1. Full Date of Act | 1934 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | "Law for the Use of Romanian Personnel in Enterprises" |
3. Geography of Act | Romania |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) "The “Law for the Use of Romanian Personnel in Enterprises” (1934) called for at least 80 percent of the personnel in all economic, industrial, commercial, and civil enterprises to be Romanian and for at least half of the administrative board to be Romanian. It also required special approval of a committee appointed by the ministries of war, labor and industry for all hiring by industries involved in national security and defense affairs.26 While not explicitly aimed at the Jews, the law had a much greater impact on them than other minorities, who frequently lived in compact ethnic areas where implementation of the law was impracticable. For the first time Jews were confronted with the possibility of a government-managed process that would deprive them of their jobs and professions. Some Jews who worked for the railroad system and the postal and telegraphic service were demoted or simply fired. Despite international protests, the law remained on the books." yadvashem.org |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
Page 137 of 153
1. Full Date of Act | May 17, 1934 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Regulation on the Permission of Physicians to be employed at Insurance Companies issued by the Reich Minister of Labor |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | […] Article 15 - the following are excluded from admission: […] 2. Physicians of non-Aryan descent and physicians whose spouses are of non-Aryan descent. A non-Aryan is someone who is descended from a non-Aryan, especially from Jewish parents or grandparents. It is sufficient if one parent or one grandparent is non-Aryan, especially if a parent or grandparent belongs to the Jewish religion. […] Berlin 17 May 1934 - the Reich Labor Minister, signed by Krohn. |
5. Source | 1934 Reichsgesetzblatt I., page 399. Accessed online |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1935 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Law 1935-1936 |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) "Jews forbidden to use the German greeting 'Heil Hitler'"
"Learning: Voices of the Holocaust," British Library; “The Hitler Salute On the Meaning of A Gesture By Allert, Tilman - 2008," Los Angeles Public Library |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Mar. 1935 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Letter to all Jewish writers in Germany issued by the President of the Reich Literature Chamber |
3. Geography of Act | Germany [Provisional] |
4. Text of Act | "[…] It is the will of the Fuehrer and Chancellor that the conduct of the German cultural assets should be reserved for only suitable and reliable comrades. […] You are thereby prohibited to publish any literary work within the area of the Reich Literature Chamber with immediate effect. For the proper termination of contracts, commitments, and planned publications, I set a deadline of 1 April 1935." […]" |
5. Source | Dokumentensammlung über die Entrechtung, Ächtung und Vernichtung der Juden in Deutschland seit der Regierung Adolf Hitlers, 1936, page 84. http://www.ifz-muenchen.de/archiv/MS_0087_0000.pdf; Accessed online |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | May 21, 1935 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Defense Law” (“Wehrgesetz”) issued by the German government |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | […] 15) Jews are no longer permitted to actively serve in the army (Wehrdienst). |
5. Source | “Wehrgesetz” (Defense Law) from May 21, 1935; Reichsgesetzblatt (Law Documents of the Reich) (1935), I, p. 609 |
6. Researcher | Ziba Shadjaani |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Sep. 15, 1935 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor…” issued by Adolf Hitler |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Marriages between Jews and German citizens or other congeneric origin, is prohibited. Existent marriages of this kind are invalid even when they where entered into in a foreign country in order to circumvent this law. ... (1) It is prohibited for Jews to show the Reich - or National flag. ... |
5. Source | Reichgesetzblatt 1, p. 1146 |
6. Researcher | Isabella Azieb |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Sep. 26, 1935 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Rules for Implementing the Regulation on Granting Child Benefits to large Families issued by Reich Finance Minister |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Due to article 2 of the Regulation on Granting Child Benefits to large Families of 15 September 1935 (RGBI I. page 1160) the following is determined: Article 1- Child benefits may be granted under the following conditions: 1. The family has to include four or more children belonging to the parental household, who have not attained the age of 16. 2. The parents have to be citizens of the Reich in the sense of the Reich Citizenship Law of 15 September 1935 (RGBl I page 1146) [which means non-Jewish as of the First Supplementary Decree of the Reich Citizen Law of 14 November 1935]. […] Berlin 26 September 1935, the Reich-Minister of Finance by order: Reinhardt. |
5. Source | 1935 Reichsgesetzblatt part I, p. 1206, Accessed online. |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Nov. 14, 1935 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “First Supplementary Decree of November 14, 1935” issued by Adolf Hitler |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | First Supplementary Decree of November 14, 1935 On the basis of Article III of the Reich Citizenship Law of September 15, 1935, the following is hereby decreed: Article 1. (1) Until further provisions concerning citizenship papers, all subjects of German or kindred blood who possessed the right to vote in the Reichstag elections when the Citizenship Law came into effect, shall, for the present, possess the rights of Reich citizens. The same shall be true of those upon whom the Reich Minister of the Interior, in conjunction with the Deputy to the Fuehrer shall confer citizenship. (2) The Reich Minister of the Interior, in conjunction with the Deputy to the Fuehrer, may revoke citizenship. Article 2. (1) The provisions of Article I shall apply also to subjects who are of mixed Jewish blood. (2) An individual of mixed Jewish blood is one who is descended from one or two grandparents who, racially, were full Jews, insofar that he is not a Jew according to Section 2 of Article 5. Full-blooded Jewish grandparents are those who belonged to the Jewish religious community. Article 3. Only citizens of the Reich, as bearers of full political rights, can exercise the right of voting in political matters, and have the right to hold public office. The Reich Minister of the Interior, or any agency he empowers, can make exceptions during the transition period on the matter of holding public office. The measures do not apply to matters concerning religious organizations. Article 4. (1) A Jew cannot be a citizen of the Reich. He cannot exercise the right to vote; he cannot hold public office. (2) Jewish officials will be retired as of December 31, 1935. In the event that such officials served at the front in the World War either for Germany or her allies, they shall receive as pension, until they reach the age limit, the full salary last received, on the basis of which their pension would have been computed. They shall not, however, be promoted according to their seniority in rank. When they reach the age limit, their pension will be computed again, according to the salary last received on which their pension was to be calculated. (3) These provisions do not concern the affairs of religious organizations. (4) The conditions regarding service of teachers in public Jewish schools remains unchanged until the promulgation of new laws on the Jewish school system. Article 5. (1) A Jew is an individual who is descended from at least three grandparents who were, racially, full Jews... (2) Jew is also an individual who is descended from two full-Jewish grandparents if: (a) he was a member of the Jewish religious community when this law was issued, or joined the community later; (b) when the law was issued, he was married to a person who was a Jew, or was subsequently married to a Jew; (c) he is the issue from a marriage with a Jew, in the sense of Section I, which was contracted after the coming into effect of the Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor of September 15, 1935; (d) he is the issue of an extramarital relationship with a Jew, in the sense of Section I, and was born out of wedlock after July 31, 1936. Article 6. (1) Insofar as there are, in the laws of the Reich or in the decrees of the National Socialist German Workers' Party and its affiliates, certain requirements for the purity of German blood which extend beyond Article 5, the same remain untouched....Article 7. The Fuehrer and Chancellor of the Reich is empowered to release anyone from the provisions of these administrative decrees. |
5. Source | “The Nuremberg Laws on Citizenship and Race: September 15, 1935.” Frank.mtsu.edu, No author, Accessed online. |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Nov. 19, 1935 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Decree Prohibiting Jews to have an artist’s name issued by the Political Police Commander |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | The Political Police Commander of the Reich ordered on October 30, 1935, that Jews should be prohibited to bear an artist’s name with or without connection to their family name because the reason for bearing an artist’s name is the camouflage of the Jewish name. |
5. Source | Sauer, Paul: Dokumente über die Verfolgung der Jüdischen Bürger in Baden-Württemberg durch das Nationalsozialistische Regime 1933-1945, volume I, page 71. |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Dec. 13, 1935 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Reich Physicians Law” issued by Third Reich |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Article 3 (2) The license to practice medicine shall be refused: […] (5) If the applicant can’t become an Official because of his or his spouse’s descent and if -at the time of the application- the percentage of non-German blooded physicians in relation to the total numbers of physicians is higher than the percentage of non-German blooded in the German population. […] Berlin 13 December 1935 - the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler; the Reich Minister of the Interior Frick. |
5. Source | 1935 Reichsgesetzblatt I, page 1433. Accessed online |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Dec. 21, 1935 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Decree issued by Third Reich |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Second Regulation to The Reich Citizenship Law of December 21, 1935, issued by Reich Minister of Interior [Germany]: […] Article 6 (2) Jewish senior physicians at public hospitals and free non-profit hospitals as well as independent medical examiners will be dismissed from their position as of March 31, 1936. Existing contracts will expire at the same time. […] Berlin 21 December 1935 - The Reich Minister of the Interior Frick; the Deputy, of the Fuehrer Hess; the Reich Justice Minister Dr. Guertner. |
5. Source | 1935 Reichsgesetzblatt I, p. 1524. Accessed online. |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1936 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | "Laws Limiting or Eliminating Jews from Certain Professions" |
3. Geography of Act | Romania |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) "In December 1936, a parliamentary commission began consideration of a draft law to review the citizenship lists through which Romania’s national minorities, including the majority of Romanian Jews, had obtained Romanian citizenship. This sweeping draft did not become law, but the Tatarescu government issued a series of less ambitious decree-laws and administrative orders aimed at limiting or eliminating the presence of Jews in the liberal professions, finance and other branches of the economy." On the T_t_rescu government and the restrictive measures introduced in 1937; yadvashem.org, see Iancu; pp. 295-303 |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1936 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Order issued by the Reich Minister of Interior |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) “April 6 [1936]: The Reich Interior Ministry excludes Jews from the profession of translator.” “Principal Acts of Anti-Jewish Legislation in Germany, 1933-1945.” uoregon.edu |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1936 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Prohibition issued by the Country Welfare Office and Youth Welfare Office |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) The Country Welfare and Youth Welfare Office prohibit the recording of mixed-blood offspring (half-breeds) unless they are of the Mosaic faith, in municipal and private day nurseries, kindergartens, nurseries and play grounds. As a result of the State Commissioner’s Order of March 23, 1936, the decrees of 12 September 1934 and 17 February 1936 are hereby repealed, as it no longer reflects the legal situation after the “Nuremberg Laws”. The remaining mixed-blood offspring (half-breeds) have to be accommodated. spd-rhaunen.de/index.php?nr=26054&menu=1 |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1936 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Order issued by the Reich Minister of Economy |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) “January 13 [1936]: The Reich Ministry of the Economy forbids Jews to take part in the sale of medals and honorary insignia.” “Principal Acts of Anti-Jewish Legislation in Germany, 1933-1945.” uoregon.edu |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Jan. 11, 1936 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Executive Order on the Reich Tax Law” issued by issued by Reich Minister of Finance |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | […] Article 6 – (1) Jews will not be granted permission (to serve as tax consultant). […] Berlin 11 January 1936 - The Reich Minister of Finance by order: Reinhardt. |
5. Source | 1936 Reichsgesetzblatt I, page 11. Accessed online |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Mar. 7, 1936 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Law governing elections to the Reichstag” issued by Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Law governing elections to the Reichstag of 7 March 1936 The Reich Cabinet [Reichsregierung] has enacted the following law, published herewith: Article 1 Reichstag electors are—aside from the German citizens who, according to the first decree of 14 November 1935 (Reichsgesetzbl. I, p. 1333) of the Reich citizenship laws, are temporarily...considered as citizens of the Reich—the German citizens of German or related blood who on election day are 20 years of age, provided that they are not disfranchised and provided that their franchise is not in abeyance (Article 2 of the Reich election law). The definitions of Articles 2 and 5, section 2 of the decree mentioned apply. Article 2 Whoever casts a vote without being entitled to do so is liable to imprisonment or fine or both. Article 3 The Reich Minister of the Interior is empowered to issue the regulations necessary for the execution of this law. He may change the regulations of the Reich election law regarding the eligibility and the distribution of seats to the candidates on the, election lists and he may reduce the periods of time provided for in the Reich election law. Berlin, 7 March 1936 The Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler The Reich Minister of the Interior Frick. |
5. Source | "Anti-Semitic Legislation; Law governing elections to the Reichstag." Axishistory.com, No author, Accessed online 10/12/2012 |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Mar. 26, 1936 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | First Regulation to the Act on Leasing and Management of Public Pharmacies issued by the Reich Minister of the Interior |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | […] Article 3: Jews are not permitted as tenants. Public pharmacies whose owner is a Jew are subject to a forced lease. […] Berlin 26 March 1936 – The Reich Minister of Interior, signed by Pfundtner. |
5. Source | 1936 Reichsgesetzblatt I, page 317. Accessed online |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Apr. 3, 1936 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Reich Veterinarians Law” issued by Adolf Hitler |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | […] Article 3 (2) The license to practice shall be refused […] 5. If the applicant can’t become an Official because of his or his spouse’s descent. Exceptions can be granted in cases of hardship by the Minister of the Interior in accordance with the Reich Veterinarian Chamber. […] Berlin 3 April 1936 – The Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler; the Reich Minister of the Interior Frick. |
5. Source | 1936 Reichsgesetzblatt I, page 347. Accessed online |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Jun. 26, 1936 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Law concerning Alteration of the Defense Law” issued by Adolf Hitler |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | The government of the [German] Reich has ordered the following: (1) - Article 15 of the defense law from 21 May 1935 (RGBl I p. 609) provides the following version: “Article 15 (1) - A Jew is not allowed to perform military service. (2)- Half-Jews may not become officers in the armed forces. (3) - The service of Jews during war remains subject to special regulations.”(…) Berlin, 26 June 1936 – The Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler; The Reich Minister of Defense von Blomberg; The Reich Minister of the Interior Frick. |
5. Source | 1936 Reichsgesetzblatt part I, page 518, Accessed online. |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Jun. 29, 1936 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Decree Regarding Business-Related Assistance in Foreign Exchange Matters issued by Reich Minister of Economics |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | […] Article 8 (1) Jews will not be granted permission. (2) The Reich Minister of Economics can grant permission upon request to Jews and Jewish organizations, who promote the emigration of Jews, in order to assist with foreign exchange matters of Jewish emigrants. Berlin 29 June 1936 – The Reich Minister of Economics Dr. Schacht. |
5. Source | 1936 Reichsgesetzblatt I, page 524. Accessed online |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Jul. 7, 1936 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Regulation on Cooperative Public Accountants issued by the Reich Economy Ministry |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Article 6 I: Jews are excluded from admission to the exam for cooperative accountants. […] Berlin 7 July 1936 – The Reich Economy Minister, signed by Posse. |
5. Source | 1936 Reichsgesetzblatt I, page 560. Accessed online |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Oct. 15, 1936 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Law issued by Reich Ministry of Education |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | I. The permission to open a private school or to give private lessons to young people can […] only be granted if the applicant 1. can provide evidence of the purity of his blood according to the civil service regulations for himself and his spouse, if married. […] III. Principals of private schools and private teachers of German nationality, who teach students of German or kindred blood, are obliged to notify the education authority if they are getting married. They will lose their permit if they will get married to a person, who cannot provide evidence of the purity of blood according to the regulations for civil servants. […] Berlin 15 Oktober 1936, The Reich Minister for Science, Training and People’s Education Signed for by Zschinzsch |
5. Source | Deutsche Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung - 2. 1936, page 466. Accessed online. |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1937 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | "The Kosher Slaughtering Bill" |
3. Geography of Act | Poland |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) Bill enacted into law on January 1, 1937 that placed limits on the practice of the kosher slaughtering of cattle by Orthodox Jews. This bill allowed the Polish government to regulate the supply of cattle to kosher slaughterers. Jurisdictions in which Jews numbered less than three percent of the total population were permitted to outlaw kosher slaughtering altogether. Emanuel Melzer: No Way Out: The Politics of Polish Jewry, 1935-1939 (Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1965) p. 90 |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1937 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Law issued by Third Reich |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) “...on June 11, 1937, one of the few remaining legal protections given to German Jews was further stripped away when Jews were prohibited from giving testimony in German courts.” “1937: The Quiet Before the Storm.” holocaustchronicle.org |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |