1. Full Date of Act
Nov. 25, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
11th Ordinance of 25 November 1941 issued by Minister of Interior Wilhelm Frick
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

1941 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, P. 722 - ...1. A Jew, having his regular residence abroad, cannot be a German national. ...2. A Jew loses German nationality: a. If at the date this amendment becomes effective, he has his regular residence abroad. b. If he takes up his regular residence abroad later on, ...3. The property of the Jew who is losing his nationality under this amendment shall be forfeited for the benefit of the Reich ...10. Claims for pensions of Jews who lose German nationality under paragraph 2 cease with the end of the month during which the loss of nationality occurs. ... 12. This amendment is valid also for the protectorate Bohemia and Moravia and the incorporated Eastern territories. 25 November 1941 Reich Minister of the Interior Frick, Party Chancellory Bormann * For the Reich Minister of Justice Schlegelberger

5. Source
"Harvard Law School Library - Nuremberg Trials Project - A Digital Document Collection." Harvard Law School Library Item No. 220. Page 53, Accessed online.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Dec. 4, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Special law issued by Administrative Head of Occupied Territories Wilhem Frick
3. Geography of Act
Germany / Occupied Poland
4. Text of Act

...1. Criminal Law - I (1) Poles and Jews in the Incorporated Eastern Territories are to conduct themselves in the conformity with the German Laws and with the regulations introduced for them by the German authorities. They are to abstain from any conduct liable to prejudice the sovereignty of the German Reich or the prestige of the German people. (2) The death penalty shall be imposed on any Pole or Jew if he commits in act of violence against a German on account of his being of German blood. (3) A Pole or Jew shall be sentenced to death, or in less serious cases to imprisonment, if he manifests anti-German sentiments by malicious activities or incitement, ...(4) The death penalty or, in less serious cases, imprisonment, shall be imposed on any Pole or Jew: 1. If he commits any act of violence against a member of the German Armed Forces ...2. If he purposely damages installations of the German authorities or offices, ...3. If he urges or incites to disobedience to any decree or regulation issued by the German authorities; ...5. If he is in unlawful possession, of firearms, ...2. Criminal Procedure - IV The State Prosecutor shall prosecute a Pole or Jew if he considers that punishment is in the public interest. ...IX Poles and Jews are not sworn in as witnesses in criminal proceedings. ...XI Poles and Jews are not entitled to act as prosecutors either in a principal or a subsidiary capacity. ...Verlin, 4 December 1941 ...President of the Ministry Council for Reich Defense Goering, Plenipotentiary for Reich Administration Frick, Reich Minister and Chief of the Reich Chancellery Lammers

5. Source
"Harvard Law School Library Nuremberg Trials Project, A Digital Document Collection." Pages 54-57, Accessed online.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Dec. 10, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
“Order of December 10, 1941” issued by Vichy Regime
3. Geography of Act
Vichy France
4. Text of Act

Procedures for periodic testing of the Jews. The French and foreign Jews will be subject to regular review. They will be notified through the press or individual convocations. The Jews in the department of the Seine must prove their identity after an issue of ‘November 1940 and bearing very conspicuously the stamp Jew or Jewish.’ The Jews from province shall, within 24 hours of their arrival in the Seine, to appear in person at the police headquarters equipped with their identification. The Jews changing their home within 24 hours will make a declaration to the police station the place of departure and place of arrival. The Jews and Gentiles that will host the Jews, gracefully or not, must be declared within 24 hours of the arrival of the Jew. The property of Jews will [not] be transported out of the department of Seine. Births, Marriages, arrived at the age of 15, etc.., or any changes in family status will be reported to the prefecture. In case of death, the identity card deceased shall be returned to the police station. The Jews who do not comply with these requirements to be displayed may be interned.

5. Source
“Lois pour le contrôle des juifs (zone occupée puis France entière). [Laws for the control of the Jews (the occupied zone and all France)].” No author. May 12, 2007, Accessed online.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
Original webpage is in French, Google translation was used on 7/26/2012 to change text to English.
1. Full Date of Act
Dec. 16, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Law no. 1.091 - Decree-Law concerning the census of all the inhabitants of Jewish descent Decree issued by Ion Antonescu
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

...Decree-Law concerning the census of all the inhabitants of Jewish descent Article I. All the inhabitants of the Country who are of Jewish ...will have to appear before the office of the 'Romanian Jewish Center' in each county capital, in order to receive a 'Census sheet for all inhabitants of Jewish descent' standard form, which they will complete, Article V. Those who will not complete the statements required by Article 1 by the due date set above or who will make false statements, will be punished by a 10-year prison sentence and a 200,000 lei fine. ...Issued in Bucharest on December 16, 1941. Antonescu Marshal of Romania and Leader of the State No. 3.416.

5. Source
"Monitorul Oficial," Kingdom Of Romania Official Gazette, Dec. 17, 1941, Courtesy Special Collections Department, The National Library of Romania.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
Dec. 17, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
“Order of December 17, 1941” issued by the German occupation administration
3. Geography of Act
Germany / Occupied France
4. Text of Act

Order of 17 December 1941 On a fine imposed on the Jews: The fine of one billion francs imposed on the Jews of occupied area, notice the ‘Militarbefehishaber in Frankreich’ December 14, 1941, shall be allocated to the Jewish property through the Union General of the Israelites of France.

5. Source
“Quelques exemples d’ordonnances, décrets, lois et mesures anti-juives de l’administration allemande d’occupation [Some examples of orders, decrees, laws and anti-Jewish measures of the German administration occupation].” No author, Accessed online.
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
Original webpage is in French, Google translation was used on 7/26/2012 to change text to English.
1. Full Date of Act
Dec. 19, 1941
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
“Order of December 19, 1941” Issued by Vichy Regime regarding requirements for Jewish students in higher education institutions
3. Geography of Act
Germany / Occupied Vichy France
4. Text of Act

Admission requirements for Jewish students in higher education institutions (…). By way of derogation, the Jewish applicant is allowed to register or take courses only if his family has been established in France for at least five generations and has rendered exceptional services to the French State.

5. Source
"Journal Officiel des ordonnances du Gouverneur militaire pour les territoires occupés." (Official Gazette of Orders of the Military Governor for the Occupied Territories.)
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
3. Geography of Act
Czech Republic
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) "Jews are excluded from receiving dried onions." "Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council," Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Decree issued by Nazi SS in occupied territory
3. Geography of Act
Germany / Occupied
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) “May 27 [1942] In occupied Belgium, German authorities issue a decree requiring all Jews to wear the yellow star.” “1942: Key Dates.” ushmm.org

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
3. Geography of Act
Czech Republic
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) "The use of all types of public laundries by Jews is prohibited."

"Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council," Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Act VIII. of 1942 about the Regulation of the Legal Status of the Jewish Community
3. Geography of Act
Hungary [Provisional]
4. Text of Act

"Section 1. Act XLII. of 1895 about the Jewish religion shall be declared null and void. The Jewish religious community shall be declared to be a lawfully recognized religious community - Section 2. Schools, or other institutions maintained and operated by the Jewish religious community, or by any organization, or any members of the Jewish religious community shall not receive any funding, support, or aid from central government, or municipal budgets ... The Minister for Religious Affairs and Public Education shall be authorized to act in conjunction with the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Justice with a view to imposing a mandatory requirement on a nationwide basis on Jewish religious communities to pay a budgetary contribution for the purposes of Jewish religious communities as well as to draw up a decree comprising rules and regulations for the enforcement and collection of such budgetary contribution as well as the tax on Jewish religious communities. ... Section 5. Conversion from any established and recognized religion to the Jewish faith, or the adoption of the Jewish religion by any person who is not a member of any established and recognized religion shall be banned as of the entry of this Act into force. ..."

5. Source
Received andLanguage.net, 4/20/2015
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
3. Geography of Act
Czech Republic
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) "Jews are excluded from the sale of dried fruit (raisins, prunes, hazelnuts and walnut kernels)."

"Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council," Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
3. Geography of Act
Czech Republic
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources:

1) "Jews are prohibited from crossing the park at the National Museum."
"Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council," Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
3. Geography of Act
Czech Republic
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) "Jews wearing the yellow star are prohibited from using public telephones."

"Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council," Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
3. Geography of Act
Czech Republic
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources:

1) "Jews are prohibited from entering Wenceslaus Sq. and approaches from Saturday 15:00 to Monday 8:00 hrs. Likewise the main railway station and approaches, likewise the approach roads leading to the Zoo."
"Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council," Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Decree issued by Brigade Fuhrer Karl Oberg
3. Geography of Act
Germany / Occupied
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) “With a long schedule of diplomatic exemptions, which included British and American subjects, Brigadefuhrer [Brigade Fuhrer] Karl Oberg published the Jewish badge decree for Occupied France on 1 June 1942. The badge had to be worn from the age of six upwards, and a clothing coupon had to be surrendered. The decree was received in a light-hearted manner initially and some young French men and girls wore the badge out of sympathy and in order to give the Security Police trouble.” Webb, Chris : “The Destruction of the Jews in France.” holocaustresearchproject.org

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
3. Geography of Act
Czech Republic
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) "The sale of Czech newspapers to Jews, directly or indirectly, is prohibited." "Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council," Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
3. Geography of Act
Czech Republic
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources:

1) "Collections of Articles of Fur and of Woollens. Jews had to hand in all furs as well as woollens in their possession except where they had an absolute need of them."
"Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council." Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
3. Geography of Act
Czech Republic
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources:

1) "Use of trains. In addition to previous orders Jews are not permitted to use porters, waiting rooms, refreshment stalls, etc."
"Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council," Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Law issued by Bulgarian government
3. Geography of Act
Germany / Occupied
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) “In August 1942, the Bulgarian government established a Commissariat for Jewish Affairs with the objective of expelling the Jews of Bulgaria and confiscating their property. The ultimate aim of the commissariat, however, was not only for the Jews to finance the cost of implementing the Law for the Protection of the Nation but also to prepare them for shouldering the cost of deportation to the death camps in Poland.” “Bulgaria and the Holocaust.” holocaust.en-academic.com 2) “August 25, 1942…The establishment of a Commissariat for Jewish Affairs in Belgium along the same lines as in France and Rumania is demanded by the anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi Rexist Party in Brussels, Nazi-controlled Belgian newspapers reaching here today report. ‘Such an apparatus to deal with the Jews in Belgium is needed, because the Jews are endeavoring by all means to evade the existing anti-Jewish regulations and their activities, therefore, must be put under more stringent control,’ one of the Rexist papers writes. Other Belgian papers predict that the Nazi occupational authorities will soon announce measures in Belgium ordering the Jews to "productive work" which is interpreted here to mean that they will be sent to forced labor either in Belgian mines or in eastern territories occupied by the German army.” “Rexists Demand Establishment of Commissariat for Jewish Affairs in Belgium.” jta.org

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
3. Geography of Act
Czech Republic
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) "Handing in of Furs by Slovak nationals. Articles of fur and of woollens owned by Jews of Slovak nationality had also to be delivered up." "Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council," Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
"Jewish Dress Code"
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) "Jewish Belgians forced to wear the yellow badge." "Yellow badge," wikipedia.org

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
3. Geography of Act
Czech Republic
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) "Evacuation of Beneschau. 137 Jews were removed from Beneschau and resettled within a week in Tábor with Jewish families."

"Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council," Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
"Jewish Dress Code"
3. Geography of Act
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) "With the German annexation of Luxembourg, the yellow badge was introduced there." "Yellow badge;" wikipedia.org

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
Decree by the Reich Commissioner for the occupied territories of the Netherlands, Artur Seyss-Inquart
3. Geography of Act
Germany / Occupied
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources:

1) “Following his assumption of office in the Netherlands on 29 May 1940, Seyss-Inquart, pursuant to the authority vested in him as Reich Commissar of the Netherlands by the Fuehrer decree of 18 May 1940, systematically promulgated decrees designed to implement the Nazi program of persecution and elimination of Jews...Other anti-Semitic decrees of a like nature, all of which were signed by Seyss-Inquart and published in the Verordnungsblatt fuer die besetzen niederlandischen Gebiete (VOBL) [Official Gazette for the occupied Dutch territories], may be summarized as follows: 3336-PS, Verordnungsblatt, No. 13, p.289, 23 May 1942. Compulsory written declaration by Jews of claims of any kind of which they are beneficiaries to be made at banking firm Lippman, Rosenthal & Co., Amsterdam. Titles and other documents proving the claims are to be delivered to the bank at the time of the declaration, all rights to such claims being vested in the above mentioned bank. The debtor can liberate himself only in the hands of the bank and by so doing is released. The declaration embodies also rights on property or chattels real, participations as in corporations and partnerships; reversions, expectancies. Collections of all kinds of art objects, art articles, articles of gold, platinum, silver, as well as polished or rough diamonds, semi-precious stones and pearls, belonging in part or in whole, legally or "economically" to a Jew, must be delivered to said bank, with exception of wedding rings and those of a deceased husband, silver watches, used table silver, provided that each person belonging to the family of the owner may keep only a cover consisting of 4 pieces, a knife, a fork, a spoon and a dessert spoon; teeth- fillings of precious metals.”
“Artur Seyss-Inquart.” jewishvirtuallibrary.org

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes
1. Full Date of Act
2. Name of Act (or Short Description)
3. Geography of Act
Czech Republic
4. Text of Act

Commentary from other sources: 1) "Mixed Marriages. Exact statistics were submitted of all Jews who live in mixed marriages. These were gathered and processed by means of a questionnaire." "Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council," Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

5. Source
6. Researcher
7. Year of Research
8. Notes