Law No. 10 of 1968 issued by the Government of Iraq [Iraq]: “Article I – 1. […] Land Registration Departments, Waqf authorities and Notaries Public shall abstain from carrying out any transaction of sale of immovable properties belonging to the Jew, and abstain from carrying out on such properties any transactions which involves the transfer, […]

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“Proclamation” issued and signed by the Minister of Religious Affairs [Egypt]: “[…] all Jews are Zionists and enemies of the state.” [Researcher’s note: This proclamation of the Minister of Religious Affairs was read aloud in mosques throughout Egypt. Two thousand Jewish Egyptian men were arrested and sent to prison camp.] Urman, Stanley: The United Nations and […]

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“Egyptian Nationality Law” issued by the Egyptian Government [Egypt]: “[…] 18) Egyptian nationality may be declared forfeited by the order of the Ministry of Interior in the case of persons classified as Zionists.” [Researcher’s note: On 11/23/1956, the “Proclamation” issued and signed by the Minister of Religious Affairs stated “all Jews are Zionists and enemies of […]

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Supplement to Ordinance Cancelling Iraqi Nationality [Iraq]: “Section 1 – […] ‘the Council of Ministers may cancel the Iraqi nationality of the Iraqi Jew who willingly desires to leave Iraq.’” Law No. 1 of 1950, Official Iraqi Gazette, March 9, 1950. Translated and Researched by Franziska Wagener 4/15/2016 ADD PAGE #

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“Law of the Arab League” issued by the Political Committee of the Arab League [Arab League Countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen]: “1) […] all Jewish citizens […] will be considered as members of the […]

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“Ghetto Decree” 1.610/Regulation No. “Certain regulatory issues related to housing and residence of Jews appointment” Issued by Hungarian government [Hungary]: “…Appointment of residence of the Jews…For § 8 (1) of ten thousand less populous municipalities, the first officer of the municipality rendelkezhetik as meaning that the Jews are obliged under its designated area of noise limit for […]

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Decree of Duce – January 4, 1944-XXII, n. 2 Dispositions on the assets owned by citizens of the Jewish race [Italy]: ” … Art. 1 The Italian citizens of Jewish race or considered as such in accordance with art. 8 of Decree Law 17 November 1938, n. 1728, even if they have got the measure […]

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Thirteenth Regulation under the Reich Citizenship Law of 1 July 1943 – Under Article 3 of the Reich Citizenship Law of September 15, 1935, Wilhelm Frick [Germany]: “1943 Reichsgesetzblatt, PART I, Page 372 – Thirteenth Regulation under the Reich Citizenship Law of 1 July 1943 – Under Article 3 of the Reich Citizenship Law of September 15, […]

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Order issued by Heinrich Himmler to Oswald Pohl and SS police officials for the transfer of all eastern Jews from ghettoes to SS concentration camps [Belarus]: “1) I order that all Jews still remaining in ghettos in the Ostland area have to be collected in concentration camps. 2) I prohibit any taking out of Jews from concentration […]

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Order issued by member of Nazi SS, Dieter Wisliceny [Greece]: “Salonika, February 12, 1943. Security Police and Security Service (S.D.) Branch in Salonika. To: The Jewish Community in Salonika. Attn: The Chief Rabbi, Dr. Koretz. Re: Implementation order of the military commander of Salonika-Aegean, February 6, 1943. On the basis of the order given on […]

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“Law of 11 December 1942” issued by Vichy Regime [Vichy France]: “On the display of the word ‘Jew’ on the identity documents issued to French and foreign Jews. Any person of Jewish race is require to report within one month of the Commissioner or the force of his home to put the word ‘Jew’ on […]

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Order concerning Jewish property issued by the Chief of Military Administration [Germany / Occupied France]: “Article 2 – The property of Jews, who lost or are losing their German citizenship due to the above provisions, will be forfeited to the German Reich.” Les juifs sous l’occupation / recueil de textes officiels français et allemands 1940-1944, […]

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Decree about the loss of citizenship and the confiscation of properties of Jews in the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia [Germany / Present-day Czech Republic]: “1942, Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 637 – Decree of 2 November 1942 Concerning Loss of Citizenship of the Protectorate: Section 1 – A Jew who has his domicile abroad cannot be a […]

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Law – October 9, 1942-XX, n. 1420, Capacity Issues of belonging to the Jewish race living in Libya [Italy]: ” … Art. 1 Contents of the Law… This law establishes the capacity constraints of belonging to the Jewish race living in Libya for the part that has not already regulated by the provisions in force […]

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Decree-Law No. 698 for the Institution of the Death Penalty for Jews Who Were Sent to Transnistria and Who Have Returned Fraudulently to this Country [Germany / Occupied Romania]: “Antonescu, Marshal of Rumania and Leader of the State. After having seen the report of the ministers of National Defense and Justice, No. 2400 of September 19, […]

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Order issued by Herman Julius Hoefle [Germany]: “The Judenrat is informed of the following: 1. All Jewish persons living in Warsaw, regardless of age and sex, will be resettled in the East. 2. The following are excluded from the resettlement: 1. All Jewish persons employed by German Authorities or enterprises, and who can show proof […]

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Order issued by Heinrich Himmler [Germany / Occupied Countries]: “I herewith order that the resettlement of the entire Jewish population of the Government-General be carried out and completed by December 31, 1942. From December 31, 1942, no persons of Jewish origin may remain within the Government-General, unless they are in the collection camps in Warsaw, Cracow, […]

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Order issued by Philippe Hennequin during Jewish roundup [France]: “1. The guards and inspectors, after verifying the identity of the Jews to stop their task, not to discuss the various observations that can be made…by them… 2. They did not discuss either the state of health. Every Jew should be conducted to arrest the primary center.  […]

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Ninths Order concerning Measures against the Jews issued by the Chief of Military Administration [Germany / Occupied France]: “Article 1 – Jews can [be] prohibited from participating in public events and the uses of facilities, that are accessible to the general public. […] Article 2 – Jews are only allowed to shop in department stores, […]

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“Concerning the Appearance of Jews in Public” issued by the Commissary General for Public Security [Netherlands]: “Paragraph 1 Jews must be in their homes between the hours of 20:00 to 06:00. Paragraph 2 Jews may not be present in homes, parks, and other private institutions that are used for recreation or entertainment of non-Jews, unless […]

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“Decree No. 1301” issued by Chief of State of Vichy France Philippe Petain [Vichy France]: “Decree No. 1301 of June 6, 1942 regulating, in respect of the Jews, the professions of actor, film or opera. We, Marshal of France, head of the French state…The state council…Decree: Art. 1st The Jews cannot hold a job in […]

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“Eight Order of May 29, 1942” issued by German occupation administration [Germany]:  “(1) The Jews must report to the police station to receive badges in the shape of star. Every Jew will receive three badges and will have to give in Exchange a point of textile card. (2) It is prohibited the Jews from the […]

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Order from Reich Government to Slovakia [Slovakia]: “Sent from Berlin on May 2 [1942] at 0.15 hours Received in Pressburg on May 2 at 0.20 hours. No. 640—pursuant to instruction in cable of April 11, this year no. 533, I wish to advise the government of Slovakia as follows: The Reich Government undertakes permanently to retain […]

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“Order to wear the Jewish Star” issued by the General-Commissioner for Security Raufer [Germany / Occupied Netherlands]: “In accordance with Paragraph 45 of Order 138/41 of the Reich Commissioner for the Occupied Dutch Territories concerning public security, I order the following: Par 1: 1) A Jew who appears in public is obliged to wear a Jewish […]

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Law – 19 April 1942-XX, n. 517 Exclusion of Jewish elements from the field of entertainment [Italy]: ” … Art. 2 Are prohibited representation, the execution, the public showing and recording of phonograph records of any work to which contribute or have contributed authors or performers Italians, foreigners or stateless persons belonging to the Jewish […]

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“Seventh Order of March 24, 1942” issued by German occupation administration [Germany]: “Seventh Order of March 24, 1942 about: 1. Criterion of ‘person’ Jewish. 2. Confiscation of wireless sets [radio], held by the Jews. 3. Ban on certain economic activities and to employ Jews. 4. Non-payment of severance pay to a Jew.” [Editor’s note: Original webpage […]

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“Sixth order of February 7, 1942 on measures against the Jews” issued by German occupation administration [Germany]: “Official Journal of the orders of the military Governor for the occupied territories of February 11 1942. Under the full authority granted to me by the Fuhrer und Oberster Befehishaber der Wehrmacht, I order the following: (1) Limitation of […]

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“Order of December 19, 1941” Issued by Vichy Regime regarding requirements for Jewish students in higher education institutions [Occupied Vichy, France]: “Admission requirements for Jewish students in higher education institutions (…). By way of derogation, the Jewish applicant is allowed to register or take courses only if his family has been established in France for at […]

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“Order of December 17, 1941” issued by the German occupation administration [Germany / Occupied France]: “Order of 17 December 1941 On a fine imposed on the Jews: The fine of one billion francs imposed on the Jews of occupied area, notice the ‘Militarbefehishaber in Frankreich’ December 14, 1941, shall be allocated to the Jewish property […]

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Law no. 1.091 – Decree-Law concerning the census of all the inhabitants of Jewish descent Decree issued by Ion Antonescu [Romania]: “…Decree-Law concerning the census of all the inhabitants of Jewish descent Article I. All the inhabitants of the Country who are of Jewish …will have to appear before the office of the ‘Romanian Jewish […]

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“Order of December 10, 1941” issued by Vichy Regime [Vichy France]: “Procedures for periodic testing of the Jews. The French and foreign Jews will be subject to regular review. They will be notified through the press or individual convocations. The Jews in the department of the Seine must prove their identity after an issue of ‘November 1940 […]

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Special law issued by Administrative Head of Occupied Territories Wilhem Frick [Germany / Occupied Poland]: “…1. Criminal Law – I (1) Poles and Jews in the Incorporated Eastern Territories are to conduct themselves in the conformity with the German Laws and with the regulations introduced for them by the German authorities.  They are to abstain from […]

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11th Ordinance of 25 November 1941 issued by Minister of Interior Wilhelm Frick [Germany]: “1941 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, P. 722 – …1. A Jew, having his regular residence abroad, cannot be a German national. …2. A Jew loses German nationality: a. If at the date this amendment becomes effective, he has his regular residence abroad. b. If he […]

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Order for Warsaw Ghetto Imposing the Death Penalty on Jews Leaving the Ghettos and Poles Assisting Them, Issued by Dr. Ludwig Fisher, Governor of the Warsaw District in the General Government [Poland]: “…Death penalty for illegal leaving the Jewish residential district. -Recently, in many documented instances, Jews, who have left the residential districts designated for […]

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“Numerus Clausus for Jews in Public Primary Schools” established by the Government-General Weygand of Algeria [Vichy France; Algeria]: “As of January 1, 1942, the figure of 14 percent will be valid for all Jewish pupils, and the elimination of all children over the figure will be immediately announced.” Global Jewish Advocacy: Anti-Semitism: An Assault on […]

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Order issued by Prime Minister Ion Antonescu [Romania]: “(1) The operation to evacuate the Jews must begin on September 12 with the Vertujeni camp toward Cosauti and Rezina, pursuant to directives from the Chisinau Gendarme Inspectorate. (2) Groups of not more than 1,600, including children, will cross the Dniester at a rate not exceeding 800 […]

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“Police Decree on Identification of Jews” issued by Reich Minister of Interior [Germany]: “Article 1 (1) Jews (article 5 of the first decree regarding the law on German citizenship of 14 November 1935…) who have completed their sixth year of life shall be prohibited to appear in public without wearing a Jewish star. (2) The […]

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Decree by the Reich Commissioner for the occupied territories of the Netherlands, Artur Seyss-Inquart [Germany / Occupied Netherlands]: “…Order of the Reich Commissioner for the Occupied Netherlands Territories concerning Jewish Real Estate …Section 1(1) Jewish real estate, as defined in this order is any real estate which belongs in whole or in part: 1. To a […]

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Law issued by Prime Minister Ion Antonescu [Romania]: “III. Romania Ministry Of The Interior Office Of The Minister July 18, 1941. Lord General Antonescu, the, gave formal provisions that Jews who are in labor camps and prisoners, to be put to hard labor…have fled to shoot one in ten. If such work should not be […]

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Nr. 164 Regulation on the Decree-Law regarding the military status of Jews [Romania]: “Regulation on the Decree-Law Regarding the Military Status of Jews Chapter 1 Definition of Jews Article 2. –The following categories are considered Jews under this law: a) People of Judaic faith; b) People born from parents of Judaic faith; c) Christians born […]

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“Law of June 2, 1941 replacing the Act of October 3, 1940 concerning the status of Jews” issued by  Chief of State of Vichy France Philippe Petain [Vichy France]: “We, Marshal of France, French head of state, The Cabinet heard, Decree: Article 1. – Is regarded as a Jew: 1 The person, or not belonging […]

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Order concerning the Operation of Cabarets and Vaudeville Houses [Serbia]: “By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Commander In Chief of the Army, I order as follows: Section 1. Cabarets, vaudeville houses, and similar places of entertainment shall not be operated unless permission of the Military Commander in Serbia shall have been […]

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“Act of May 19, 1941” issued by Vichy Regime [Vichy France]: “The Commissioner General for Jewish Questions can cause against Jews all police measures ordered by national interest.” [Editor’s note: Original webpage is in French, Google translation was used on 7/26/2012 to change text to English.] “Lois pour la création du Commissariat Général aux Questions Juives […]

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“Decree/Instruction” (‘Verfügung’) of the Cologne Gestapo Control Center (‘Gestpoleitstelle’) [Present-day Germany]: “[…] Those Jews, who still live in Aryan houses, are to vacate these by June 1, 1941. These Jews are to be placed into Jewish houses. Villas and structurally protruding buildings that are still owned by Jews, are also to be vacated. […]” Aus […]

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Third Order concerning Measures against the Jews issued by the Chief of Military Administration [Germany / Occupied France]: “Article 1 – A Jew is anyone who descends from at least three grandparents of pure Jewish race. A grandparent is of pure Jewish race when he or she belonged to the Jewish religious community. […] Article […]

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Law issued by Third Reich in occupied territory [Germany / Occupied Yugoslavia]: “All Jews must register with the city police on April 19 by 8:00am. Jews who fail to comply with this mandatory registration will be shot.” “1941: Mass Murder.” No author. Page 227. Online book, Accessed on 8/30/2012 ADD RESEARCHER/DATE

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Law issued by Prime Minister Ion Antonescu [Romania]: “II. Decree-Law of 1 April 1941…to increase military taxes HEBREW Art unique. – Fixed military duties, provided by art. 4 of Decree-Law no. 132, published in Official Gazette no. 17 of 21 January 1941, be increased and are as follows: 1. For Jews in age from 18-21, […]

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Act of March 29, 1941 issued by Vichy Regime [Vichy France]: “It is created for the entire national territory a General Commissariat for Jewish Questions: It: 1. Prepares and proposes to all Head of State legislation on the state of the Jews. 2. Fix the date of the liquidation of Jewish property. 3. Directors means the […]

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“Decree law No. 711” issued by Ion Antonescu [Romania]: “Decrees-Laws Ministry Of Training, Education, Religious Denominations And Arts General Ion Antonescu, Leader of the Romanian State and President of the Council of Ministers, …Decree-Law on the amendment of Article 44 of the Law on the general regime of  religious denominations …Sole Article – The following […]

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“Law for the Protection of the Nation” issued by Bulgarian Government [Bulgaria]: “Law to Protect the Nation – Decree 3 We Boris III …meeting held on 24 dekemvriy 1940, voted and adopted. …Art. 18. Incumbent of this Act persons of Khazar origin that have the differently names in certain documents satisfying the name on the […]

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Decree by the Reich Commissioner for the occupied territories of the Netherlands issued by Commissioner Seyss-Inquart [Germany / Occupied Netherlands]: “…concerning the obligation to register persons who are entirely or partly of Jewish race. By virtue of article 5 of the Fuehrer’s decree dated 18 May 1940 (RGBl-page 77) …Article 1 Persons who are entirely or partly […]

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Decree No. 3984 issued by Prime Minister Ion Antonescu [Romania]: “I. Decree-Law Relative To The Status Of Military Evreilor5 Article 1. Jews, …Decree-Law of August 9, 1940, regarding the legal status of the Hebrew people in Romania, …are excluded from military service. They are obliged to pay the fees settled by military law, …Article 2. Are […]

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Regulation on the Limitation of Schooling of Persons of Jewish Origin issued by the Yugoslav Government [Yugoslavia; Present-day Croatia, Serbia]: “Article I: At universities, high schools with the rank of universities, higher, middle, normal, and other vocational schools may be enrolled only a fixed number of pupils of Jewish origin. This number will be determined […]

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Decree signed by Philippe Pétain [Occupied Vichy, France/Algeria]: “We Marshal of France, French Head of State, the Council of Ministers heard, decree: Article 1: – The decree of the Government of the National Defense of 24 October 1870 is repealed in that it regulates the political rights of the native Jews of the departments of […]

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Statutory Decree issued by Prime Minister Antonescu [Romania]: “Under Antonescu…the statutory decree of October 5, 1940, defined Jews as ‘all those both of whose parents, or only one of them, [were Jewish], regardless of whether they or their parents were baptized…whether they are Romanian citizens, or whether they have their residence within the territory of […]

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“An Act relating to aliens of Jewish race” issued by Chief of State of Vichy France Philippe Petain [Vichy France]: “We, Marshal of France, French head of state, The Cabinet heard, Decree: Article 1. – Foreign citizens of Jewish race may at the date of enactment of this Act, be interned in special camps by […]

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“Law on the Status of Jews” issued by Chief of State of Vichy France Philippe Petain [Vichy France]: “Article 1. – Is regarded as Jewish, for the purposes of this Act, any person after three grandparents of Jewish race or two grandparents of the same race, if their spouse is Jewish himself. Art. 2. – […]

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Law – 28 September 1940-XVIII, n. 1403 Repeal of the state contribution in favor of the Hebrew kindergartens covered by the law July 30, 1896, n. 343 [Italy]: ” … Art. 1 The annual contribution of L. 11,500 payable to kindergartens Hebrew under Article. 11 of Law 30 July 1896, n. 343, cease with effect […]

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Order concerning Measures against the Jews, September 27, 1940, in Occupied France [Germany / Occupied France]: “By Virtue of the authority vested in me by the Fuhrer and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, I hereby order as follows: Section 1. In the occupied territory any person will be considered a Jew who is or […]

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Law – 23 September 1940-XVIII, n. 1459 Additions to the Law of 13 July, 1939, n. 1055, containing provisions on testamentary as well as on the regulation of surnames, against persons belonging to the Jewish race [Italy]: ” … Articles 3 and 4 of the Law of 13 July, 1939, n. 1055, containing provisions on […]

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Decree concerning the Treatment of the Property of Citizens of the Former Polish State [Germany / Occupied Poland]: “By virtue of the decree concerning the execution of the Four-Year Plan…it is decreed as follows for the territory of the Greater German Reich, including the incorporated Eastern Territories: Section 2. (1) Sequestration shall be ordered in connection […]

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Law – 23 May 1940-XVIII, n. 587 Grant of a bonus in addition to the board to state employees for which is expected to dismissal, exempt from service in the execution of the decree-law R. Nov. 17, 1938-XVII, no. 1728, until reaching the maximum age limit for retirement [Italy]: ” … Sole Article Employees of […]

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No. 27. – Regulation from the Reich Commissioner for the Occupied Dutch Territories Concerning Jewish Students [Germany / Occupied Netherlands]: “Article 1 This statute affects: 1) persons who under Regulation No. 6/1941 Concerning the Reporting Requirements for Persons of Full or Partial Jewish Blood must report, with the exception of those who are descended from only […]

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“Policies Concerning the Treatment of Jews in the Government-General” issued by the Head of the Department of Jewish Affairs [Germany / Occupied Poland]: “1. A spatial separation between Poles and Jews is required. […] whether a person is a Jew or a non-Jew depends on his racial origins and blood and his acceptance of Judaism […]

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General Measures to Secure Jewish Property issued by the Head of Foreign Exchange [Germany / Occupied Poland]: “Article 2 – (1) Jews can only accept payments higher than 500 Zloty if they are paid in their favor into an account at a financial institution […]. (2) Jews can only acquire gold and other precious metals, […]

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Decree concerning Sequestration of Private Property in the Government General of Occupied Poland [Germany / Occupied Poland]: “…Section 16. …(2) Debtors in respect of obligations owed to a Jew which are subject to an order of sequestration may terminate their obligation by paying the amount due into a blocked bank account of such Jewish creditor. …Cracow, […]

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“Jews Required to Register with Local Authorities” issued by the Subdistrict Commander [Germany / Occupied Poland]: “[…] 2) All Jews moving into – or who have transferred into – the Government-General are required to register immediately with the mayor each locality where they have taken up residence no later than 24 hours after entering the […]

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Order concerning the Payment of Unemployment Relief [Germany / Occupied Poland]: “By virtue of subsection 1, Section 5, of the decree of the Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor concerning the administration of the occupied Polish territories of October 12, 1939…I hereby order as follows: Section 2. (2) Jews shall be excluded from unemployment relief and shall in […]

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Decree of the Fuhrer and the Reich Chancellor concerning the Organization and Administration of the Eastern Territories [Germany / Occupied Poland]: “Section 1. (I) In the process of reorganization of the Eastern Territories the Reich Districts (Gaue) of Western Prussia and Posen shall be incorporated as parts of the German Reich … Section 8. The Reich […]

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Law – 13 July 1939-XVII, no. 1024 Additional regulations of the Royal Decree-Law of 17 November 1938-XVII, no. 1728 on the defense of the Italian race [Italy]: “ … Art. 1 Subject to the provisions of Articles 8 and 26 of the Royal Decree-Law 17 November 1938-XVII, no. 1728; converted into the Law of 5 […]

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“Tenth decree relating to the Reich Citizenship Law” issued by Reich Minister of Interior Wilhelm Frick [Germany]: “…Article 1. Reich Association of the Jews. Section 1. (1) The Jews will be united into a Reich Association. …Section 2. (1) The Reich association has the purpose of promoting the emigration of the Jews. …Section 3. (1) All […]

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Law – 29 June 1939-XVII, no. 1054 Discipline of the exercise of professions by citizens of Jewish race [Italy]: ” … Art. 1 The exercise of the profession of journalist, doctor-surgeon, pharmacist, veterinary surgeon, midwife, lawyer, attorney, legal counsel, operator in business administration, accountant, engineer, architect, chemist, agronomist, surveyor, agricultural, industrial expert is, for citizens […]

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Royal Decree – 27 March 1939-XVII, no. 665 Approval of the Statute of The management and liquidation estate [Italy]: ” … Art. 1 And it formed, based in Rome, a body called ‘Body of Management and Real Estate Settlement'(EGELI) with the task of providing for the purchase, management and sale of real estate excess, pursuant […]

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“Second Execution Order to the Law on the Hitler Youth” issued by Adolf Hitler [Germany]: “On the basis of Article 4 of the law for the Hitler Youth of 1 December 1936 (RGBl I, page 993), I order… 7 Racial Requirements Jews (Article 5 of the 1st proclamation to the law of Reich citizenship of 14 […]

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Ordinance Regarding the Extension of the Deadline for Surrender of Jewels and Precious Metal Items by Jews [Germany]: “– In accordance with Section 3 of the Third Decree following the Ordinance Regarding the Registration of Jewish Estates (February 21, 1939, RGBl. Part I, p. 282), the following is hereby ordered: § 1 – The deadline […]

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“Third Decree following the Ordinance Regarding the Registration of Jewish Estates.” issued by Göring [Germany]:“- In accordance with Section 7 of the Ordinance Regarding the Registration of Jewish Estates, issued April 26, 1938 (RGBl. I, p. 414), I hereby order the following: § 1 – (1) All Jews (§ 5, First Ordinance amending the Reich Citizenship Law […]

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Royal Decree-Law – Feb. 9, 1939-XVII, no. 126 Implementing rules and integration of the provisions of art. R. 10 of the decree-law on Nov. 17, 1938-XVII, no. 1728, on the limits of real estate and industrial and commercial activities for Italian citizens of Jewish race [Italy]: ” … Art. 1 The limitations of the real […]

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Royal Decree-Law – December 22, 1938-XVII, no. 2111 Provisions relating to placement on leave absolute and for pensions to the military personnel of the armed forces of the Jewish race [Italy]: ” … Art. 1 The officers serving with the Royal Army, the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force, the Royal financial police and militia […]

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“Order Concerning the Utilization of Jewish Property” issued by Reich Minister of Economic Affairs [Germany]: “Order concerning the Utilization of Jewish Property of 3 December 1938…Article 1 The owner of a Jewish industrial enterprise…may be ordered to sell or liquidate the enterprise within a definite time. Certain conditions may be stipulated in the order. …Article […]

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Order issued by Reich Ministry of Interior [Germany]: “Police Regulation of the Appearance of Jews in Public of 28 November 1938. …ARTICLE 1 The Government Presidents in Prussia, Bavaria, and the Sudeten German areas, the proper authorities in the remaining provinces of the old Reich, the district captains (the Mayor in Vienna) in Austria and the […]

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Royal Decree – November 21, 1938-XVII, no. 2154 Amendments to the statute of the National Fascist Party [Italy]: “… Sole Article Article. 8 of the Statute of the National Fascist Party, approved by Decree R-XVI April 28, 1938, n. 513, is replaced by the following: ‘The Italian citizenship is a necessary condition for membership in […]

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“The Laws for the Defense of the Race” issued by Italian Government [Italy]: “…Milan, November 11, 1938 …First Chapter Mixed marriages: Italian citizens may not marry members of the Hamitic, Semitic, or non-Aryan races; …Second Chapter Definition of the Jewish race: The following are considered to be of the Jewish race: a person born from […]

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Decree issued by the Minister of Economy, Hermann Goering [Germany]: “1. All damage to Jewish businesses or dwellings on 8, 9 or 10 November 1938 through the indignation of the people over the agitation of the international Jews against national Socialist Germany, must be repaired at once by the Jewish occupant or Jewish businessman. …2. […]

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Order issued by Minister of Interior [Germany]: “Regulations Against Jews’ Possession of Weapons, 11 November 1938. …§1 Jews (§5 of the First Regulations of the German Citizenship Law of 14 November 1935, Reichsgesetzblatt I, p. 1333) are prohibited from acquiring, possessing, and carrying firearms and ammunition, as well as truncheons or stabbing weapons. Those now […]

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Order issued by Reinhard Heydrich [Germany]: “Regards: Measures against Jews tonight…a) Only such measures may be taken which do not jeopardize German life or property (for instance, burning of synagogues only if there is no danger of fires for the neighbourhoods). b) Business establishments and homes of Jews may be destroyed but not looted. The […]

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“Law on Passports of Jews” issued by Reich Minister of Interior [Germany]: “…Article 1 (1) All German passports of Jews (Article 5 of the first law to the Reich citizenship of 14 November 1935…) … who reside in the Reich area, become invalid. (1.2) The holders of the passports, mentioned in section (1), are obliged […]

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Fifth Decree of the German Civil Law issued by German government [Germany]: “…Article I. Elimination of the Jews from the Bar (Attorneyship). Section 1. Jews are excluded from the profession of a lawyer. In as much as Jews are still lawyers they are to be eliminated from the bar pursuant to the following provisions : …Signatories […]

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Royal Decree-Law 23 September 1938-XVI, n. 1630 Institution of primary schools for children of the Jewish race [Italy]: “…We have decreed and decree: Art. 1 For the children of the Jewish race are established at the expense of the State Special sections of primary school in the town where the number of them will not […]

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Royal Decree of Law September 7, 1938 – XVI [Italy]: “Measures with Regard to Foreign Jews VICTOR EMMANUEL III BY THE GRACE OF GOD AND BY THE WILL OF THE NATION KING OF ITALY EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA We have decreed and decree: Art. 1. From the publication of the present decree it is prohibited to […]

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“The second decree for the execution of the law regarding the changes of the surnames and forenames…” issued by Reich Minister of the Interior Representative Dr. Stuckart [Germany]: “…Art. 1 1. Jews may be given only such given-names as are cited in the directives issued by the Ministry of Interior concerning the utilization of given-names. […]

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“Fourth Decree relative to the Reich Citizen Law” issued by Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler [Germany]: “4th Decree relative to the Reich Citizen Law of 25 July 1938. …Section III. 1. Jews, whose appointment approval has expired and who have not received an authorization, by virtue of Section II, are forbidden to practice medicine. 2. A […]

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Decree Concerning Jewish pupils at Austrian schools issued by the Ministry of Interior [Germany / Occupied Austria]: “A. General principles: Jewish students are to be summarized at certain schools, that are designated for Jews only. Jewish students are not permitted to visit non-Jewish schools and vice versa, non-Jewish students are not allowed to visit Jewish […]

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Guidelines for the Approval of Guest Students at German Universities issued by the Reich Ministry of Education [Germany]: “Article 1 – 2. Jews […] who are of German nationality, cannot be admitted as guest students at German universities any longer. […] Berlin 9 June 1938- The Reich Minister for Science, Training and People’s Education, signed […]

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Decree issued by Reich Minister of Interior Wilhelm Frick [Germany / Occupied Austria]: “Decree Introducing the Nurnberg Racial Laws into the Land of Austria 20 May 1938…Section 3 The elimination of Jews from public offices which they hold on the effective date of this decree will be specially regulated. …” “Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression Volume […]

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“Decree for the Reporting of Jewish Owned Property” issued by Minister of Economy Hermann Goering [Germany]: “Decree for the Reporting of Jewish Owned Property of 26 April 1938…the following Is hereby decreed: Article 1 1. Every Jew (Article 5 of the First Regulation under the Reich Citizenship Law of 14 November 1935…) shall report and […]

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“Law Concerning the Legal Status of the Jewish Religious Communities” issued by Adolf Hitler [Germany]: “Law Concerning the Legal Status of the Jewish Religious Communities The Reich Government has enacted the following law, which is promulgated herewith: 1) Jewish religious communal organizations and their roof organizations obtain legal standing by means of registration in the […]

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Nazi Weapons Law of 1938 issued by Adolf Hitler [Germany]: “Weapons Law18 March 1938 The German Government has adopted the following law, which is herewith announced: Section I. General Points. § 1 (1) Firearms, as defined in this law, are weapons from which a solid object may be driven through a barrel, by gas or air pressure. …§ 3 (1) Whoever […]

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Decree issued by Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler [Germany / Occupied Austria]: “Decree of the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor concerning the Administration of the Oath to the Officials of the Province of Austria, March 15, 1938. …Section 3. The officials at present in office shall be sworn in forthwith in accordance with Section 2. Jewish officials […]

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“Law Nr. 169” Review of citizenships [Present-day Romania]: “Article 5. …Within 30 days from the publication of this law in the Official Gazette, municipal mayors will draw up a table of the Jews registered in the municipality’s nationality registers. A registration made based on the decision of an appeal committee or on a court ruling will be […]

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“Law on the Alteration of Family and Personal Names” issued by Adolf Hitler [Germany]: “Art. 1 1. Jews may be given only such given-names as are cited in the directives issued by the Ministry of Interior concerning the utili-zation of given-names. …Art. 2 1. In so far as the Jews are still using some other given-names […]

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