1. Full Date of Act
Mar. 29, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Act of March 29, 1941 issued by Vichy Regime
3. Geography of Act
Vichy France
4. Text of Act

It is created for the entire national territory a General Commissariat for Jewish Questions: It: 1. Prepares and proposes to all Head of State legislation on the state of the Jews. 2. Fix the date of the liquidation of Jewish property. 3. Directors means the escrow. 4. The Commissioner-General is appointed by the Minister of State for the vice presidency.

5. Source
“Lois pour la création du Commissariat Général aux Questions Juives [Laws for the creation of the General Commissariat for Jewish Questions].” No author. May 12, 2007, Accessed online.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
Original webpage is in French, Google translation was used on 7/26/2012 to change text to English.
1. Full Date of Act
Apr. 1, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Law issued by Prime Minister Ion Antonescu
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

II. Decree-Law of 1 April 1941...to increase military taxes HEBREW Art unique. - Fixed military duties, provided by art. 4 of Decree-Law no. 132, published in Official Gazette no. 17 of 21 January 1941, be increased and are as follows: 1. For Jews in age from 18-21, Military fixed fee is set at 7,000 lei annually. 2. For Jews in age from 21-24 years, fixed fee is set at 6,000 lei annually. 3. For Jews in age from 24-41 years, fixed fee is set at 4,000 lei annually. 4. For Jews in age from 41-50 years to establish an annual fixed fee of 1,000 lei. military charges fixed above shall be determined and collected with effect from 1 April 1941, particularly military proportionate fees under Art. 4 of Decree-law No. Given in Bucharest on March 30, 1941. Head of the Romanian State and Council of Ministers President, General Ion Antonescu Minister of Finance, Minister of Justice, Brigadier General N. Stoenescu Const. C. Stoicescu Nr.882. MO, no. 78 of April 1, 1941.

5. Source
"Legi rasiale in regimul Ion Antonescu. Munca Obsteasca obligatory Arhivele Sfera Politicii." [ Laws racial regime of Ion Antonescu. Policy Scope Archives obligatory public organization work] Alexandru Florian, Accessed online.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Apr. 16, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Law issued by Third Reich in occupied territory
3. Geography of Act
Germany / Occupied Yugoslavia
4. Text of Act

All Jews must register with the city police on April 19 by 8:00 am. Jews who fail to comply with this mandatory registration will be shot.

5. Source
“1941: Mass Murder.” No author, Page 227, Online book.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Apr. 26, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Third Order concerning Measures against the Jews issued by the Chief of Military Administration
3. Geography of Act
Germany / Occupied France
4. Text of Act

Article 1 - A Jew is anyone who descends from at least three grandparents of pure Jewish race. A grandparent is of pure Jewish race when he or she belonged to the Jewish religious community. […] Article 3 I. - Jews and Jewish businesses, for which a provisional administrator is not appointed, are prohibited to work in the subsequent industries with effect from 20 May 1941: a) wholesale and retail, b) catering and hotel, c) insurance […]. II. After 20 May 1941 no Jews are allowed to work as senior staff or as employees who have contact with customers […].

5. Source
Les juifs sous l'occupation / recueil de textes officiels français et allemands 1940-1944, ed. by the association F.F.D.J.F, 1982, page 42f.
6. Translator
Franziska Wagener
7. Year of Translation
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
May 12, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
“Decree/Instruction” (‘Verfügung’) of the Cologne Gestapo Control Center (‘Gestpoleitstelle’)
3. Geography of Act
Present-day Germany
4. Text of Act

[…] Those Jews, who still live in Aryan houses, are to vacate these by June 1, 1941. These Jews are to be placed into Jewish houses. Villas and structurally protruding buildings that are still owned by Jews, are also to be vacated. […]

5. Source
Aus der Geschichte der jüdischen Gemeinden im deutschen Sprachraum; Köln/Rhein (Nordrhein-Westfalen); [From the history of Jewish communities in German speaking territories: Cologne/Rhine (North-Rhine/Westphalia)]; Accessed online.
6. Researcher & Translator
Ziba Shadjaani
7. Year of Research & Translation
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
May 19, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
“Act of May 19, 1941” issued by Vichy Regime
3. Geography of Act
Vichy France
4. Text of Act

The Commissioner General for Jewish Questions can cause against Jews all police measures ordered by national interest.

5. Source
“Lois pour la création du Commissariat Général aux Questions Juives [Laws for the creation of the General Commissariat for Jewish Questions].” No author. May 12, 2007, Accessed online.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
Original webpage is in French, Google translation was used on 7/26/2012 to change text to English.
1. Full Date of Act
May 21, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Order concerning the Operation of Cabarets and Vaudeville Houses
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Commander In Chief of the Army, I order as follows: Section 1. Cabarets, vaudeville houses, and similar places of entertainment shall not be operated unless permission of the Military Commander in Serbia shall have been obtained…Jews and gypsies or persons married to Jews or gypsies shall not be admitted to the operation of enterprises mentioned in Section 1…The applications shall contain the following data: i. First and family name, date and place of birth, and residence of the applicant. 2. A written affirmation by the applicant that neither he nor his wife is a Jew or gypsy. 3. Place of business. 4…5.The name of the person owning or in possession of the enterprise; in the case of a lease, the name of the lessor and the amount of the stipulated rentals. 6. The kind and amount of the capital invested in the enterprise, separated according to owned and borrowed capital, as well as data concerning the participation of Jewish capital. 7. First and family names, dates, and places of birth, racial origins, and residences of agents. 8. Written affirmation of the applicant that neither the agents nor their wives are Jews or gypsies…Works of Jewish authors and composers shall not be presented. The appearance of any master of ceremonies shall not be permitted…Jews and gypsies and persons married to Jews or gypsies may not be employed or occupied in cabarets or vaudeville houses. Belgrade, May 21, 1941. The Military Commander in Serbia.

5. Source
Lemkin, Raphael: “Axis Rule in Occupied Europe: Laws of Occupation, Analysis of Government, Proposals for Redress.” pp. 593-594.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Jun. 2, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
“Law of June 2, 1941 replacing the Act of October 3, 1940 concerning the status of Jews” issued by Chief of State of Vichy France Philippe Petain
3. Geography of Act
Vichy France
4. Text of Act

We, Marshal of France, French head of state, The Cabinet heard, Decree: Article 1. - Is regarded as a Jew: 1 The person, or not belonging to any denomination, which is derived from at least three grandparents of Jewish race, or two only if the spouse is himself a product of two [great] grandparents of Jewish race. Is regarded as being of Jewish grandparent belonged to the Jewish religion; 2 Whoever belongs to the Jewish religion, or belonged to June 25, 1940, and which is derived from two grandparents of Jewish race. ...Art. 2. - Access to and exercise of public functions and tasks outlined below are prohibited to the Jews: 1. Head of State, members of the Government, ...and all assemblies from the election officials. 2. Ambassadors of France, general secretaries of departments, ...officials of all ranks attached to all police departments. 3. General residents, governors general, ...4. Members of teaching staff. 5. Officers and NCOs of the army, navy and air force members ...6. Directors, general secretaries in companies receiving concessions or grants from a public authority, incumbents in the appointment of Government Business in the public interest. Art. 3. - The Jews can not work in government or enterprises benefiting from concessions or grants from a public authority, ...Art. 4. - The Jews can not exercise a profession, a commercial, industrial or craft, or a free profession, hold a charge of public or ministerial officer, or be invested with functions of judicial officers, ...Art. 5. - Jews are prohibited to the following professions: banker, ...Publicist, real estate agent ...; Trader of businesses, ...operator of forests; Dealer games, ...editor, even under local correspondent, newspaper or periodical publications, excluding publications of a strictly scientific or confessional; ...business manager for the purpose of manufacturing, printing, distribution or exhibition of motion pictures, director, ...Entrepreneur shows; operator, manager, director, manager of all business relating to broadcasting. ...Art. 11. - This Act shall apply to Algeria, to the colonies, protectorates, Syria and Lebanon. ...Art. 13. - This Decree shall be published in the Official Journal and enforced as State law. Done at Vichy, June 2, 1941. Ph. PETAIN…

5. Source
“LOI du 2 juin 1941 remplacant la loi du 3 octobre 1940 portant statut des juifs.” No author, Accessed online.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
Original webpage is in French, Google translation was used on 5/31/2012 to change text to English.
1. Full Date of Act
Jul. 12, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Nr. 164 Regulation on the Decree-Law regarding the military status of Jews
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

Regulation on the Decree-Law Regarding the Military Status of Jews Chapter 1 Definition of Jews Article 2. –The following categories are considered Jews under this law: a) People of Judaic faith; b) People born from parents of Judaic faith; c) Christians born from unbaptized parents of Judaic faith, ...d) Christians born from a Christian mother and a father of Judaic faith, ...e) Natural children of a mother of Judaic faith, ...f) Those who left the Judaic religion by declaring themselves atheists. People who were members of the Jewish religious communities on August 9, 1940 are also considered Jews. ...Article 7. – Switching to Christianity, ...can no longer lead to a change in the Jewish status ...Chapter II Census of Jews Article 9. – When drawing up the census tables ...Jews will be included in separate tables. ...Chapter III Jews’ duties Article 14. – In exchange for the pre-military and military service, Jews must pay all military fees set by law and perform tasks of general interest, according to the State’s needs, ...Article 15. – The payment of military taxes is mandatory for Jews, ...Chapter IV ...Article 18. – Jews between the ages of 18 and 50 can be used both individually or in groups or units, either for the needs of the army or for the needs of other State, county or communal public institutions, ...They will wear on their left arm a 10 cm-wide yellow armband, with the name of the respective recruitment office. ...Chapter V ...Article 31. – Keeping records of Jews between the ages of 18 and 50 is the responsibility of the respective recruitment offices, ...Leader of the Romanian State and President of the Council of Ministers, General Ion Antonescu - Minister of National Defense, Army Corps Lieutenant General Iosif Iacobini ...No. 2.030.

5. Source
"Monitorul Oficial," Kingdom Of Romania Official Gazette, July 14, 1941, Courtesy Special Collections Department, The National Library of Romania.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Jul. 18, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Law issued by Prime Minister Ion Antonescu
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

III. Romania Ministry Of The Interior Office Of The Minister July 18, 1941. Lord General Antonescu, the, gave formal provisions that Jews who are in labor camps and prisoners, to be put to hard labor...have fled to shoot one in ten. If such work should not be given food, are not allowed to receive or buy. Take enforcement. Minister of State Secretary general of division, I. Smith.

5. Source
"Legi rasiale in regimul Ion Antonescu. Munca Obsteasca obligatory Arhivele Sfera Politicii." [Laws racial regime of Ion Antonescu. Policy Scope Archives obligatory public organization work] Alexandru Florian, Accessed online.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Jul. 20, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Regulation on Dealing with War Damages of Jews issued by the Reich Ministry of Interior
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

Article 1 - Jews do not receive compensation for war damages, which is granted for Germans based on the war property damage regulation. They are also not entitled to apply for compensation based on the war property damage regulation. […] Berlin 20 July 1941 – The Reich Minister of Interior, Frick

5. Source
1941 Reichsgesetzblatt I, page 437. Accessed online.
6. Translator
Franziska Wagener
7. Year of Translation
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Aug. 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
“Ordinance No.1” issued by General Hugo Schwab
3. Geography of Act
Transnistria [Provisional]
4. Text of Act

“The Jews will live in ghettos, colonies, and labor camps. All Jews at present in Transnistria who do not report to the authorities within ten days from the posting of this present order for the purpose of the fixing of their place of residence, will be executed. The Jews are forbidden to leave the ghettos, labor camps and convoys without the approval of the authorities. Those who do not respect this order will be punished by death...Every Jew brought to Transnistria who tries to cross, or has crossed, into Romania without the approval of the authorities will be executed. Anyone who gives shelter to the Jews . . . will be sent to prison for a period of between three to twelve years and fined between 100 and 200 marks.”

5. Source
"Ghettos 1939-1945 New Research and Perspectives on Definition, Daily Life, and Survival." No author. Online paper, Accessed on 10/10/2012
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Aug. 1, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Act XV of 1941 (Third Hungarian Jewish Law) issued by Hungarian Government about the Amendment of Act XXXI of 1894 about Marital Law and about Related and Necessary Regulations To Protect Ratial Purity
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

Part IV. Ban on marriages between Gentiles and Jews. Section 9 Marriages between gentiles and Jews shall be strictly forbidden. Marriages between Jewish ladies and gentiles who are foreign nationals and shall not be subject to the ban set forth herein. For the purposes of this Act Jews shall be defined as persons with at least two Jewish grandparents who were borne as members of the Israelite religion. Furthermore, persons - regardless of their descent - who are members of the Israelite religion themselves shall be classed as being Jewish. ... The scope of provisions set forth in the previous paragraph hereof shall be extended to children born out of wedlock, provided that the natural fathers of such children acknowledge their fatherhood in the presence of a notary public, or in a certified and notarized document, or if parenthood was established by a court of law. ... Section 10 Marriages concluded in violation of the provisions of section 9 herein shall be regarded as deceitful and the validity of such marriages may be challenged in a court of law, provided that such deceit comprises the concealment, or the misrepresentation of the truth that is of material importance for the determination of the marital status of a member of the married couple for the purposes of section 9 hereof and such deceit was deliberately caused by the other member of the married couple, or the other member of the married couple was aware of deceit that was deliberately caused by a third person. The provisions of Act XXXI of 1894 relating to challenging the validity of marriages shall be applicable in such cases as well. Section 14. Hungarian non-Jews who marry Jews. Jews who marry Hungarian non-Jews …. in violation of the provisions of section 9 herein shall be be deemed to have committed a criminal act and shall be punishable with a prison sentence up to 5 years, the loss of their employment in public administration and with the suspension of their political rights.

5. Source
Courtesy: Parliamentary Library - Public Services Department, Budapest; Language.net.
6. Translator
Sandor Mesterhazy
7. Year of Translation
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Aug. 16, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Decree by the Reich Commissioner for the occupied territories of the Netherlands, Artur Seyss-Inquart
3. Geography of Act
Germany / Occupied Netherlands
4. Text of Act

...Order of the Reich Commissioner for the Occupied Netherlands Territories concerning Jewish Real Estate ...Section 1(1) Jewish real estate, as defined in this order is any real estate which belongs in whole or in part: 1. To a Jew, as defined in Section 4 of Order No. 189/1940, ...(2) Jewish real estate for the purpose of this order is, further, any right in real estate, as well as any mortgage, to which a person, an enterprise, an association, an institution, a foundation or any other endowment, ...Part II Requirement of Registration Section 3 (1) Jewish real estate must be registered in writing with the Netherlands Real Estate Administration, ...must be registered within one month after such acquisition...Section 7 (1) The Netherlands Real Estate Administration shall be empowered to take over Jewish real estate for administration...Section 11 (1) Jewish real estate can be alienated, mortgaged, leased, or made subject to other changes in ownership or possession, in part or in its entirety, only with the permission of the Reich Commissioner for the Occupied Netherlands Territories ...The Hague August 11, 1941 Reich Commissioner for the Occupied Netherlands Territories Seyss-Inquart.

5. Source
“Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression Volume IV Document No. 2112-PS.” No author, Accessed online.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Aug. 22, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
"Expulsion of Jews from European Neighborhoods" issued by the Government-General
3. Geography of Act
Germany / Occupied Territories
4. Text of Act

Article 1. Moroccan Jewish subjects occupying residential locations, in whatever capacity, in the European sectors of the municipalities, must evacuate the said locations within a month of the date of the publication of the present dahir in the Bulletin Officel [du Marco], unless they can prove their having taken up residence prior to September 1, 1939. […] Article 4. Moroccan Jews residing in the European sectors of the municipalities prior to September 1, 1939, will evacuate their dwellings within a time period that will be set by executive order of Our Grand Vizier. Article 6. Infractions of the dispositions of the dahir and any attempted maneuver to obstruct them will be punished with a fine of 500 to 10,000 francs, in addition to the total amount of the rents. Furthermore the recalcitrant tenant can be expelled by administrative decision.

5. Source
Global Jewish Advocacy: Anti-Semitism: An Assault on Human Rights; Accessed online.
6. Researcher
Ziba Shadjaani
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Sep. 1, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
“Police Decree on Identification of Jews” issued by Reich Minister of Interior
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

Article 1 (1) Jews (article 5 of the first decree regarding the law on German citizenship of 14 November 1935…) who have completed their sixth year of life shall be prohibited to appear in public without wearing a Jewish star. (2) The Jewish star is a yellow piece of cloth with a black border, in the form of a six pointed star of the size of a hand with the inscription 'Jew'. It shall be worn visible, sewed on the left side of the chest of the garment. Article 2 Jews are prohibited to a. leave the area of the community in which they live without written permission of the local police; b. to wear medals, ribbons, and other insignia…Article 4 (1) He who violates articles 1 & 2 willingly or carelessly shall be punished ...Article 5 This decree shall also be valid within the borders of the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia with the specifications that the Reichs-Protector in Bohemia and Moravia shall adopt the rules of article 2 a, to the local situation in the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. ...Berlin, 1 September 1941. For the Reich Minister of the Interior. Heydrich.

5. Source
“Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression Volume IV Document No. 2118-PS.” No author, Accessed online.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Sep. 7, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Order issued by Prime Minister Ion Antonescu
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

(1) The operation to evacuate the Jews must begin on September 12 with the Vertujeni camp toward Cosauti and Rezina, pursuant to directives from the Chisinau Gendarme Inspectorate. (2) Groups of not more than 1,600, including children, will cross the Dniester at a rate not exceeding 800 per day. (3) Forty to fifty carts should comprise each group.... (9) The territorial station gendarmes will help cleanse the land [i.e., of Jews] and bury the dead with the help of locals. (10) The way to handle those who do not submit... Alexianu [Code word for execution] (11) Do not take the prisoners through customs. Those who loot will be executed.

5. Source
“4. Transit Camps and Ghettos, Deportations, and Other Mass Murders; The Deportations from Bessarabia and Bukovina.” romanianjewish.org, No author.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Sep. 12, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Regulation on the Management of Gold, other Precious Metals, Jewels, Pearls and Goods Manufactured therefrom issued by the Governor - General
3. Geography of Act
Germany / Occupied Poland
4. Text of Act

Article 8 - (1) For Jews and Jewish businesses the trade with objects referred to in Article 1 [goods and raw materials of gold or silver, precious metals, gems, pearls, etc., comment of the translator] is prohibited. […] Krakow 12 September 1941 - The Governor - General for the Occupied Polish Territories, Frank.

5. Source
Verordnungsblatt für das Generalgouvernement, no. 87, page 539.
6. Translator
Franziska Wagener
7. Year of Translation
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Sep. 19, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
"Jewish Dress Code"
3. Geography of Act
Germany / Occupied Austria / Czechoslovakia / Danzig
4. Text of Act

Jews who are older than 6 years old are not to be seen in public without a 'Judenstern' [Jewish star). A Jewish star has to be as large as a plate, yellow with black lines and the word 'Jude' on it. It has to be visible and to be sown tightly to the left chest of an attire. It is against the law for Jews to leave their community without the written permission of the local Police authorities. Jews are forbidden from wearing medals, decorations or any other insignia. Exempt are spouses of Jews living in mixed marriages, or if their only son has died in the current war. Those who violate this prohibition intentionally or negligently are to be punished by a fine of 150 Reichsmark or with imprisonment of up to six weeks.

5. Source
Polizeiverordnung über die Kennzeichnung der Juden vom 1. September (in Kraft getreten am 19.1.1941) [Police Regulation in the Marking of Jews from 9/1/1941 (effective on 1/19/1941)].
6. Researcher
Ziba Shadjaani
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Sep. 30, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
"Numerus Clausus for Jews in Public Primary Schools" established by the Government-General Weygand of Algeria
3. Geography of Act
Algeria; Vichy France
4. Text of Act

As of January 1, 1942, the figure of 14 percent will be valid for all Jewish pupils, and the elimination of all children over the figure will be immediately announced.

5. Source
Global Jewish Advocacy: Anti-Semitism: An Assault on Human Rights; Accessed online.
6. Researcher
Ziba Shadjaani
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Oct. 15, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Third Regulation on Restrictions of Residence in the General Government issued by the Governor - General
3. Geography of Act
Germany / Occupied Poland
4. Text of Act

Article 4b - (1) Jews who leave their assigned residential district without authorization will be punished by death. The same penalty applies to persons granting Jews knowingly shelter. (2) Persons instigating and assisting the delinquent will be punished the same. […] Krakow 15 October 1941 - The Governor - General for the Occupied Polish Territories, Frank.

5. Source
Verordnungsblatt für das Generalgouvernement, no. 99, page 595.
6. Translator
Franziska Wagener
7. Year of Translation
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Nov. 10, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Order for Warsaw Ghetto Imposing the Death Penalty on Jews Leaving the Ghettos and Poles Assisting Them, Issued by Dr. Ludwig Fisher, Governor of the Warsaw District in the General Government
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

...Death penalty for illegal leaving the Jewish residential district. -Recently, in many documented instances, Jews, who have left the residential districts designated for them, have spread typhus. To safeguard the population against this dangerous threat, ...any Jew, who in the future illegally leaves the residential district designated for him, will be punished by death. ...Warsaw, 10 November 1941 - Dr. Fisher, Governor

5. Source
Archives of Institute of National Remembrance, Warsaw; ipn.gov.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Nov. 13, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
“Order concerning possession of electrical equipment, turntables and records, typewriters, bicycles and optical equipment” issued by The Reich Association of Jews in Germany
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

All typewriters, calculating machines, copying machines, bicycles, cameras and binoculars in the possession of Jews are to be collected and handed in.

5. Source
Juedisches Nachrichtenblatt, 5. Jg. 1942, Nr. 25 of 19 June, Page 1.
6. Translator
Franziska Wagener
7. Year of Translation
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Nov. 21, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Decree on Termination of Parcel Services for Jews issued by the Mail Division
3. Geography of Act
Germany / Occupied Poland
4. Text of Act

From December 1st 1941 on parcels, regular packages, unsealed and sealed value packages from Jewish people will no longer be accepted for delivery until further notice in order to avoid the danger of epidemics. Krakow 21 November 1941 - The Head of the Mail Division in the General Government, Lauxmann

5. Source
Verordnungsblatt für das Generalgouvernement, no. 115, page 696.
6. Researcher & Translator
Franziska Wagener
7. Year of Research & Translation
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Nov. 22, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Order on the Application of the Personal Damages Regulation to Jews issued by the Reich Ministry of the Interior
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

Nr. 1 (1) If a Jews suffers a personal injury […], the Personal Damages Regulation of November 10, 1940 shall not be applied. (3) A Jew shall also not receive welfare and care for surviving dependents. A funeral grant is only payable if the deceased Jew payed the costs of the funeral in advance. […] Berlin 22 November 1941 – The Reich Minister of the Interior, signed by Pfundtner

5. Source
1941 Reichsministerialblatt (RMBl), page 277.
6. Translator
Franziska Wagener
7. Year of Translation
8. Notes