1. Full Date of Act | Jun. 28, 1922 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Ordinance, issued by the Chief of Police of the City of Salzburg |
3. Geography of Act | Austria |
4. Text of Act | Within the jurisdiction of the Salzburg Police Department, Jews are prohibited from publicly wearing traditional alpine clothing (genuine or imitated), such as lederhosen, jankers, dirndl dresses, white calf supports, Tyrolean hats etc. |
5. Source | Dengg, Harald. Lieder und Schnaderhüpfl um 1900: aus dem Sammelgut des "Arbeitsausschusses für das Volkslied in Salzburg" (Lieder and Battle-Rhyming Around 1900: from the Working Committee on Traditional Folk Songs in Salzburg"). Böhlau Verlag: Vienna, 2008. P. 199. |
6. Researcher | Dominik Jacobs |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
Page 136 of 153
1. Full Date of Act | 1924 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Special legislation against Jews issued by German Parliament member Wilhelm Frick |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) “In the Reichstag Frick immediately proposed those discriminatory measures against the Jews which were enacted after he and the other Nazi conspirators had come into power in 1933. ...” "Nuremberg Trial Defendants: Wilhelm Frick." Online article 2) “...Two days later [August 27, 1924] he [Wilhelm Frick] returned with a motion calling for ‘special legislation for all [m]embers of the Jewish race.’"
"Wilhelm Frick (1877-1946)." Online article |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1932 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Censure of Jewish School Curricula” |
3. Geography of Act | Iraq |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) “The Jewish schools’ curricula were censored in 1932.” "The Expulsion of the Jews from Muslim Countries, 1920-1970: A History of Ongoing Cruelty and Discrimination," jcpa.org |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1933 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Exclusion of Jewish gymnasts and athletes issued by Reich Sports Commissioner |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) The "Reich Sports Commissioner" introduced "Aryan clause" in all sports clubs: Member can only be who can prove his "Aryan descent". Walk Joseph: “Nazi policy toward the Jews by law and regulation 1933 to 1938.” Google Translate; Das Sonderrecht fuer die Juden im NS-Staat; p. 18,3 |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1933 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Sale of Books Prohibited |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) "Sale of Books Prohibited - 'In future books by Jewish authors written in Germany or abroad, will not be published in Germany. This action was decided upon at a meeting of the 'Boersen Verein der deutschen Buchhaendler (Association of German Booksellers*). A resolution adopted at the meeting states that 'in view of the fact that German book sellers were always in the foremost ranks of the German course, the Verein now unanimously decides to join the National front without any opposition.' Berliner Tageblatt, May 12, 1933." "The Jews in Nazi Germany: The Factual Record of their Persecution by the National Socialist.” The American Jewish Committee; Online excerpt (1933) p. 13 |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1933 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Decree on Deportation of Eastern Jews issued by German Government |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | None |
5. Source | Magazine: Die Polizei. Fachzeitschrift für d. öffentliche Sicherheit mit Beiträgen aus der Deutschen Hochschule der Polizei; p. 231 |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1933 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Decree Concerning the Admission of Dentists and Dental Technicians to the National Health Insurance Service” issued by Third Reich |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) “Decree Concerning the Admission of Dentists and Dental Technicians to the National Health Insurance Service of 2 June 1933 (RGBI. I, 350) Expulsion of dentists and dental technicians of ‘non-Aryan descent’ from the National Health Insurance Panels; exclusion of dentists and dental technicians of ‘non-Aryan descent’ from these panels.” “Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone). Court of Restitution Appeals reports. [Nuremberg, Germany] : United States High Commission for Germany, 1951.” Online article 2) 2 June 1933: Jewish Dentists prohibited from receiving Medicaid Payments in Baden. John L. Heineman: "Chapter VI: The Third Reich and the Jews 1933-1938." Online article |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1933 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Barbers and Cigar Dealers Deprived of Livelihood |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) "Barbers and Cigar Dealers Deprived of Livelihood - German Government authorities today initiated a move to do away with Jewish barbers. Measures were introduced under the heading of 'hygienic control' giving Nazi commissars the power to shut down 'undesirable shops.' The Union of tobacco retailers resolved to prohibit Jews from selling cigars and cigarettes at retail. Berliner Tageblatt, May 14." "The Jews in Nazi Germany: The Factual Record of their Persecution by the National Socialist.” The American Jewish Committee; Online excerpt (1933) p. 13 |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Mar. 15, 1933 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Circular note regarding Eastern Jewish Immigrants issued by Reich Minister of Interior |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | For a first initiation of a deliberate national policy it is necessary: 1. To fend off Eastern Jewish immigrants. 2. To remove those foreigners if they’re currently residing illegally in Germany. 3. To refrain from naturalizing Eastern Jewish foreigners until further notice. Regarding 1. I have asked the Reich Foreign Minister to instruct the German embassies abroad to reject visa applications of those foreigners categorically […]. Regarding 2. I ask sincerely to expel foreigners of Eastern Jewish nationality, who reside illegally in Germany within the framework of existing laws and treaties. Regarding 3. Please refrain from naturalizing Eastern Jews until further notice. […] 15 March 1933 – The Reich Minister of Interior Frick |
5. Source | Die Verfolgung und Ermordung der europäischen Juden durch das nationalsozialistische Deutschland 1933-1945, Bd. I. Deutsches Reich 1933-1937, ed. by W. Gruner, Munich 2008, page 80, Online book. |
6. Translator | Franziska Wagener |
7. Year of Translation |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Mar. 31, 1933 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Order issued by Chairman Julius Streicher |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | ...Additional orders of the Central Committee for defense against Jewish horror and boycott agitation. ...The following additional orders are issued by the Central committee for defense against Jewish horror and boycott agitation: ...Order No. 4 Numerous reports are received by the Central Committee saying that Jewish proprietors are transferring their establishments to German figureheads in order to avoid the effects of the defensive propaganda. Therefore it is decreed that: Establishments transferred to German figureheads by the Jewish proprietors after 28 March 1933 will be considered as Jewish establishments for the duration of the defensive boycott. ... [Julius] Streicher. |
5. Source | “Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression Volume IV Document No. 2154-PS.” No author, Accessed online. |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Apr. 1, 1933 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Decree of April 1, 1933 regarding the exercise of the Calling of notary” issued by the Third Reich |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Maintenance of public order and security will be exposed to serious danger if Germans are still liable to be served with documents in legal proceedings which have been drawn up or certified by Jewish notaries. I accordingly ask that Jewish notaries be urgently advised in their own interests to refrain until further notice from exercising their calling. In this connection the attention of notaries should be drawn to the fact that, should they refuse to comply with this recommendation, they will expose themselves to serious dangers in view of the excited state of public opinion. Notaries should be recommended to inform the competent presidents of provincial courts that they will refrain from exercising their calling pending the issue of further regulations regarding conditions applying to notaries. |
5. Source | "The Jews in Nazi Germany: The Factual Record of their Persecution by the National Socialist.” The American Jewish Committee; Online excerpt (1933) p. 4. |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Apr. 11, 1933 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “First Decree with Reference to the Law for the Restoration of Regular Civil Service” issued by Third Reich |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | To Paragraph 3 of the above law: '1. Non-Aryan descent means descent from non-Aryan, and especially Jewish, parents or grandparents, even though only one of the parents or grandparents was of the Jewish religion. 2. If a civil servant was not already a civil servant on the 1st of August, 1914, he must prove that he is of Aryan descent, or that he fought at the Front in the War, or that he is the son or the father of a man killed during the War...3. If the Aryan descent is doubtful, an opinion must be requested from the authority on race questions (Sachverstaendiger fuer Rasseforschung) of the Ministry of the Interior.' No exception is granted to sons of War combatants in general. Only if the father was killed may the son be a civil servant. |
5. Source | “The Jews in Nazi Germany: The Factual Record of their Persecution by the National Socialist.” The American Jewish Committee; Online excerpt (1933) p. 2 |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Apr. 22, 1933 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Withdrawal of Approbation for Jewish Doctors” issued by the German government |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | […] 4) “The permission to work as a doctor can no longer be extended to Jews. |
5. Source | Ärzteblatt: Approbationsentzug für jüdische Ärzte: Bestallung erloschen (“Medical News: Withdrawal of Approbation for Jewish Doctors: “Permission Withdrawn”) |
6. Researcher & Translator | Ziba Shadjaani |
7. Year of Research & Translation |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | May 23, 1933 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Exclusion of Jewish Gymnasts issued by the President of the German Gymnastic Association |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Therefore I will withdraw […] the exception and determine that all male and female members, who are of Jewish descent, counted back to the grandparents, have to leave the association. 23 Mai 1933 Neuendorff. |
5. Source | Deutsche Turnzeitung 78 (1933) 21, page 401 of 23.5.1933 |
6. Translator | Franziska Wagener |
7. Year of Translation |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Jul. 26, 1933 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Executory decree for the law about the Repeal of Naturalization and the Ajudication of German Citizenship” issued by the Reich Minister of Interior |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | ...Accordingly the repeal of naturalization is especially to be contemplated in the case of : (a) Eastern Jews, unless they have fought on the German side at the front in the World War, or have rendered extremely meritorious services to the German interests (b) Persons who are guilty of a grave offense or a crime, or otherwise have acted in a way detrimental to the welfare of the state and the people...Berlin, 26 July 1933. The Reich Minister of the Interior By direction Pfundtner. |
5. Source | "Anti-Semitic Legislation; Executing decree for the law about the Repeal of Naturalizations and the adjudication of German citizenship." No author. Accessed online. |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Aug. 8, 1933 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Policies to Article 1, Paragraph 3 of the Reich Civil Service Law in the Version Dated 30 June 1933 (RGBl I, p. 433) issued by Reich Minister of Interior |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Article 1 (1) A person who descends from a Non-Aryan, especially from Jewish parents or grandparents, is considered non-Aryan. It is sufficient if one parent or grandparent is non-Aryan. Especially, if a parent or grandparent has been of Jewish faith. (2) Extramarital descent within the meaning of article 1a paragraph 3 of the Reich Civil Service Act also counts as descent. If a child was adopted a parent-child relationship within the meaning of this regulation doesn’t apply. Article 2 (1) Whoever should be appointed as Reich Official, has to prove that he and his spouse are of Aryan descent. Each official, who wants to enter into a marriage has to prove that the person he intends to marry is of Aryan descent. (2) Evidence must be provided by the presentation of documents (birth certificate, marriage certificate of the parents). (3) If the Aryan descent is doubtful an expert opinion must be obtained from the experts on racial research ordered the Minister of the Interior. […] Berlin 8 August 1933 – The Reich Minister of the Interior signed by Pfundtner. |
5. Source | 1933 Reichsgesetzblatt I, page 575. Accessed online |
6. Translator | Franziska Wagener |
7. Year of Translation |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Oct. 18, 1933 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Directive on the Membership of Jewish Craftsmen at Professional Organizations of Craftsmanship issued by the Reich Association of German Trade |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | The issue of a membership of Jewish craftsmen has to be answered the following way: Nothing willl be changed regarding the membership per se, but it won’t be permitted that Jewish members of the Craftsmanship Organizations hold an office in the organization, particular as a member of the board of directors. […] |
5. Source | Juedische Rundschau issue 84 (4.10.1933), page 670. Accessed online |
6. Translator | Franziska Wagener |
7. Year of Translation |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Nov. 27, 1933 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Circular Note issued by Minister of Interior |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | I ask you to ensure that Jewish festivals and holidays won’t be listed in German calendars especially in calendars of public authorities any longer. Awarding contractors with orders for new calendars offers the opportunity to appeal to the company that is commissioned with the printing order accordingly. Berlin 27 November 1933 – The Reich Minister of Interior Signed by Pfundtner |
5. Source | German Bundesarchiv R 43-II/594, AND DATE |
6. Researcher | Franziska Wagener |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Dec. 8, 1933 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Directive on the exclusion of Jews from the Motorists Association of German Physicians (KVDA) issued by the leader of the KVDA |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | My comrades, I expect you to march in the frontlines, as before in war and peace, in the development of our country. This requires the commitment of every German man […], because the Fuehrer has to be able to rely on his followers. For this reason unreliable people like Jews and Marxists have to leave our ranks. […] |
5. Source | Juedische Rundschau, issue 98 (8.12.1933), page 917. |
6. Translator | Franziska Wagener |
7. Year of Translation |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Dec. 28, 1933 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Law Against the Overfilling of the German Schools and Universities” issued by the Reichs-Chancelor Adolf Hitler and Reichs-Minister of the Interior Wilhelm Frick |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | The number of newly admitted Jewish students at every university must not exceed 15,000 per year. |
5. Source | Fachhochschule Potsdam: Maßnahmen/Gesetze gegen Juden im “Dritten Reich” (University of Potsdam: Measures and Laws Against Jews in the Third Reich”) |
6. Researcher & Translator | Ziba Shadjaani |
7. Year of Research & Translation |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1934 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | "Banning of Jewish Organizations & Institutions" |
3. Geography of Act | Latvia |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) "The Latvian government today ordered the permanent closing of a number of subsidiary organizations of the Latvian Bund, the Jewish Socialist organization, including the Peretz Club, the Jewish Peoples House and the Jewish Workers Theatre." "Latvia Bans Jewish Socialist Units in Anti-marxist Drive;" jta.org |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1934 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | "Education Law of 1934" Issued by the Ministry of Education |
3. Geography of Act | Latvia |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) "...Jewish autonomy in schools was terminated under the Education Law of 12 July 1934, with all the schools in Latvia being placed under State control. Of the 122 Jewish schools that had existed in 1932, only 77 remained in 1939." Petersen, Hans-Christain: Antisemitism in Eastern Europe: History and Present in Comparison. (2010); p. 122 2) " ... the new Education Law (Ministry of Education 1934) limited the possibilities of opening and maintaining minority schools by raising the number of children necessary for the minority school to function from 30 to 80 students." Silova, Iveta: From Sites of Occupation to Symbols of Multiculturalism: Reconceptualizing Minority Education in Post-Soviet Latvia. (2006), p. 30 |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1934 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Restrictions on Jews” issued by the Iraqi government |
3. Geography of Act | Iraq |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) On August 27, 1934 many Jews were dismissed from public service, and quotas were set up in colleges and universities. Zionist activities were banned, as was the teaching of Jewish history and Hebrew in Jewish schools. "Iraqi Jews - Modern Iraq;" liquisearch.com |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1934 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Decree concerning the alteration of exam regulations for pharmacy students issued by Reich Minister of Interior |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | None |
5. Source | Reichsministerialblatt 1934; Article 6; p. 769 |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1934 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | "Law for the Use of Romanian Personnel in Enterprises" |
3. Geography of Act | Romania |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) "The “Law for the Use of Romanian Personnel in Enterprises” (1934) called for at least 80 percent of the personnel in all economic, industrial, commercial, and civil enterprises to be Romanian and for at least half of the administrative board to be Romanian. It also required special approval of a committee appointed by the ministries of war, labor and industry for all hiring by industries involved in national security and defense affairs.26 While not explicitly aimed at the Jews, the law had a much greater impact on them than other minorities, who frequently lived in compact ethnic areas where implementation of the law was impracticable. For the first time Jews were confronted with the possibility of a government-managed process that would deprive them of their jobs and professions. Some Jews who worked for the railroad system and the postal and telegraphic service were demoted or simply fired. Despite international protests, the law remained on the books." yadvashem.org |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |