[Possible/Probable] Decree for deportation issued by authorities [Slovakia] Commentary from other sources: 1) “In the spring of 1944, as the Red Army drew closer to Slovakia’s eastern border, partisan operations increased. Succumbing to pressure from high-ranking officers in the Wehrmacht, the authorities in Bratislava ordered the Jews in eastern Slovakia to evacuate and to move toward the […]

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[Possible/Probable] Order issued by Minister of the Interior, Andor Jaross [Hungary]  Commentary from other sources: 1) “On May 2[1944], a few days after the publication of the ghetto decree, the Interior Minister’s order excluding Jews from public baths came into force.43 Sub-prefects and mayors were receiving this and dozens of other orders concerning the Jews, […]

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“Ghetto Decree” 1.610/Regulation No. “Certain regulatory issues related to housing and residence of Jews appointment” Issued by Hungarian government [Hungary]: “…Appointment of residence of the Jews…For § 8 (1) of ten thousand less populous municipalities, the first officer of the municipality rendelkezhetik as meaning that the Jews are obliged under its designated area of noise limit for […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Jewish Dress Code” [Germany / Occupied Hungary / Czechoslovakia / Former Yugoslavia (Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Vojvodina)] Commentary from other sources: 1) “After the occupation of Hungary, the German occupants ordered Jewish Hungarians and Jews with defunct other citizenships (Czechoslovakian, Romanian, Yugoslavian) in Hungarian-annexed areas to wear […]

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Decree of Duce – January 4, 1944-XXII, n. 2 Dispositions on the assets owned by citizens of the Jewish race [Italy]: ” … Art. 1 The Italian citizens of Jewish race or considered as such in accordance with art. 8 of Decree Law 17 November 1938, n. 1728, even if they have got the measure […]

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[Possible/Probable] Order issued by Minister of Interior [Italy] Commentary from other sources: 1) “…an order issued by the Ministry of the Interior that all Jews without exception should be interned in special concentration camps and all Jewish property confiscated (Nov. 30, 1943).” “Encyclopaedia Judaica; Jews in Italy 04: Holocaust period 1938-1945.” Online article

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[Possible/Probable] Order issued by Italian Socialist Republic [Italy] Commentary from other sources: 1) “At first, the authorities in the Italian Socialist Republic contented themselves with a declaration of principles which defined members of the “Jewish race” as aliens and, for the period of the war, as members of an enemy nation (Nov. 14, 1943).” “Encyclopaedia […]

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[Possible/Probable] Law issued by Bulgarian government [Bulgaria]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “In September 1943, spurred on by its German partner, the government enacted legislation that required all Jews to wear the yellow Star of David badge. The law was also applied to the 14,000 Jews residing in Thrace and the territory taken from […]

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Thirteenth Regulation under the Reich Citizenship Law of 1 July 1943 – Under Article 3 of the Reich Citizenship Law of September 15, 1935, Wilhelm Frick [Germany]: “1943 Reichsgesetzblatt, PART I, Page 372 – Thirteenth Regulation under the Reich Citizenship Law of 1 July 1943 – Under Article 3 of the Reich Citizenship Law of September 15, […]

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Order issued by Heinrich Himmler to Oswald Pohl and SS police officials for the transfer of all eastern Jews from ghettoes to SS concentration camps [Belarus]: “1) I order that all Jews still remaining in ghettos in the Ostland area have to be collected in concentration camps. 2) I prohibit any taking out of Jews from concentration […]

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Wage Compensation for Foreign and Stateless Labor Forces During an Air Raid Warning the same as for Damages and Elimination of Damages caused by an Air Raid issued by the General Plenipotentiary for Labor Deployment [Germany]: “Article 1- If an air raid causes any loss of pay, foreign and stateless workers will be recompensed in […]

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[Possible/Probable] Order by Bulgarian government on deportation of Jews [Bulgaria] Commentary from other sources: 1) “In March 1943, Bulgarian authorities deported all of the Jews from the territories Bulgaria had annexed in Macedonia (formerly part of Yugoslavia) and Thrace (formerly part of Greece). When the Germans pressured Bulgaria to deport its own Jews, the king […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic] Commentary from other sources: 1) “The acceptance of dresses and other objects from Jews for the purpose of dying and chemical cleaning is prohibited.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015  

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Order issued by member of Nazi SS, Dieter Wisliceny [Greece]: “Salonika, February 12, 1943. Security Police and Security Service (S.D.) Branch in Salonika. To: The Jewish Community in Salonika. Attn: The Chief Rabbi, Dr. Koretz. Re: Implementation order of the military commander of Salonika-Aegean, February 6, 1943. On the basis of the order given on […]

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“Law of 11 December 1942” issued by Vichy Regime [Vichy France]: “On the display of the word ‘Jew’ on the identity documents issued to French and foreign Jews. Any person of Jewish race is require to report within one month of the Commissioner or the force of his home to put the word ‘Jew’ on […]

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Order concerning Jewish property issued by the Chief of Military Administration [Germany / Occupied France]: “Article 2 – The property of Jews, who lost or are losing their German citizenship due to the above provisions, will be forfeited to the German Reich.” Les juifs sous l’occupation / recueil de textes officiels français et allemands 1940-1944, […]

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Decree about the loss of citizenship and the confiscation of properties of Jews in the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia [Germany / Present-day Czech Republic]: “1942, Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, p. 637 – Decree of 2 November 1942 Concerning Loss of Citizenship of the Protectorate: Section 1 – A Jew who has his domicile abroad cannot be a […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Jewish Dress Code” [Germany / Occupied France] Commentary from other sources: 1) “With the occupation of the French Zone libre Jews there were also forced to wear the yellow badge.” “Yellow badge;” wikipedia.org

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Law – October 9, 1942-XX, n. 1420, Capacity Issues of belonging to the Jewish race living in Libya [Italy]: ” … Art. 1 Contents of the Law… This law establishes the capacity constraints of belonging to the Jewish race living in Libya for the part that has not already regulated by the provisions in force […]

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Decree-Law No. 698 for the Institution of the Death Penalty for Jews Who Were Sent to Transnistria and Who Have Returned Fraudulently to this Country [Germany / Occupied Romania]: “Antonescu, Marshal of Rumania and Leader of the State. After having seen the report of the ministers of National Defense and Justice, No. 2400 of September 19, […]

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Act XV. of 1942 about the Land and Forest Ownership of Jews [Hungary]:  “Part I. General Provisions Section 1 (1) For the purposes of this Act the classification of non-Jews and Jews shall be performed pursuant to the provisions of sections 9 and 16 of Act XV. of 1941. (2) The provisions of this Act relating to […]

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[Possible/Probable] Law issued by Bulgarian government [Germany / Occupied Bulgaria] Commentary from other sources: 1) “In August 1942, the Bulgarian government established a Commissariat for Jewish Affairs with the objective of expelling the Jews of Bulgaria and confiscating their property. The ultimate aim of the commissariat, however, was not only for the Jews to finance the […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Jewish Dress Code” [Luxembourg] Commentary from other sources: 1) “With the German annexation of Luxembourg, the yellow badge was introduced there.” “Yellow badge;” wikipedia.org

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[Possible/Probable] “Jewish Dress Code” [Bulgaria] Commentary from other sources: 1) “Under German pressure, Bulgaria ordered its Jewish citizens to wear small yellow buttons, but contravention was not prosecuted.” “Yellow badge;” wikipedia.org

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Order issued by Herman Julius Hoefle [Germany]: “The Judenrat is informed of the following: 1. All Jewish persons living in Warsaw, regardless of age and sex, will be resettled in the East. 2. The following are excluded from the resettlement: 1. All Jewish persons employed by German Authorities or enterprises, and who can show proof […]

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Order issued by Heinrich Himmler [Germany / Occupied Countries]: “I herewith order that the resettlement of the entire Jewish population of the Government-General be carried out and completed by December 31, 1942. From December 31, 1942, no persons of Jewish origin may remain within the Government-General, unless they are in the collection camps in Warsaw, Cracow, […]

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Order issued by Philippe Hennequin during Jewish roundup [France]: “1. The guards and inspectors, after verifying the identity of the Jews to stop their task, not to discuss the various observations that can be made…by them… 2. They did not discuss either the state of health. Every Jew should be conducted to arrest the primary center.  […]

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Ninths Order concerning Measures against the Jews issued by the Chief of Military Administration [Germany / Occupied France]: “Article 1 – Jews can [be] prohibited from participating in public events and the uses of facilities, that are accessible to the general public. […] Article 2 – Jews are only allowed to shop in department stores, […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “The closure of Jewish schools was decreed and every public as well as private tuition of Jewish children is forbidden.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

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“Concerning the Appearance of Jews in Public” issued by the Commissary General for Public Security [Netherlands]: “Paragraph 1 Jews must be in their homes between the hours of 20:00 to 06:00. Paragraph 2 Jews may not be present in homes, parks, and other private institutions that are used for recreation or entertainment of non-Jews, unless […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “Use of trains. In addition to previous orders Jews are not permitted to use porters, waiting rooms, refreshment stalls, etc.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

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“Decree No. 1301” issued by Chief of State of Vichy France Philippe Petain [Vichy France]: “Decree No. 1301 of June 6, 1942 regulating, in respect of the Jews, the professions of actor, film or opera. We, Marshal of France, head of the French state…The state council…Decree: Art. 1st The Jews cannot hold a job in […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jews are prohibited from entering Wenceslaus Sq. and approaches from Saturday 15:00 to Monday 8:00 hrs. Likewise the main railway station and approaches, likewise the approach roads leading to the Zoo.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Jewish Dress Code”[Belgium] Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jewish Belgians forced to wear the yellow badge.” “Yellow badge,” wikipedia.org

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[Possible/Probable] Decree issued by Brigade Fuhrer Karl Oberg [Germany / Occupied France] Commentary from other sources: 1) “With a long schedule of diplomatic exemptions, which included British and American subjects, Brigadefuhrer [Brigade Fuhrer] Karl Oberg published the Jewish badge decree for Occupied France on 1 June 1942. The badge had to be worn from the age […]

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“Eight Order of May 29, 1942” issued by German occupation administration [Germany]:  “(1) The Jews must report to the police station to receive badges in the shape of star. Every Jew will receive three badges and will have to give in Exchange a point of textile card. (2) It is prohibited the Jews from the […]

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[Possible/Probable] Decree issued by Nazi SS in occupied territory [Germany / Occupied Belgium]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “May 27 [1942] In occupied Belgium, German authorities issue a decree requiring all Jews to wear the yellow star.” “1942: Key Dates.” ushmm.org

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[Possible/Probable] Decree by the Reich Commissioner for the occupied territories of the Netherlands, Artur Seyss-Inquart [Germany / Occupied Netherlands]    Commentary from other sources: 1) “Following his assumption of office in the Netherlands on 29 May 1940, Seyss-Inquart, pursuant to the authority vested in him as Reich Commissar of the Netherlands by the Fuehrer decree of […]

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Executive Order for the Maternity Protection Law issued by the Reich Labor Ministry [Germany]: “Section 1 – The provisions of the Maternity Protection Law apply only to women of German citizenship – except Jews.  […] Berlin 17 Mai 1942 – The Reich Labor Minister, signed by Dr. Syrup.” 1942 Reichsgesetzblatt I, page 324, Accessed online; […]

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Law 68 – Constitutional Law of 15 May 1942 On the expulsion of Jews (“Deportation Bill” issued by Slovakian Republic) [Slovakia]: The parliament of the Slovak Republic has decreed by this constitutional law that: §1 Jews can be expelled from the territory of the Slovak Republic. …§3 [1] Jews who are expelled or Jews who have left […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]    Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jews are excluded from the sale of dried fruit (raisins, prunes, hazelnuts and walnut kernels).” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic] Commentary from other sources: 1) “At peak periods, when the tramcar carriages are full, or when at tram stops more people queue than can be accommodated, the conductor is to tell  the Jewish passengers to leave the carriage. Their tickets will cease to be valid” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic] Commentary from other sources: 1) “Mixed Marriages. Exact statistics were submitted of all Jews who live in mixed marriages. These were gathered and processed by means of a questionnaire.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic] Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jews are excluded from receiving dried onions.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

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Order from Reich Government to Slovakia [Slovakia]: “Sent from Berlin on May 2 [1942] at 0.15 hours Received in Pressburg on May 2 at 0.20 hours. No. 640—pursuant to instruction in cable of April 11, this year no. 533, I wish to advise the government of Slovakia as follows: The Reich Government undertakes permanently to retain […]

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[Possible/Probable] Decree issued by Italian Government [Italy]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “In the early months of the war, 43 concentration camps were set up in Italy for enemy aliens, and several thousand Jews of foreign nationality as well as about 200 Italian Jews were interned; however, conditions in the camps were, on the […]

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[Possible/Probable] Decree by the Reich Commissioner for the occupied territories of the Netherlands, Artur Seyss-Inquart [Germany / Occupied Netherlands]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “Following his assumption of office in the Netherlands on 29 May 1940, Seyss-Inquart, pursuant to the authority vested in him as Reich Commissar of the Netherlands by the Fuehrer decree of […]

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“Order to wear the Jewish Star” issued by the General-Commissioner for Security Raufer [Germany / Occupied Netherlands]: “In accordance with Paragraph 45 of Order 138/41 of the Reich Commissioner for the Occupied Dutch Territories concerning public security, I order the following: Par 1: 1) A Jew who appears in public is obliged to wear a Jewish […]

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[Possible/Probable] Decree issued by Nazi SS in occupied territory [Germany / Occupied Netherlands]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “April 27 [1942] In the Netherlands, the German Higher SS and Police Leader issues a decree requiring all Jews to wear the yellow Star of David on their outer clothing.” “1942: Key Dates.” ushmm.org

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Law – 19 April 1942-XX, n. 517 Exclusion of Jewish elements from the field of entertainment [Italy]: ” … Art. 2 Are prohibited representation, the execution, the public showing and recording of phonograph records of any work to which contribute or have contributed authors or performers Italians, foreigners or stateless persons belonging to the Jewish […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “The sale of bags made of leather, textiles or other materials as well as the of suitcases, briefcases, handbags, purses of any kind, travel utensils, belts, shopping bags, etc. to Jews is prohibited.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the […]

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“Seventh Order of March 24, 1942” issued by German occupation administration [Germany]: “Seventh Order of March 24, 1942 about: 1. Criterion of ‘person’ Jewish. 2. Confiscation of wireless sets [radio], held by the Jews. 3. Ban on certain economic activities and to employ Jews. 4. Non-payment of severance pay to a Jew.” [Editor’s note: Original webpage […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “Evacuation of Beneschau. 137 Jews were removed from Beneschau and resettled within a week in Tábor with Jewish families.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

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Decree to Identify Jewish Homes issued by the General of the Reich Security Police [Germany]: “Since Jews use every opportunity to camouflage, it proves necessary to identify the homes of Jews. Accordingly, every Jewish household […] has to mark their home. The same is true for administrative service-, children-, age- and sick-homes. […] The marking […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]  Commentary from other sources: 1) “Handing in of Furs by Slovak nationals. Articles of fur and of woollens owned by Jews of Slovak nationality had also to be delivered up.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, […]

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[Possible/Probable] Order issued by Slovakian Government [Slovakia]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “March 9 [1942] Slovak authorities require all Jews to wear the yellow Star of David on their outer clothing.” “1942: Key Dates.” ushmm.org

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic] Commentary from other sources: 1) “Aryan doctors are not permitted to prescribe additional food for sick Jews. This can only be done by Jewish doctors and the front page of the application must have the word “Jew” written diagonally across it in red ink. For sick Jews the following must not […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “The use of all types of public laundries by Jews is prohibited.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

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“Sixth order of February 7, 1942 on measures against the Jews” issued by German occupation administration [Germany]: “Official Journal of the orders of the military Governor for the occupied territories of February 11 1942. Under the full authority granted to me by the Fuhrer und Oberster Befehishaber der Wehrmacht, I order the following: (1) Limitation of […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jews wearing the yellow star are prohibited from using public telephones.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jews excluded from the use of tramcars from Saturday 15:00 hrs. to Monday  morning from 1:00 hrs.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “The sale of pork to Jews is prohibited.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic] Commentary from other sources: 1) “The sale of Czech newspapers to Jews, directly or indirectly, is prohibited.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “Collections of Articles of Fur and of Woollens. Jews had to hand in all furs as well as woollens in their possession except where they had an absolute need of them.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jews are prohibited from crossing the park at the National Museum.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

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[Possible/Probable] Act VIII. of 1942 about the Regulation of the Legal Status of the Jewish Community [Hungary] [Provisional]: “Section 1. Act XLII. of 1895 about the Jewish religion shall be declared null and void. The Jewish religious community shall be declared to be a lawfully recognized religious community – Section 2. Schools, or other institutions […]

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[Possible/Probable] Law [Germany] Commentary from other sources: 1) “Blind or deaf Jews no longer allowed to wear armbands identifying their condition in Traffic” “Learning: Voices of the Holocaust,” British Library website

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “Delivery up of musical instruments, cameras incl. attachments and technical measuring equipment. All cameras, portable musical instruments and technical measuring equipment in possession of Jews had to be delivered up to the Jewish community offices. Non-portable instruments were collected.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of […]

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[Possible/Probable] Decree issued by military commander in Serbia [Germany / Occupied Serbia] Commentary from other sources: 1) “In order to isolate the Jews from every source of help from the local population, severe penalties have been introduced for extending such help to them. In that part of Yugoslavia designated as Serbia, the military commander issued an […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “Handing over of Skiing gear, Gramophones and of Gramophone Records. Jews had to deliver up to the Jewish community offices their skiing gear as well as their gramophones and gramophone records.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community […]

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“Order of December 19, 1941” Issued by Vichy Regime regarding requirements for Jewish students in higher education institutions [Occupied Vichy, France]: “Admission requirements for Jewish students in higher education institutions (…). By way of derogation, the Jewish applicant is allowed to register or take courses only if his family has been established in France for at […]

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“Order of December 17, 1941” issued by the German occupation administration [Germany / Occupied France]: “Order of 17 December 1941 On a fine imposed on the Jews: The fine of one billion francs imposed on the Jews of occupied area, notice the ‘Militarbefehishaber in Frankreich’ December 14, 1941, shall be allocated to the Jewish property […]

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Law no. 1.091 – Decree-Law concerning the census of all the inhabitants of Jewish descent Decree issued by Ion Antonescu [Romania]: “…Decree-Law concerning the census of all the inhabitants of Jewish descent Article I. All the inhabitants of the Country who are of Jewish …will have to appear before the office of the ‘Romanian Jewish […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jews are prohibited from visiting the Xmas fair on the Charles Place.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

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“Order of December 10, 1941” issued by Vichy Regime [Vichy France]: “Procedures for periodic testing of the Jews. The French and foreign Jews will be subject to regular review. They will be notified through the press or individual convocations. The Jews in the department of the Seine must prove their identity after an issue of ‘November 1940 […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]    Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jews are excluded from obtaining oranges and mandarins.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

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[Possible/Probable] Laws issued by the Slovakian Official Gazette [Germany / Occupied Slovakia]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “ZURICH, Dec. 5 [1941]…Further laws regulating the Jewish status in the Nazi-puppet state of Slovakia are published in the Slovakian Official Gazette, Hospodarsky Dennik, reaching here today. The laws provide: 1. No Jew is permitted to use […]

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Special law issued by Administrative Head of Occupied Territories Wilhem Frick [Germany / Occupied Poland]: “…1. Criminal Law – I (1) Poles and Jews in the Incorporated Eastern Territories are to conduct themselves in the conformity with the German Laws and with the regulations introduced for them by the German authorities.  They are to abstain from […]

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[Possible/Probable] Decree issued by Vichy government [Vichy France] Commentary from other sources: 1) “A decree enacted on November 29, 1941, established the Union Generale des Israelites de France (UGIF), whose officially stated purpose was to provide representation for all Jews vis-a-vis the state authorities, especially with regard to relief and social welfare. All existing Jewish organizations, […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jews are excluded from the purchase of wines and spirits.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

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11th Ordinance of 25 November 1941 issued by Minister of Interior Wilhelm Frick [Germany]: “1941 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, P. 722 – …1. A Jew, having his regular residence abroad, cannot be a German national. …2. A Jew loses German nationality: a. If at the date this amendment becomes effective, he has his regular residence abroad. b. If he […]

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Order on the Application of the Personal Damages Regulation to Jews issued by the Reich Ministry of the Interior [Germany]: “Nr. 1 (1) If a Jews suffers a personal injury […], the Personal Damages Regulation of November 10, 1940 shall not be applied. (3) A Jew shall also not receive welfare and care for surviving […]

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Decree on Termination of Parcel Services for Jews issued by the Mail Division [Germany / Occupied Poland]: “From December 1st 1941 on parcels, regular packages, unsealed and sealed value packages from Jewish people will no longer be accepted for delivery until further notice in order to avoid the danger of epidemics. Krakow 21 November 1941 […]

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“Order concerning possession of electrical equipment, turntables and records, typewriters, bicycles and optical equipment” issued by The Reich Association of Jews in Germany [Germany]: “All typewriters, calculating machines, copying machines, bicycles, cameras and binoculars in the possession of Jews are to be collected and handed in.” Juedisches Nachrichtenblatt, 5. Jg. 1942, Nr. 25 of 19 June, […]

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[Possible/Probable] Decree No. 23 issued by Gheorghe Alexianu [Transnistria]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “On 11 November [1941]  Gheorghe Alexianu, the Romanian Governor of Transnistria, made public Decree No. 23 concerning the organization of Jewish life; this decree became the ‘constitution’ of the ghettos and camps. According to the decree, Jews were confined to […]

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Order for Warsaw Ghetto Imposing the Death Penalty on Jews Leaving the Ghettos and Poles Assisting Them, Issued by Dr. Ludwig Fisher, Governor of the Warsaw District in the General Government [Poland]: “…Death penalty for illegal leaving the Jewish residential district. -Recently, in many documented instances, Jews, who have left the residential districts designated for […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]    Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jews are excluded from receiving onions. Jews are excluded from receiving garlic.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic] Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jews not to benefit from season ticket fares reduction. Jews completely excluded from the use of tramcars in Brünn / Brno.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]    Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jews are prohibited from walking along and in the vicinity of the castle.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

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[Possible/Probable] “Expulsion of Jews” [Slovakia]    Commentary from other sources: 1) “Bratislava Jews expelled to rural Slovakia.” “The Holocaust: Timeline of Jewish Persecution (1932 – 1945);” jewishvirtuallibrary.org

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “Handing over of typewriters and bicycles. Jews had to deliver up to the Jewish community offices all typewriters and bicycles in their possession.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed […]

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[Possible/Probable] Decree by the Reich Commissioner for the occupied territories of the Netherlands, Artur Seyss-Inquart – 3328-PS [Germany / Occupied Netherlands]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “Following his assumption of office in the Netherlands on 29 May 1940, Seyss-Inquart, pursuant to the authority vested in him as Reich Commissar of the Netherlands by the Fuehrer decree of […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]   Commentary from other sources: 1) “Prohibition to dispose of own property. By means of an announcement, which every head of a Jewish family had to sign, Jews were henceforth prohibited from disposing of their own property. These forms were checked, were sent by courier to the provincial Jewish community offices […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]    Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jews are not entitled to receive marmalade and jam.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

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Third Regulation on Restrictions of Residence in the General Government issued by the Governor – General [Germany / Occupied Poland]: “Article 4b – (1) Jews who leave their assigned residential district without authorization will be punished by death. The same penalty applies to persons granting Jews knowingly shelter. (2) Persons instigating and assisting the delinquent […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]    Commentary from other sources: 1) “On trains Jews are permitted only in the lowest class of carriage. Jews are not permitted to use fast and through trains. Jews are only permitted to use the last carriage. Jews will not be sold platform tickets. In case of overcrowding Jews are completely […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]  Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jews are excluded from any allocation of tobacco.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Accessed 8/27/2015

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“Numerus Clausus for Jews in Public Primary Schools” established by the Government-General Weygand of Algeria [Vichy France; Algeria]: “As of January 1, 1942, the figure of 14 percent will be valid for all Jewish pupils, and the elimination of all children over the figure will be immediately announced.” Global Jewish Advocacy: Anti-Semitism: An Assault on […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]    Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jews are prohibited from walking on either bank of the river Moldau / Vltava between the railway bridge in Smíchov and the Hlávka bridge.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, […]

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[Possible/Probable] Prague [Czech Republic]    Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jews excluded from all but one post office, the permitted post office is at Prague II, Insel-gasse 9, access limited to between 13:00and 15:00. Similar rules apply in other towns.” “Nazi Restrictions on the Jews of Prague & The Role of the Jewish Community Council,” […]

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