Unconfirmed Acts

The following are Acts that are missing either a full date and/or an Official source.

Displaying 400 – 425 of 742
1. Full Date of Act 1600
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Decree concerning Jews entering the City of Kaufbeuren around 1600
3. Geography of Act Germany [Provisional]
4. Text of Act “No Jew or Jewess shall be allowed into the city, unless he pays a guardian at the city gate. They are to go with the Jews and pay attention to what they do. For every hour the Jews must pay a crown to the guardian. The city council will make sure the guardians are carefully observing what the Jews do.”
5. Source R. Ledermann, History of the Jews in the City of Kaufbeuren (Geschichte der Juden in der Reichsstadt Kaufbeuren), published in: Monatsschrift fuer Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 48, issue 11/12 (November/ December 1904), page 727. Translation by Franziska Wagener 2/2017
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1608
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Blood Purity Law” issued by the Jesuit Church
3. Geography of Act Roman Catholic Church
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) The Jesuit order forbids admission to anyone descended from Jews to the fifth generation. Caroll, James: Constantine’s Sword: The Church and the Jews; (New York; 2002)
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1609
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Marranos expelled from England
3. Geography of Act England
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “As a result of enquiries by the Lord Chamberlain all Portuguese merchants suspected of Judaising were expelled.” Langham, Raphael: The Jews in Britain: A chronology, p. 28
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1610
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Confinement of Jews into a Ghetto” issued by Duke Vincenzo Gonzaga
3. Geography of Act Duchy of Mantua; Present-day Italy
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) In Mantua, Jews were required to live in a walled ghetto. The gates of the ghetto were locked at sunset and unlocked at dawn. Morgan, Howard: So Deeply Scarred: A History of “Christian” Anti-Semitism (2016)
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1610
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Papal Bull of Pope Paul V
3. Geography of Act Papal States; Present-day Italy
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “Regulates dowries of Roman Jews.” Jewish Encyclopedia: The Popes; jewishencyclopedia.com
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1611
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Decree issued by Pope Paul V
3. Geography of Act Present-day Italy [Provisional]
4. Text of Act “…persons of Jewish descent shall not be admitted to canonicates of cathedrals, dignities in brotherhoods, and offices entrusted with the care of souls.”
5. Source “Constantine’s Sword.” James Carroll. Page 381
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1615
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Jewish Ordinance” issued in Yiddish by the Polish Police
3. Geography of Act Poland [Provisional]
4. Text of Act “One is permitted to wear only two rings on weekdays, four on the Sabbath, and six on the holidays. Both men and women are absolutely forbidden to wear precious stones. An exception is made in the case of a pregnant woman, who is permitted to wear a ring with a diamond because of its curative powers. Otherwise no exception will be made under penalty of three ducats.”
5. Source Rader Marcus, Jacob and Marc Saperstein: The Jews in Christian Europe. (2015)
6. Researcher Ziba Shadjaani
7. Year of Research 2016
8. Notes
Even though the text itself does not mention the word “Jew” in the text itself, the name of the decree is “Jewish Ordinance” and it was issued in Hebrew.
1. Full Date of Act 1616
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Expulsion of Jews”
3. Geography of Act Upper Bavaria
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “A new police order strengthens the expulsion of Jews from the dukedom of Bavaria. In addition, access to the territories is only permitted for those in transit and all subjects are prohibited from trading with Jews.” “Chronologie zur Geschichte de Juden in Bayern (906 – 1945);” RIJO RESEARCH; rijo.homepage.t-online.de
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1617
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Expulsion of Jews”
3. Geography of Act Austria
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “Expulsion of Jews from the Günzburg which belongs to the Austrian territories (Margravate of Burgau)” “Chronologie zur Geschichte de Juden in Bayern (906 – 1945);” RIJO RESEARCH; rijo.homepage.t-online.de
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1618
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Toll/Tax Ordinance of Finstermünz,*” (Zollordnung) year 1618
3. Geography of Act Present-day Austria [Provisional]
4. Text of Act “Jews passing through on foot pay 10 Kreuzer* those on horseback pay 20 Kreuzer**.”
5. Source Studien zur Geschichte und Gesellschaft Vorarlbergs. Regionalstudie zur Geschichte einer Weltanschauung [-] Antisemitismus in Vorarlberg. Herausgegeben von Werner Dreier in Zusammenarbeit mit der Johann-August-Malin-Gesellschaft. Gedruckt mit Unterstützung des Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft und Forschung in Wien, des Landes Voralberg, der Landeshauptstadt Bregenz sowie der Stadt Hohenems. (“Studies Regarding the History and Society of Voralberg. A Regional study Regarding the History of a Weltanschauung [-] Anti-Semitism in Voralsberg. Published by Werner Dreier in Cooperation with the Johann-August-Malin-Society. Printed with the support of the Federal Ministry for Science and Research in Vienna, the State of Voralberg, State Capital of Bregenz and the City of Hohenems.”); (Bregenz; 1988);
6. Researcher Ziba Shadjaani
7. Year of Research 2018
8. Notes
The above is a translation of a summary of the original text from an authoritative source. *Finstermünz (called now Altfinstermünz) is a strategic Medieval court city and border fortification which was set up on the order of Archduke Sigismund of Austria in 1472. **A Kreuzer was a silver coin, which was worth about 5 pennies at that time. This means that Jews on foot had to pay an equivalent of 50 pennies; those on horseback 100 pennies to pass through Finstermünz.
1. Full Date of Act 1622
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Behavior Code of Abul Hassan Lari
3. Geography of Act Present-day Iran [Provisional]
4. Text of Act “2. Jews may not circulate freely among the Believers. 3. In their stores Jews must sit on low stools, in order that they not see the purchaser’s face. 4. Jews must wear a specially constructed hat of eleven colors. 5. Around this hat they must sew a yellow ribbon three meters long. 6. Women must tie little bells on their sandals. […]”
5. Source Outcaste, Jewish Life in Southern Iran, by Laurence D. Loeb, New York 1977 page 2922/2017
6. Researcher Franziska Wagener
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1626
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Jewish-Ordinance” issued by the Council of the Imperial City of Wimpfen,* year 1626
3. Geography of Act Imperial City of Wimpfen; Present-day Germany [Provisional]
4. Text of Act ““[…] Only four Jewish families chosen by the council are to be taken into protection (allowed to settle) but not as citizens […] they are to swear an Jewish oath to be loyal and good to the city. They are not to blaspheme Jesus’s name. Foreign Jews are to stay no more than one night. The Jews are to live in two houses and may not posses property/real estate. They are only to charge 5% in interest, usury is prohibited, they are prohibited from purchasing stolen goods. […] Honesty is strongly suggested. They are to wear yellow rings on their dresses or coats, so that they can be recognized. On Christian holy-days, they may not work, ride (horse etc.), drive, and must avoid the street. […]””
5. Source Geschichte der Reichstadt Wimpfen, Ritterstifts St. Peter zu Wimpfen in Thal des Dominicanerklosters und des Hospitals zum hl. Geist zu Wimpfen am Berg. Nach Urkunden zusammengestellt von Ludwig Frohnhäuser, Pfarrverwalter; (Darmstadt; 1870); (History of the Imperial City of Wimpfen, of the Knightly-Stift St. Peter of Wimpfen in the Valley of the Dominican monastery and the Hospital of the holy spirit of Wimpfen at the mountain. According to official documents by Ludwig Frohnhäuser, Parish Administrator); (Darmstadt; 1870);
6. Researcher Ziba Shadjaani
7. Year of Research 2018
8. Notes
*This summary of the Jewish ordinance of Wimpfen was first issued in 1598.
1. Full Date of Act 1627
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Prohibition to Property Owners” by the Municipal Administration (“Stadtverwaltung”) (1627)
3. Geography of Act Present-day Austria [Provisional]
4. Text of Act “[…] [aristocratic] land-owners (‘Landesinsassen’) shall not settle or permit Jews to live in their territories at libitum [at will] without the explicit permission of the Duke […].”
5. Source Beyträge zur politischen Gesetzkunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate; Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrereich (Graf von Barth-Barthenheim): Erster Band; (Wien; 1821); (Contributions to the Political Statutes of the Austrian Royal State; published by Johann Ludwig Ehrereich (Earl of Barth-Barthenheim); Volume I); (Vienna; 1821);
6. Researcher Ziba Shadjaani
7. Year of Research 2017
8. Notes
This law was the result of a complaint brought forth by Christian citizens who griped that noblemen/aristocratic landowners were selling their “Mäute” (land/bridges where a payment of a tariff was required) to Jews for a substantial profit, which in turn increased the values of properties so much so that they became “very unchristian and expensive” and impossible for poorer (Christian) subjects to afford.
1. Full Date of Act 1628
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Land Decree” (‘Landesdekret’) issued by the Government of Bohemia
3. Geography of Act Present-day Czech Republic [Provisional]
4. Text of Act “[…] it is ordered: a) that they (Jews) are not permitted to purchase any stolen items, and when this has [indeed] happened, shall return such items to its [original] owner. b) They shall not have anything entered into the state records (‘Landtafel’) nor city-books […].”
5. Source Dr. Johnn Luksche’s, weiland kaiserl. mähr. schles. Appelationsrathes, Besondere Rechte der Personen Mährens Dr. Joh. Luksche’s, weiland kaiserl. mähr. schles. Appelationsrathes, Besondere Rechte der Personen Mährens und Schlesiens, vorzüglich in politischer Hinsicht. Zweiter Band; (Brünn, 1844); (Dr. Joh. Lutsche’s Weiland Imper[ial], Moravia[n], Silesia[n] Council of Appellations, Special Rights of Persons of Moravia and Silesia, especially in political terms. Vol. II); (Brünn; 1844);
6. Researcher Ziba Shadjaani
7. Year of Research 2017
8. Notes
This meant that Jews had no right to own goods, property, or houses, except those for which they had received specific permission.
1. Full Date of Act 1630
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Jewish-Ordinance” issued by the Council of the Imperial City of Wimpfen,* year 1630
3. Geography of Act Imperial City of Wimpfen; Present-day Germany [Provisional]
4. Text of Act ““[…] schools and synagogues may not be built [anywhere in the city while] private gatherings (of Jews) to pray are allowed. […]””
5. Source Petzold, Rudolf: “Die jüdische Gemeinde Heinsheim” (“The Jewish Community in Heinsheim”); Accessed online;
6. Researcher Ziba Shadjaani
7. Year of Research 2018
8. Notes
*This Jewish Ordinance of Wimpfen is basically a renewal of the 1598 and 1626 Jewish ordinances of Wimpfen – except, this ordinance explicitly prohibits Jews from building new schools and/or synagogues.
1. Full Date of Act 1636
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Regulations” issued by Cardinal di Lione and Cardinal S. Onofrio, year 1636
3. Geography of Act Papal States [Provisional]
4. Text of Act ““[…] Jews are to return to [wearing] the old yellow[-colored] hats […].””
5. Source Vogelstein, Hermann and Paul Rieger: Geschichte Der Juden in Rom. Zweiter Band; 1420-1870 (History of the Jews in Rome. Volume II. 1420-1870); (Berlin; 1895)
6. Researcher Ziba Shadjaani
7. Year of Research 1201
8. Notes
In the early 17th century, it had become fashionable for Jews to wear dark orange (almost crimson-colored) hats in Rome that were very similar to those of the cardinals. Naturally, this did not sit well with church officials; so they issued this regulation which ordered Jews to stick to the old [straw-]yellow color.
1. Full Date of Act 1638
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Confinement of Jews into a Ghetto” issued Duke Francesco I
3. Geography of Act Duchy of Modena; Present-day Italy
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) In Modena, the ghetto system was introduced for Jews. Morgan, Howard: So Deeply Scarred: A History of “Christian” Anti-Semitism (2016)
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1640
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Church laws of Moldavia and Walachia
3. Geography of Act Present-day Romania
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “Greek Orthodox Christianity while geneally not as intensely anti-Semetic as Roman Catholcism was intolerant and priests preached anti-Semetic semons [sic]. The Church influenced the first legal codes in both Walachias and Moldavia–the Church laws of Moldavia and Walachia (1640). The Church code identified Jews as heretics and prohibitedethe [sic] faithful from contasct [sic] them. Jews were not llow [sic] to appear as inesses in trials. Interstingly an exception was made for physicians, presumably because their expert testimony was needed.” “Romanian Religious Faiths; Early Antisemitism.” Online article
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1645
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Order”
3. Geography of Act Bohemia; Present-day Czech Republic
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) In 1645 the Jews of the ghetto were ordered to furnish several hundred uniforms for the soldiers. The Jewish Encyclopedia: The History, Religion Literature, and Customs of the Jewish People From the Earliest Times to the Present Day; edited by Isidore Singer; (New York/London)
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1654
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Expulsion of Jews from Pernambuco”
3. Geography of Act Present-day Brazil
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jews were expelled from Pernambuco.” “The Persecution of the Jews and Muslims of Portugal. King Manuel I and the End of Religious Tolerance (1496–7) [The Medieval Mediterranean. Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400–1500. Volume 69];” history.ac.uk; “History of Pernambuco;” wikipedia.org
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1656
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Forced Conversion of Jews” issued by Shah Abbas II
3. Geography of Act Persia
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) All Persian Jews (and Christians) are made to convert to Islam during the reign of the Safavid shah, Abbas II. Various means were used to force the Jews to convert to Islam. They were required to wear special headgear; their synagogues were closed; and in violation of their dietary strictures, they were forced to eat meat boiled in milk.
Thomas, Kenneth J.: A Restless Search: A History of Persian Translations of the Bible; shu.edu (2015)
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1661
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Privilege (Order)” issued by Count Franz Ernst Schlick
3. Geography of Act CIty of Saint Peter; Present-day Austria [Provisional]
4. Text of Act ““[…] henceforth no Jew is permitted to live in the city of Saint Peter and its suburbs […] their homes, including the synagogue, are to be sold off to the citizens. […]””
5. Source Bondy, Gottlieb and Franz Dworsky: Geschichte der Juden in Böhmen, Mähren und Schlesien; II 1577-1620 (“History of Jews in Bohemia, Maehren, and Silesia; Vol. II 1577-1620); (Prague; 1906)
6. Researcher Ziba Shadjaani
7. Year of Research 2017
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1669
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Expulsion of Jews from Oràn”
3. Geography of Act Zayyanid Dynasty; Present-day Algeria
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jews are expelled from Oràn.” “The Persecution of the Jews and Muslims of Portugal. King Manuel I and the End of Religious Tolerance (1496–7) [The Medieval Mediterranean. Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400–1500. Volume 69];” history.ac.uk
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1670
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Banning of Jews from Vienna” Issued by Leopold I
3. Geography of Act Present-day Austria
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “4000 Jews were banned from Vienna by King Leopold I because they refused to be baptized.” “Anti-Semitism in Austria – a historical overview;” anarchismus.at
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act Oct. 1675
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Rescript to the Secret Council of Cologne” issued by Duke Fredrick William of Prussia
3. Geography of Act Prussia [Provisional]
4. Text of Act “”Jews are allowed to remain in the country in return for a cash payment of at least 4000 Reichstaler. Those who refuse to make the payment are to leave the country within 6 days.””
5. Source Stern, Selma: Der Preussische Staat und die Juden, Vol. 1. (The Prussian State and the Jews), (1962) p. 42, Berliner Staats Archive R 21- 203, Accessed online.
6. Researcher Ziba Shadjaani
7. Year of Research 2015
8. Notes None