translate.
1. Full Date of Act
Sep. 3, 1885
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Resolution No. 29, issued by the Governing Senate of Russia
3. Geography of Act
Present-day Russia
4. Text of Act

The law which forbids Jews from residing outside the precincts of towns and townlets applies also to Jews belonging to the reserve or having unlimited furlough, who have completed their military duties according to the previous recruiting law.

5. Source
Russo-Jewish Committee. “Laws of Russia Relating to Hebrews.” G.R. Gray: Washington DC, 1891. Page 36.
6. Researcher
Dominik Jacobs
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
“Senatorial Decree” issued by the Minister of Finance and the Senate
3. Geography of Act
Imperial Russia
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) “A circular of the Minister of Finance and a Senatorial decree introduced rigorous restrictions concerning Jews engaged in the liquor traffic, permitting them to sell liquor only from their own homes and owned property.” Anti-Semitism in Imperial Russia; World Future Fund

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Jan. 29, 1886
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Decision of the Senate on the rights of Jewish persons after completion of military service.
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

The lower ranks of the Jews discharged into the reserve and militia do not acquire, by virtue of the sole fact of their fulfillment of military service under the charter of 1874, rights, in general, not assigned to the Jewish population in the Empire.

5. Source
M. I. Mysh, “Руководство к русским законам о евреях [A Guide to Russian Laws on Jews],” St Petersburg, 1914, p. 251, available from books.google.com.
6. Translator
Laure Berthelot (Covington)
7. Year of Translation
8. Notes
According to the source above, this rule was previously decreed in another decision of the senate dated May 1, 1885.
The text of this Act is available in Russian in the source above. It was translated using Google translate.
1. Full Date of Act
Feb. 19, 1886
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Senate Decree No. 1342 on Jewish converts and the military.
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

Jews who have adopted orthodoxy, will before they have entered the service, and notwithstanding the classification according to denominations, be considered as Jews. But once they have entered the service, they will be considered as Christians.

5. Source
Report of Commissioners of Immigration, “An Abridged Summary of the Laws, Special and Restrictive, Relating to the Jews in Russia, Brought Down to the Year 1890,” in the “Report on Causes Which Incite Immigration to US,” Volume 1, US Congressional Serial Set 1891, p.151, available from HeinOnline.
6. Researcher
Jennifer Allison
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Apr. 12, 1886
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Decree regarding the military service of Jews, issued by Czar Alexander III of Russia
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

The family of a Jew who circumvents his duty to serve in the military, shall suffer a fine of 300 rubles; this punishment shall be executed by the appropriate draft office, and enforced by the police. In the case of indigency, it shall not be replaced by jail time.

5. Source
Die neueste Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes. Dubnow, S.M. Jüdischer Verlag, [The Most Recent History of the Jewish People]. 1923: Berlin. Page 179. Accessed online.
6. Researcher
Dominik Jacobs
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Sep. 6, 1886
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Order of the Council of Ministers on a referral from Mr. Ghica, Minister of the Interior
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

Order of the Council of Ministers on a referral from Mr. Ion Ghica, Minister of the Interior, and having as its object the maintenance of the provisions of Art. 94, chap. III of the Organic Regulations” [that state] “It is incontestable that the Jews who have spread to Moldavia and whose number is increasing daily, live for the most part at the expense of the natives and exploit almost all resources to the detriment of industrial progress and public prosperity. To obviate this inconvenience as much as possible, the same (census) commission will record in the census table the condition of each Jew, so that those who do not have … any useful profession,… are eliminated and that such individuals can no longer enter Moldavia.

5. Source
Isidore Loeb, "La Situation des Israélites en Turquie, en Serbie et en Roumanie [The Situation of the Israelites in Türkiye, Serbia and Romania]," Joseph Baer et Cie., Paris, 1877, p. 218 and 214, available from books.google.com.
6. Researcher
Laure Berthelot (Covington)
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
The text of this Act was translated from French using Google translate.
1. Full Date of Act
Nov. 3, 1886
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Resolution of the General Meeting of the Department of Cassation and of the First and the Second Department of the Imperial Senate of Russia
3. Geography of Act
Present-day Russia
4. Text of Act

No Jews, even those who are merchants of the first guild, may purchase landed or house property in any part of the town of Kiev. Only those merchants of the first guild are excepted who, before being registered as merchants at Kiev, have been during five years merchants of the first guild in one of the towns within the Pale of Jewish Settlement.

5. Source
Russo-Jewish Committee. “Persecution of the Jews in Russia: with appendix containing a summary of special & restrictive laws.” Wertheimer, Lea & Co.: London, 1890. Page 56.
6. Researcher
Dominik Jacobs
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
"Numerus Clausus Limiting the Enrollment of Jewish Students"
3. Geography of Act
Imperial Russia
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) "Numerus Clausus was enacted in 1887, stating that the share of Jewish students should be no more than 10 percent in cities where Jews were allowed to live, 5 percent in other cities, and only 3 percent in Moscow and St. Petersburg. These limitations were removed after the revolution of 1917, but de facto remained until Khrushchev Thaw." Lewinsky, Tamar, and Mayoraz, Sandrine: East European Jews in Switzerland. (2013) p. 99

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Jan. 21, 1887
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Senatorial Resolution restricting Jewish residency in the Russian Empire.
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

Jews who have graduated in a university outside Russia do not belong to the privileged class possessing the universal right of residence by virtue of their diplomas, and therefore must not settle outside the Pale of Settlement.

5. Source
Lucien Wolf (ed.), “The Legal Suffering of the Jews in Russia: A Survey of Their Present Situation, and a Summary of Laws,” T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1912, p. 88, available from books.google.com.
6. Researcher
Sherli Frank
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Feb. 16, 1887
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Law forbidding Jewish people from distilling or selling liquor.
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

[It is forbidden for] all Jews in Siberia to engage in the distilling or sale of alcoholic liquors.

5. Source
Lucien Wolf (ed.), “The Legal Suffering of the Jews in Russia: A Survey of Their Present Situation, and a Summary of Laws,” T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1912, p. 89, available from books.google.com.
6. Researcher
Sherli Frank
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Jun. 2, 1887
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
§266 of the General Mining Charter
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

The following are also not allowed to carry out mining on free state lands and to participate in it: 1) Jews - in those localities where they are prohibited from permanent residence, and 2) those deprived of all special rights and privileges personally and by status assigned everywhere.

5. Source
“Complete Code of Law of the Russian Empire,” Volume VII, D. V. Chichinadze, Saint Petersburg, 1903, p. 36, available at books.google.com.
6. Researcher
Sherli Frank
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
The text of this Act is available in Russian in the source above. Additional research by Inga Romm.
It was translated into English using Google translate.
1. Full Date of Act
Jul. 6, 1887
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Circular No. 10313 of the Ministry of Education of the People on the Restriction of Jewish Student’s Secondary Education
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

The percentage of Jewish children admitted to each secondary educational institution,… [should] not exceed 10%, 5%, and 3% of the total number of students in each institution, depending on the locality in which it is located.

5. Source
M. I. Mysh, “Руководство к русским законам о евреях [A Guide to Russian Laws on Jews],” St Petersburg, 1914, p. 422, available from books.google.com.
6. Researcher
Samantha Zhang (Cooley)
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
According to the source above, the localities are: the Pale Settlement (10%), outside of the Pale Settlement (5%), and in St. Petersburg and Moscow (3%).
The text of this Act is available in Russian in the source above. It was translated into English using Google translate.
1. Full Date of Act
Feb. 14, 1888
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Circular No. 1 of the Ministry of Defense on Jewish servicemembers’ settlement outside of the Pale of Settlement.
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

Jews who entered service according to the rules of the charter on military service do not enjoy any advantages regarding residence outside the Jewish Pale of Settlement.

5. Source
M. I. Mysh, “Руководство к русским законам о евреях [A Guide to Russian Laws on Jews],” St Petersburg, 1914, p. 252, available from books.google.com.
6. Researcher
Kate Wraith
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Mar. 21, 1888
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Circular No. 66, issued by the Principal Staff of the Russian Armed Forces
3. Geography of Act
Present-day Russia
4. Text of Act

Jewish soldiers and non-commissioned officers who belong to the reserve, although they may possess a degree in chemistry not lower than that of a pharmacist, may not, in case of a mobilization of the army, be appointed to fill the post of army pharmacist.

5. Source
Russo-Jewish Committee. “Laws of Russia Relating to Hebrews.” G.R. Gray: Washington DC, 1891. Page 35.
6. Researcher
Dominik Jacobs
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
"Limiting of Jewish factory workers" issued by the Romanian government
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) Roumanian (Romanian) law is issued that limits the number of Jewish factory hands to one-third. Funk & Wagnalls: Jewish Encyclopedia, Volume IV (1903)

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
“Restrictions on Jews” issued by the Romanian Parliament
3. Geography of Act
Kingdom of Romania
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) Romanian Parliament makes it easier to force Jews out of trades and off farms. "Husi in the Past: World Timeline 1820 to 1920;" kehilalinks.jewishgen.org

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Jan. 31, 1889
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Law, issued by the government of Russia
3. Geography of Act
Present-day Russia
4. Text of Act

The rules laid down in Section 51 of the Law on Military Duty, according to which persons called out for service or being already in service can offer as substitute a brother or another relative, do not apply to Jews.

5. Source
Russo-Jewish Committee. “Persecution of the Jews in Russia: with appendix containing a summary of special & restrictive laws.” Wertheimer, Lea & Co.: London, 1890. Page 43.
6. Researcher
Dominik Jacobs
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Mar. 31, 1889
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Decree limiting Jewish participation in the stock exchange.
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

The number of Jewish stockbrokers in Nikolayeff is [limited] to one-third of the total.

5. Source
Lucien Wolf (ed.), “The Legal Suffering of the Jews in Russia: A Survey of Their Present Situation, and a Summary of Laws,” T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1912, p. 90, available from books.google.com.
6. Researcher
Sherli Frank
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
According to the source above, this Act was applied to stock exchanges in Odessa, Elisavetgrad and Lodz in 1890.
1. Full Date of Act
Jul. 31, 1889
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Circular No. 180, issued by the Principal Staff of the Russian Armed Forces
3. Geography of Act
Present-day Russia
4. Text of Act

Recruits of Jewish Extraction may not be employed in the navy, nor in the local divisions, nor among the miners and sappers, nor in the commissariat service, nor as clerks. Recruits of all other denominations, who served in the Amur district, have the right to take their families with them at the expense of the State, on condition of their settling permanently in that district on their entering the reserve. Jewish recruits, however, do not have that permission.

5. Source
Russo-Jewish Committee. “Laws of Russia Relating to Hebrews.” G.R. Gray: Washington DC, 1891. Page 34.
6. Researcher
Dominik Jacobs
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Nov. 27, 1889
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Resolution No. 25 of the General Meeting of the First Department and the Department of Cassation of the Imperial Senate
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

Jews possessing a diploma of doctor of medicine and of surgery, or who have a diploma of doctor, master, or ordinary first class diploma in one of the other faculties of the University, do not transfer to their wives or their children their right of acquiring house property outside the Pale of Jewish Settlement.

5. Source
Lucien Wolf (ed.), “The Legal Suffering of the Jews in Russia: A Survey of Their Present Situation, and a Summary of Laws,” T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1912, p. 90, and Russo-Jewish Committee, “The Persecution of the Jews in Russia: With Appendix Containing a Summary of Special & Restrictive Laws,” Wertheimer, Lea & Co., London, 1890, p. 56, both available from books.google.com.
6. Researcher
Jennifer Allison, Sherli Frank
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Jun. 12, 1890
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Statute on Province and District Local Institutions (Zemstva); § XII. of the Law sanctioning the Statute, of 12th June, 1890.
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

Jews are not admitted at all to take part in the election of members for the local District and Provincial assemblies, nor can they be elected to any office in these bodies or their Boards.

5. Source
Russo-Jewish Committee, “The Persecution of the Jews in Russia: With Appendix Containing a Summary of Special & Restrictive Laws,” Wertheimer, Lea & Co., London, 1890, p. 65, available from books.google.com.
6. Researcher
Sherli Frank
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
The text of this Act is available in Russian in the “Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire, Third Edition (Laws from 1881 to 1913),” Volume 10, No. 6927, No. XII, May 3, 1882. The English translation is taken from the book quoted in the source above and verified from the Russian by Andrey Bogancha. Additional research by Andrey Bogancha.
1. Full Date of Act
Aug. 17, 1890
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
§817 and §818 of the Amendments and Additions to the Articles of the Society of Upper Shopping Centers on Red Square in Moscow and the Association of the Society Operating Medium-Sized Shopping Centers Between Ilyinka Street and Varvarka Street in Moscow.
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

Shares in the company of the ‘Upper and Middle Market Rows,’ in the Krassnoi Square in Moscow, may not be transferred to Jews, even if they become converts to Orthodoxy, because only persons born Christian are allowed to obtain such shares.

5. Source
Russo-Jewish Committee, “The Persecution of the Jews in Russia: With Appendix Containing a Summary of Special & Restrictive Laws,” Wertheimer, Lea & Co., London, 1890, p. 61, available from books.google.com.
6. Researcher
Andrey Bogancha, Sherli Frank
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
The text of this Act is available in Russian in the "Assembly of Legitimation and Orders of the Government Issued under the Government Senate. 1890," No. 82, p. 2-3, available from elib.uraic.ru. It was found and verified by Andrey Bogancha.
1. Full Date of Act
Sep. 4, 1890
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
§9 and 23 of the Charter of the Partnership of the Sugar Factory Kordelefka.
3. Geography of Act
Russian Empire
4. Text of Act

Jews may not possess shares in the joint-stock company for the manufacture of sugar Kordelefka, in the district Vinitza in the government Podolia ; they may not be members of the board of that company, nor be appointed to the office of manager or trustee.

5. Source
Russo-Jewish Committee, “The Persecution of the Jews in Russia: With Appendix Containing a Summary of Special & Restrictive Laws,” Wertheimer, Lea & Co., London, 1890, p. 61-62, available from books.google.com.
6. Researcher
Andrey Bogancha, Sherli Frank
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
The text of this Act is available in Russian in the "Assembly of Legitimation and Orders of the Government Issued under the Government Senate. 1890," No. 89, p. 7-10, available from elib.uraic.ru. It was found and verified by Andrey Bogancha.
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
“Acquisition of Real Estate”
3. Geography of Act
Imperial Russia
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) “An order forbids non-Christians from acquiring real estate in the provinces of Akmolinski, Semirietchensk, Uralsk and Turgai.” Anti-Semitism in Imperial Russia; World Future Fund

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes