Unconfirmed Acts

The following are Acts that are missing either a full date and/or an Official source.

Displaying 725 – 742 of 742
1. Full Date of Act 1950
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Confiscation of Jewish Property”
3. Geography of Act Kurdistan
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “Persecution also took place in Kurdistan in June 1950, when Jews were obliged to give up their possessions and houses.”
Delburgo, Carolina: Come ladri nella notte … la cacciata dell’Egitto. Seconda edizione (“Like Thieves in the Night… The Expulsion from Egypt. Second Edition”)” (Bologna; 2013); The Expulsion of the Jews from Muslim Countries, 1920-1970: A History of Ongoing Cruelty and Discrimination, jcpa.org
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1951
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) A law for the Supervision and Administration of the Property of Jews who have Forfeited Iraqi Nationality
3. Geography of Act Iraq
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “Law No. 5 of 1951 entitled ‘A law for the Supervision and Administration of the Property of Jews who have Forfeited Iraqi Nationality’also deprived them of their property. Section 2(a) ‘freezes’Jewish property.” “IRAQ:” justiceforjews.com
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1952
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Jews De Facto Prisoners and Other Restrictions Placed on Jews”
3. Geography of Act Iraq
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “In 1952, Iraq’s government barred Jews from emigrating.[A]dditional restrictions were placed on the remaining Iraqi Jews.The sale of property was forbidden and all Jews were forced to carry yellow identity cards.”
Justice for Jews From Arab Countries; Country Narratives, Iraq, justiceforjews.com
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1956
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Order” of the Egyptian Government
3. Geography of Act Egypt
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “In 1956, the Egyptian government used the Sinai Campaign as a pretext to order almost 25,000 Egyptian Jews to leave the country and confiscated their property. They were allowed to take only one suitcase and a small sum of cash, and forced to sign declarations ‘donating’ their property to the Egyptian government. Approximately 1,000 more Jews were sent to prisons and detention camps.” Justice for Jews From Arab Countries; Country Narratives – Egypt; justiceforjews.com
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1956
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Sequestration Orders” issued under the Military Proclamation No. 4
3. Geography of Act Egypt
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “Between November 1-20 1956, official records reveal that by a series of sequestration orders issued under Military Proclamation No. 4, the property of many hundreds of Jews in Egypt was taken from their owners and turned over to Egyptian administrators. Proclamation No. 4 was carried into effect almost exclusively against Jews; and though a number of Copts and Moslems were also interned, their assets were never sequestered.” Confidential Memorandum provided to the UNHCR (2/26/1960)
2) “In addition to the vast sequestration of property and other discriminatory treatment, Directive No. 189 issued under the authority of Military Proclamation No. 4, authorized the Director General of the Sequestering Agency to deduct from the assets belonging to interned persons, 10% of the value of the sequestered property, presumably to cover the costs of administration. Hence, without regard to the question of whether a property is legally sequestered, the Jews of Egypt were being taxed to pay for the machinery or improper sequestration and withholding.” Auguste Lindt: Confidential Memorandum provided to the High Commissioner (2/21/1957)
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1957
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Rabbinical Tribunal”
3. Geography of Act Tunisia
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources:
1) In 1957, the rabbinical tribunal was abolished and a year later the Jewish Community Council was dissolved.” Jewish Virtual Library; Fact Sheet: Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries, jewishvirtuallibrary.org
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1958
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Law” issued by the President of the Executive Council of Tripolitania
3. Geography of Act Libya
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “[…the law issued ordered] the dissolution of the Jewish Community Council and the appointment of a Moslem commissioner nominated by the Government.”
Confidential Memorandum to Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, UN High Commissioner for Refugees (May 8, 1970) justiceforjews.com
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1958
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Confiscation of Jewish Properties etc.”
3. Geography of Act Syria
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “Between 1958 – 1961, Jews leaving the country were forced to transfer their possessions to the Syrian state and to pay considerable departure expenses.” The Expulsion of the Jews from Muslim Countries, 1920-1970: A History of Ongoing Cruelty and Discrimination; jcpa.org
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1959
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Zionist Activities Declared Illegal”
3. Geography of Act Morocco
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources:
1) “Zionist activities became illegal in Morocco.”
Justice for Jews From Arab Countries; Country Narratives; Morocco, justiceforjews.com
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1960
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Jewish School Closed”
3. Geography of Act Libya
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “On April 2, 1960, Alliance Israelite Universelle schools were closed.”
The Expulsion of the Jews from Muslim Countries, 1920-1970: A History of Ongoing Cruelty and Discrimination, jcpa.org
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1960
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Jews Banned”
3. Geography of Act Libya
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “In Libya, a ban against employing Jews in petroleum companies was instituted in the 1960s.”
The Expulsion of the Jews from Muslim Countries, 1920-1970: A History of Ongoing Cruelty and Discrimination, jcpa.org
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1961
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “De Facto Confiscation of Jewish Wealth”
3. Geography of Act Tunisia
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “Jew who were leaving the country were allowed to take with them only one dinar (the equivalent of 3 US dollars in today’s market).” [This applied to all Jews who were leaving Tunisia between 1961-1962, so the order must have been issued in 1961.]
The Expulsion of the Jews from Muslim Countries, 1920-1970: A History of Ongoing Cruelty and Discrimination, jcpa.org
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1962
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Royal Decree, Amendment to Article No. 10” issued by the Council of Ministers
3. Geography of Act Libya
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “[…] anyone who had had ‘relations with Zionism at any time’* or ‘at any time worked on behalf of either the moral or material strengthening of Israel’ was liable to have his Libyan citizenship revoked.” [This included Jew who had visited Israel after the declaration of Libyan independence.] Israel’s Rights as a Nation-State in International Diplomacy, edited by Alan Baker
2) “[…] a Libyan national forfeits his nationality if he has had any contact with Zionism.” [This enabled authorities to deprive Jews of Libyan nationality at will.] De Felice, Renzo: Jews in an Arab Land: Libya 1835-1970. (Austin; 1985)
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1967
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Law No. 64” issued by the Iraqi government, 1967
3. Geography of Act Iraq
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) Law No. 64 was issued in 1967 and related to Jews and their ownership of shares in commercial companies. Matas, David: Afterschock: Anti-Zionism & Anti-Semitism, justiceforjews.com
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1968
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Law No. 10” issued by the Iraqi government, 1968
3. Geography of Act Iraq
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) Law No. 10 was issued to place banking restrictions on Jews. Matas, David: Afterschock: Anti-Zionism & Anti-Semitism, justiceforjews.com
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1973
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Prohibition Placed on Jews”
3. Geography of Act Syria
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “In 1973, Syria forbade Jews to communicate with people abroad.” The Expulsion of the Jews from Muslim Countries, 1920-1970: A History of Ongoing Cruelty and Discrimination; Accessed January 2018
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 1979
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Confiscation of Jewish Property”
3. Geography of Act Iran
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “Iran confiscated Jewish possessions and real estate in 1979.” The Expulsion of the Jews from Muslim Countries, 1920-1970: A History of Ongoing Cruelty and Discrimination; jcpa.org
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None