[Possible/Probable] Canon 7 issued by the Tenth Council of Toledo [Spain]  Commentary from other sources: 1) “…on December 1, 656, at [Tenth Council of] Toledo…[Canon] 7. It was loudly complained that clerics sell Christian slaves to Jews, and this was entirely forbidden, with the quotation of many passages from the Bible.” Karl Joseph von Hefele: “A […]

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[Possible/Probable] Order of Philipp, the governor (‘Statthalter’) of Jerusalem [Present-day Israel]  Commentary from other sources: 1) “Philipp, the governor (‘Statthalter’) of Jerusalem orders the murder of a number of Jews, who were hiding in a cave, on a Sabbath.” [This order came after Antiochus [IV Epiphanes] had decided and decreed that all of his subjects were to […]

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[Possible/Probable] Order of Ptolemy IV Philopator [Present-day Egypt; Ptolemaic Kingdom] Commentary from other sources: 1) “[…] Jews are to be downgraded from first-class citizens to the lowest, third-class citizens [and] each Jew is to re-register again […] and one is to brand each Jew’s body with a red-hot iron in [the shape of] an ivy-leaf […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Order” of Bagoas* [Present-day Iran, Iraq, Egypt; Achaemenid Empire]  Commentary from other sources: 1) “[…] as punishment for the fratricide** in this temple, Bagoas imposes a fine of fifty [Greek] Drachma for each lamb they (Jews) sacrifice in the[ir] temple.” [*Bagoas was a Visier (Chief Minister) in the Achaemenid Empire. **According to the source, […]

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[Possible/Probable] “Destruction of the Jewish Temple” ordered by Vidranga [Achaemenid Kingdom/First Persian Empire; Present-day Iran, Egypt, Armenia, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India] Commentary from other sources: 1) “The Temple which is in Elephantine the fortress let them demolish.” [Researcher’s note: Vidranga was a Persian commander and the father of Naphaina who was in turn a garrison […]

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