1. Full Date of Act | 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Decree issued by Italian Government |
3. Geography of Act | Italy |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) “In the early months of the war, 43 concentration camps were set up in Italy for enemy aliens, and several thousand Jews of foreign nationality as well as about 200 Italian Jews were interned; however, conditions in the camps were, on the whole, bearable. In May 1942 the government decreed that all the Jewish internees would be mobilized into special work legions in place of military service. This order was only partially carried out, and the number of Jews actually mobilized did not exceed 2,000 men.”
"Encyclopaedia Judaica; Jews in Italy 04: Holocaust period 1938-1945." Online article |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
Page 150 of 153
1. Full Date of Act | 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Prague |
3. Geography of Act | Czech Republic |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) "The sale of pork to Jews is prohibited." "Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council," Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015 |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Prague |
3. Geography of Act | Czech Republic |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) "The closure of Jewish schools was decreed and every public as well as private tuition of Jewish children is forbidden."
"Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council," Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015 |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Prague |
3. Geography of Act | Czech Republic |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) "Jews excluded from the use of tramcars from Saturday 15:00 hrs. to Monday morning from 1:00 hrs." "Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council," Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015 |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Prague |
3. Geography of Act | Czech Republic |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) "Aryan doctors are not permitted to prescribe additional food for sick Jews. This can only be done by Jewish doctors and the front page of the application must have the word "Jew" written diagonally across it in red ink. For sick Jews the following must not be prescribed and approved the following: butter, pork dripping, meat, fat and rice. Such applications will be put before German doctors for checking and approval. Persons are considered Jews who are obliged to wear the Jewish star." "Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council," Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015 |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Order issued by Slovakian Government |
3. Geography of Act | Slovakia |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) “March 9 [1942] Slovak authorities require all Jews to wear the yellow Star of David on their outer clothing.” “1942: Key Dates.” ushmm.org |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Law |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) "Blind or deaf Jews no longer allowed to wear armbands identifying their condition in Traffic" "Learning: Voices of the Holocaust," British Library website |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Prague |
3. Geography of Act | Czech Republic |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) "At peak periods, when the tramcar carriages are full, or when at tram stops more people queue than can be accommodated, the conductor is to tell the Jewish passengers to leave the carriage. Their tickets will cease to be valid" "Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council," Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015 |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Prague |
3. Geography of Act | Czech Republic |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) "The sale of bags made of leather, textiles or other materials as well as the of suitcases, briefcases, handbags, purses of any kind, travel utensils, belts, shopping bags, etc. to Jews is prohibited." "Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council," Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015 |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Decree issued by Nazi SS in occupied territory |
3. Geography of Act | Germany / Occupied |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) “April 27 [1942] In the Netherlands, the German Higher SS and Police Leader issues a decree requiring all Jews to wear the yellow Star of David on their outer clothing.”
“1942: Key Dates.” ushmm.org |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Prague |
3. Geography of Act | Czech Republic |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) "Jews are excluded from receiving dried onions." "Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council," Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015 |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Decree issued by Nazi SS in occupied territory |
3. Geography of Act | Germany / Occupied |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) “May 27 [1942] In occupied Belgium, German authorities issue a decree requiring all Jews to wear the yellow star.” “1942: Key Dates.” ushmm.org |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Prague |
3. Geography of Act | Czech Republic |
4. Text of Act | Commentary from other sources: 1) "The use of all types of public laundries by Jews is prohibited." "Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council," Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015 |
5. Source | None |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Feb. 7, 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Sixth order of February 7, 1942 on measures against the Jews” issued by German occupation administration |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Official Journal of the orders of the military Governor for the occupied territories of February 11 1942. Under the full authority granted to me by the Fuhrer und Oberster Befehishaber der Wehrmacht, I order the following: (1) Limitation of hours of output. It is prohibited for the Jews to be out of their homes between 6 and 20 hours. (2) Prohibition of change of residence. It is prohibited to Jews to change their current residence. (3) Penal provisions. Those who violate the provisions of this order shall be punished by imprisonment and fine, or both. In addition, the culprit may be interned in a camp for Jews. (4) Entry into force. This order comes into force upon its publication. |
5. Source | "Quelques exemples d’ordonnances, décrets, lois et mesures anti-juives de l’administration allemande d’occupation" [Some examples of orders, decrees, laws and anti-Jewish measures of the German administration occupation]. No author, Accessed online. |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes |
1. Full Date of Act | Mar. 13, 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Decree to Identify Jewish Homes issued by the General of the Reich Security Police |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Since Jews use every opportunity to camouflage, it proves necessary to identify the homes of Jews. Accordingly, every Jewish household […] has to mark their home. The same is true for administrative service-, children-, age- and sick-homes. […] The marking of the houses and the like has to be made with a Jewish star made of paper, […] which is kept in white color. 13 March 1942 – The General of the Reich Security Police, Heydrich. |
5. Source | Sauer, Paul: Dokumente über die Verfolgung der Jüdischen Bürger in Baden-Württemberg durch das Nationalsotialistische Regime 1933-1945, Volume II, page 221. |
6. Translator | Franziska Wagener |
7. Year of Translation |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Mar. 24, 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Seventh Order of March 24, 1942” issued by German occupation administration |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Seventh Order of March 24, 1942 about: 1. Criterion of 'person' Jewish. 2. Confiscation of wireless sets [radio], held by the Jews. 3. Ban on certain economic activities and to employ Jews. 4. Non-payment of severance pay to a Jew. |
5. Source | “Quelques exemples d’ordonnances, décrets, lois et mesures anti-juives de l’administration allemande d’occupation" [Some examples of orders, decrees, laws and anti-Jewish measures of the German administration occupation]. No author, Accessed online. |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes |
1. Full Date of Act | Apr. 19, 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Law - 19 April 1942-XX, n. 517 Exclusion of Jewish elements from the field of entertainment |
3. Geography of Act | Italy |
4. Text of Act | ... Art. 2 Are prohibited representation, the execution, the public showing and recording of phonograph records of any work to which contribute or have contributed authors or performers Italians, foreigners or stateless persons belonging to the Jewish race and the performance of which was still part elements of Race Jewish. They are also prohibited the sale of phonograph records and importing disk arrays provided in the preceding paragraph and the subsequent reproduction of matrixes. Art. 3 It may not use in any way for the production of the films, actors, screenplays, literary, dramatic, musical, scientific and artistic, and any other contribution, of which the authors are persons belonging to the Jewish race, and to use and still use in that production, operation or dubbing or post-synchronization, artistic personnel, technical, administrative and executive belonging to the Jewish race. ... Victor Emmanuel Mussolini - Pavolini - Large |
5. Source | "The Anti-Jewish Laws of Fascist Italy," CDEC, Foundation Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation, Accessed online. |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes |
1. Full Date of Act | Apr. 29, 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Order to wear the Jewish Star” issued by the General-Commissioner for Security Raufer |
3. Geography of Act | Germany / Occupied Netherlands |
4. Text of Act | In accordance with Paragraph 45 of Order 138/41 of the Reich Commissioner for the Occupied Dutch Territories concerning public security, I order the following: Par 1: 1) A Jew who appears in public is obliged to wear a Jewish star. 2) For the implementation of this order a Jew is everyone who was defined as a Jew according to order no. 189/40 concerning the registration of enterprises. Children under the age of six are not included in this order. 3) The Jewish star is a star with six corners, painted in black on yellow cloth the size of the palm of the hand, inscribed with the word 'Jew.' It has to be sewn firmly and visibly at the left side of the clothing at the height of the chest. 4) It is prohibited for Jews to wear official decorations, honorary decoration or other kinds of decorations. […] This police order will be effective from the third day after its publication. The Hague, April 28, 1942 The General-Commissioner for Security and the Higher Commander of the SS and Police Signed: Raufer. |
5. Source | “Order to wear the Jewish Star, The Netherlands 29 April 1942.” Dan Michman, Yadvashem.org. |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | May 2, 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Order from Reich Government to Slovakia |
3. Geography of Act | Slovakia |
4. Text of Act | Sent from Berlin on May 2 [1942] at 0.15 hours Received in Pressburg on May 2 at 0.20 hours. No. 640—pursuant to instruction in cable of April 11, this year no. 533, I wish to advise the government of Slovakia as follows: The Reich Government undertakes permanently to retain Jews received amidst the cleansing of Jews in Slovakia in the eastern territories, and to give them no opportunity to re-immigrate to Slovakia. Germany has no claims concerning the property of such Jews as hold Slovakian citizenship and are in Slovakia, save the demand of payment of 500 Reichsmarks for each Jew received. The Reich Government is prepared to receive from Slovakia in May of this year 20,000 able-bodied Jews and to remove them to the east. Details will be arranged as they have been arranged thus far Luther...[Between 1940 - 1943, Marthin Luther was the head of the ‘Deutschland’ section in the German Foreign Office that took care of, amongst other things,the [sic] RSHA, Gestapo and the ‘Jewish Problems’ affairs. |
5. Source | “Purging Slovakia of Jews,” Yad Vashem, jewishvirtuallibrary.org. |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | May 15, 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Law 68 - Constitutional Law of 15 May 1942 On the expulsion of Jews (“Deportation Bill” issued by Slovakian Republic) |
3. Geography of Act | Slovakia |
4. Text of Act | The parliament of the Slovak Republic has decreed by this constitutional law that: §1 Jews can be expelled from the territory of the Slovak Republic. ...§3 [1] Jews who are expelled or Jews who have left or leave the territory of the state lose their state citizenship in the Slovak Republic. ...[2] The property of persons included in § 1 will become the possession of the state. The state will compensate creditors only up to the value of the property taken. ...§5 [1] The government will issue the necessary regulations by decree for carrying out the provisions of §§ 1 and 3 for the disposal of the personal and property relations of the Jews expelled, as well as those Jews who left the territory of the Slovak Republic, ...§6 Regulations on the legal position of Jews, as far as they limit the personal and property relationships of a non-Jewish husband (or wife), lose effect on the day this law is announced. §7 This constitutional law becomes valid and takes effect on the day of its announcement; all members of the government will carry it out. Dr. Tiso signed, Dr. Sokol signed, Dr. Tuka signed, Mach signed, Sivák signed, Dr. [P.] signed, Dr. Medrický signed and for Minister Stana Dr. Fritz signed, Catloš signed |
5. Source | Extract from Slovak Legal Code, Part 22, 1942, issued 23 May 1942, Department of digital services, Slovak National Library. |
6. Translator | William L. McKone |
7. Year of Translation |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | May 17, 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Executive Order for the Maternity Protection Law issued by the Reich Labor Ministry |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | Section 1 - The provisions of the Maternity Protection Law apply only to women of German citizenship - except Jews. […] Berlin 17 Mai 1942 – The Reich Labor Minister, signed by Dr. Syrup. |
5. Source | 1942 Reichsgesetzblatt I, page 324, Accessed online. |
6. Translator | Franziska Wagener |
7. Year of Translation |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | May 29, 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Eight Order of May 29, 1942” issued by German occupation administration |
3. Geography of Act | Germany |
4. Text of Act | (1) The Jews must report to the police station to receive badges in the shape of star. Every Jew will receive three badges and will have to give in Exchange a point of textile card. (2) It is prohibited the Jews from the age of six years of age to appear in public without wearing Jewish star. (3) The Jewish star is a star with six points having the dimensions of the Palm of a hand and black outlines. It is yellow fabric is in black characters registration ‘JEW’. It must be worn visibly while on the left side of the chest solidly sewn to the garment. |
5. Source | “Quelques exemples d’ordonnances, décrets, lois et mesures anti-juives de l’administration allemande d’occupation [Some examples of orders, decrees, laws and anti-Jewish measures of the German administration occupation].” No author, Accessed online. |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes |
1. Full Date of Act | Jun. 6, 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Decree No. 1301” issued by Chief of State of Vichy France Philippe Petain |
3. Geography of Act | Vichy France |
4. Text of Act | Decree No. 1301 of June 6, 1942 regulating, in respect of the Jews, the professions of actor, film or opera. We, Marshal of France, head of the French state…The state council…Decree: Art. 1st The Jews cannot hold a job in theater arts, in films or in any shows, or give vocal or instrumental concerts or participate only if they meet any of the provisions laid down in Article 3 of the Act of June 2, 1941 or if they were allowed because of their artistic merit… Art. 2 The Jews affected by the ban as a result of the preceding article shall, within two months from the publication of this order, cease exercising their profession… Art. 4 The Head of Government…is responsible [for] the execution of this decree, to be published in the Official Gazette of the French state. Done at Vichy, June 6, 1942. PH. Petain. |
5. Source | “Une des lois anti-Semites de Vichy.” No author, Accessed online. |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes |
1. Full Date of Act | Jun. 30, 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | “Concerning the Appearance of Jews in Public” issued by the Commissary General for Public Security |
3. Geography of Act | Netherlands |
4. Text of Act | Paragraph 1 Jews must be in their homes between the hours of 20:00 to 06:00. Paragraph 2 Jews may not be present in homes, parks, and other private institutions that are used for recreation or entertainment of non-Jews, unless this is essential on the basis of an existing lease or labor contract. Jews married to non-Jews are not included in this regulation. Paragraph 3 1. Jews may enter shops that are not marked as Jewish businesses only between the hours of 15:00-17:00… 2. Jews may not order home delivery. Paragraph 4 Jews may neither enter nor use the services of barbershops or paramedical institutions unless they are marked as Jewish... Paragraph 5 1. Jews may neither enter railroad stations nor use any means of public and private transport…2. Jews who in these cases are allowed to use means of public transport must be seated in the last department (smoker’s class). They may enter and seat themselves only when there is sufficient seating space for non-Jewish passengers. Paragraph 6 Jews may not use public telephones. Paragraph 7 A Jew for the purpose of this regulation is any person who is a Jew or is considered a Jew under Paragraph 4 of Regulation 189/1940 concerning the registration of Jewish enterprises… Paragraph 9 Persons who violate or circumvent the regulations in Paragraphs 1-6 shall be punished with imprisonment of six months at the most a fine of 1,000 guilder at the most, or with one of these two penalties-unless a more severe penalty is stipulated under other provisions. Any person who encourages, abets, or aids circumvention of these regulations will face the same punishment...The Hague, June 30, 1942 Commissar-General for Public Safety, Rauter. |
5. Source | “Restrictions on the Movements of Dutch Jews, June 30, 1942.” yadvashem.org, No author. |
6. Researcher | None |
7. Year of Research |
8. Notes | None |
1. Full Date of Act | Jul. 8, 1942 |
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) | Ninths Order concerning Measures against the Jews issued by the Chief of Military Administration |
3. Geography of Act | Germany / Occupied France |
4. Text of Act | Article 1 - Jews can [be] prohibited from participating in public events and the uses of facilities, that are accessible to the general public. […] Article 2 - Jews are only allowed to shop in department stores, retail and commercial businesses between 3-4 pm […]. |
5. Source | Les juifs sous l'occupation / recueil de textes officiels français et allemands 1940-1944, ed. by the association F.F.D.J.F, 1982, Page 161f. |
6. Translator | Franziska Wagener |
7. Year of Translation |
8. Notes | None |