Unconfirmed Acts

The following are Acts that are missing either a full date and/or an Official source.

Displaying 500 – 525 of 742
1. Full Date of Act 1893
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Banning of Jewish Children from Public Schools”
3. Geography of Act Russian Occupied Moldavia; Present-day Romania
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) Jewish children are no longer to be educated in public schools. [Another competing source states that in 10/1898 “Admission to public schools in Romania refused to 11,200 Jewish children.”] Singer, Isidore and Cyrus Adler: The Jewish Encyclopedia: Philipson-Samoscz; Volume X; (London; 1905) jewishvirtuallibrary.org; Luzzatti, Luigi: God in Freedom: Studies in the Relations Between Church and State; (New York, 2005)
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1893
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Order issued by the Minister of Interior
3. Geography of Act Present day Estonia
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “On January 14, 1893 an Order of the Minister of the Interior was issued that obliged officials till November 1, 1893 to exile inside the Pale all Jews who lived outside it without legal grounds. In general, this was the period when Jews were deprived of many rights, and they felt themselves very uncomfortably in the Empire.” Bruno Martuzans: “Special regulations for Jews in Baltic provinces; Jews in Vidzeme, and expelling of 1893.” (2002)
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1894
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Jewish Veterinarians Banned from Serving the State
3. Geography of Act Imperial Russia
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “The Minister of the Interior decreed that Jews that have graduated from a veterinary college are no longer to be admitted to the service of the State.”
Anti-Semitism in Imperial Russia; World Future Fund
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1895
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Restrictions on Jews” issued by the Minister of War
3. Geography of Act Imperial Russia
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “A circular of the Minister of War instructs the Cossack authorities in the Caucasus and the Don Territory that Jews visiting the Don, Kuban and Terek provinces for the sake of the medicinal waters are to be turned back.” Anti-Semitism in Imperial Russia, World Future Fund
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1898
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) [Russian Occupied Moldavia
3. Geography of Act Present-day Romania
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) Jews are excluded from the secondary schools and the universities. “Jewish Encyclopedia: Romania” Online article
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1905
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Decree Stipulating the Nature of Relations between Muslims and non-Muslims” issued by Sulayman b. Yihya Habshush
3. Geography of Act Yemen [Provisional]
4. Text of Act “In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Beneficent. This is a decree, which the Jews must obey as commanded. They are obliged to observe everything in it. They are forbidden to disobey it. […] That is that these Jews are guaranteed protection upon payment of the jizya by each adult male – from the rich, 48 silver qafla, which is equivalent to 3 3/4 riyal; from the middle class, 24 qafla, or 2 7/8 riyal; from the poor, 12 qafla, or 16/17 riyal. In this way, their blood is spared, and they are brought into the pact of protection. They may not avoid it. It is incumbent upon each individual to pay it prior to the year’s end into the hand of the person whom we have commended to receive it from them. […] Furthermore, they are required to pay on their commercial transactions whose value is equal to the legal taxable minimum, five percent per annum. […] The aforementioned jizya and tariff are incumbent upon them. They are not to assist each other against a Muslim. They may not build their houses higher than Muslim homes. They shall not crowd them in their streets. They may not turn them away from their watering places. […] They may not ride on saddles, but only sit sidesaddle. They may not wink or point to the nakedness of a Muslim. They may not display their Torah except in their synagogues. Neither shall they raise their voices when reading, nor blow their shofars loudly. Rather, a muffled voice will suffice. They are forbidden from engaging in reprehensible relations which bring down the wrath of Heaven. It is their duty to recognize the superiority of the Muslim and to accord him honor. […] The Jews shall conduct themselves as is required. They shall live in their homes and shall refrain from whatever is to be avoided. He [a Jew] is to carry this out and to conduct wisely the affairs of all who are under the Prophet’s pact of protection and under ours.”
5. Source Center for Online Judiac Studies; Merorot, Eshkolot: The Yemenites, ed. S. D. Goitein; (Jerusalem, 1983); p.p. 190-91 (Arabic)
6. Researcher Ziba Shadjaani
7. Year of Research 2016
8. Notes
The exact date of this decree is unknown.
1. Full Date of Act 1910
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Law of Inorodci issued by Russian Empire
3. Geography of Act Russia
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “The Law on Inorodci published in 1910…declared that Jews were prohibited from wearing their traditional clothing throughout…of the Empire. In the same book as an Appendix to the same Law on Inorodci the regulations of the Korobka tax for Jews in Kurzeme [Kurland] and R?ga are also published. It is stated that the making of Jewish clothes for a woman or a man worth more than 3 Roubles should be charged by Korobka tax… It can be concluded that in these regions it was allowed to wear Jewish clothing, which came into contradiction with the main text of the Law on Inorodci…The Law on Inorodci…prohibited Jewish women from shaving their hair off.” Bruno Martuzans: “Rules for Jews in Russia Empire. Pales; Fashion Pale.” (2002) Online article
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1916
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Law Restricting the use of Yiddish in Public Administration”
3. Geography of Act Romania
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “Yiddish, long used as a language of public administration in Bessarabia and Northern Moldavia, was declared unacceptable.” yadvashem.org
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1920
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Restriction on Enrollment for Jewish Students”
3. Geography of Act Canada
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “During the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s McGill University had a quota system for Jews, and through the 1960’s McGill had a quota on Jewish medical students.” “McGill University’s Rampant, Historic, and Current Anti-Semitism;” algemeiner.com 2) “During the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s when McGill University had a quota system for Jews, the Université de Montréal received Jewish law students on their merits.” https://www.mcgill.ca/maritimelaw/history/richler
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1922
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Sunday Closing Laws”
3. Geography of Act Greece
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) Sunday closing laws were enacted in some communities as a means to protect non-Jews and to disadvantage Jewish merchants. AJC Global Jewish Advocacy; Anti-Semitism: An Assault on Human Rights; ajc.org
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1924
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Special legislation against Jews issued by German Parliament member Wilhelm Frick
3. Geography of Act Germany
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “In the Reichstag Frick immediately proposed those discriminatory measures against the Jews which were enacted after he and the other Nazi conspirators had come into power in 1933. …” “Nuremberg Trial Defendants: Wilhelm Frick.” Online article
2) “…Two days later [August 27, 1924] he [Wilhelm Frick] returned with a motion calling for ‘special legislation for all [m]embers of the Jewish race.’” “Wilhelm Frick (1877-1946).” Online article
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1932
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Censure of Jewish School Curricula”
3. Geography of Act Iraq
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “The Jewish schools’ curricula were censored in 1932.” “The Expulsion of the Jews from Muslim Countries, 1920-1970: A History of Ongoing Cruelty and Discrimination,” jcpa.org
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1933
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Decree Concerning the Admission of Dentists and Dental Technicians to the National Health Insurance Service” issued by Third Reich
3. Geography of Act Germany
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “Decree Concerning the Admission of Dentists and Dental Technicians to the National Health Insurance Service of 2 June 1933 (RGBI. I, 350) Expulsion of dentists and dental technicians of ‘non-Aryan descent’ from the National Health Insurance Panels; exclusion of dentists and dental technicians of ‘non-Aryan descent’ from these panels.” “Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone). Court of Restitution Appeals reports. [Nuremberg, Germany] : United States High Commission for Germany, 1951.” Online article 2) 2 June 1933: Jewish Dentists prohibited from receiving Medicaid Payments in Baden. John L. Heineman: “Chapter VI: The Third Reich and the Jews 1933-1938.” Online article
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1933
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Exclusion of Jewish gymnasts and athletes issued by Reich Sports Commissioner
3. Geography of Act Germany
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) The “Reich Sports Commissioner” introduced “Aryan clause” in all sports clubs: Member can only be who can prove his “Aryan descent”. Walk Joseph: “Nazi policy toward the Jews by law and regulation 1933 to 1938.” Google Translate; Das Sonderrecht fuer die Juden im NS-Staat; p. 18,3
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1933
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Decree on Deportation of Eastern Jews issued by German Government
3. Geography of Act Germany
4. Text of Act None
5. Source Magazine: Die Polizei. Fachzeitschrift für d. öffentliche Sicherheit mit Beiträgen aus der Deutschen Hochschule der Polizei; p. 231
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1933
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Sale of Books Prohibited
3. Geography of Act Germany
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “Sale of Books Prohibited – ‘In future books by Jewish authors written in Germany or abroad, will not be published in Germany. This action was decided upon at a meeting of the ‘Boersen Verein der deutschen Buchhaendler (Association of German Booksellers*). A resolution adopted at the meeting states that ‘in view of the fact that German book sellers were always in the foremost ranks of the German course, the Verein now unanimously decides to join the National front without any opposition.’ Berliner Tageblatt, May 12, 1933.” “The Jews in Nazi Germany: The Factual Record of their Persecution by the National Socialist.” The American Jewish Committee; Online excerpt (1933) p. 13
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1933
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Barbers and Cigar Dealers Deprived of Livelihood
3. Geography of Act Germany
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “Barbers and Cigar Dealers Deprived of Livelihood – German Government authorities today initiated a move to do away with Jewish barbers. Measures were introduced under the heading of ‘hygienic control’ giving Nazi commissars the power to shut down ‘undesirable shops.’ The Union of tobacco retailers resolved to prohibit Jews from selling cigars and cigarettes at retail. Berliner Tageblatt, May 14.” “The Jews in Nazi Germany: The Factual Record of their Persecution by the National Socialist.” The American Jewish Committee; Online excerpt (1933) p. 13
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1934
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Decree concerning the alteration of exam regulations for pharmacy students issued by Reich Minister of Interior
3. Geography of Act Germany
4. Text of Act None
5. Source Reichsministerialblatt 1934; Article 6; p. 769
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1934
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Jewish Discrimination”
3. Geography of Act Current day Austria
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “Under the Austrian Fascists, Jews are no longer accepted in public hospitals.” “Anti-Semitism in Austria – a historical overview,” anarchismus.at
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1934
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Law for the Use of Romanian Personnel in Enterprises”
3. Geography of Act Romania
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “The “Law for the Use of Romanian Personnel in Enterprises” (1934) called for at least 80 percent of the personnel in all economic, industrial, commercial, and civil enterprises to be Romanian and for at least half of the administrative board to be Romanian. It also required special approval of a committee appointed by the ministries of war, labor and industry for all hiring by industries involved in national security and defense affairs.26 While not explicitly aimed at the Jews, the law had a much greater impact on them than other minorities, who frequently lived in compact ethnic areas where implementation of the law was impracticable. For the first time Jews were confronted with the possibility of a government-managed process that would deprive them of their jobs and professions. Some Jews who worked for the railroad system and the postal and telegraphic service were demoted or simply fired. Despite international protests, the law remained on the books.” yadvashem.org
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1934
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Banning of Jewish Organizations & Institutions”
3. Geography of Act Latvia
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “The Latvian government today ordered the permanent closing of a number of subsidiary organizations of the Latvian Bund, the Jewish Socialist organization, including the Peretz Club, the Jewish Peoples House and the Jewish Workers Theatre.” “Latvia Bans Jewish Socialist Units in Anti-marxist Drive;” jta.org
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1934
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Education Law of 1934” Issued by the Ministry of Education
3. Geography of Act Latvia
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “…Jewish autonomy in schools was terminated under the Education Law of 12 July 1934, with all the schools in Latvia being placed under State control. Of the 122 Jewish schools that had existed in 1932, only 77 remained in 1939.” Petersen, Hans-Christain: Antisemitism in Eastern Europe: History and Present in Comparison. (2010); p. 122 2) ” … the new Education Law (Ministry of Education 1934) limited the possibilities of opening and maintaining minority schools by raising the number of children necessary for the minority school to function from 30 to 80 students.” Silova, Iveta: From Sites of Occupation to Symbols of Multiculturalism: Reconceptualizing Minority Education in Post-Soviet Latvia. (2006), p. 30
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1934
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Restrictions on Jews” issued by the Iraqi government
3. Geography of Act Iraq
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) On August 27, 1934 many Jews were dismissed from public service, and quotas were set up in colleges and universities. Zionist activities were banned, as was the teaching of Jewish history and Hebrew in Jewish schools. “Iraqi Jews – Modern Iraq;” liquisearch.com
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1935
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Law 1935-1936
3. Geography of Act Germany
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources:
1) “Jews forbidden to use the German greeting ‘Heil Hitler'”
“Learning: Voices of the Holocaust,” British Library; “The Hitler Salute On the Meaning of A Gesture By Allert, Tilman – 2008,” Los Angeles Public Library
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act Mar. 1935
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Letter to all Jewish writers in Germany issued by the President of the Reich Literature Chamber
3. Geography of Act Germany [Provisional]
4. Text of Act “[…] It is the will of the Fuehrer and Chancellor that the conduct of the German cultural assets should be reserved for only suitable and reliable comrades. […] You are thereby prohibited to publish any literary work within the area of the Reich Literature Chamber with immediate effect. For the proper termination of contracts, commitments, and planned publications, I set a deadline of 1 April 1935.” […]”
5. Source Dokumentensammlung über die Entrechtung, Ächtung und Vernichtung der Juden in Deutschland seit der Regierung Adolf Hitlers, 1936, page 84. http://www.ifz-muenchen.de/archiv/MS_0087_0000.pdf; Accessed online
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None