Unconfirmed Acts

The following are Acts that are missing either a full date and/or an Official source.

Displaying 75 – 100 of 742
1. Full Date of Act 617
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Decree on Jewish Settlement” issued by Khosrow II
3. Geography of Act Persia; Present-day Iran
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) After only three years the Persians reneged on their promises and forbade Jews to settle within a three mile radius of the city. “Jewish Timeline – 70 (9 Av 3830) JERUSALEM (Eretz Israel) to 1948 – Part 1;” (March 15, 2016) israelarticlesdraiman.blogspot.com
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 620
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Jews Prohibited to Celebrate Passover”
3. Geography of Act Spain
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “As early as A.D. 620 the Jews of Spain were forbidden to celebrate Passover, to contract marriages according to their own customs, to practice circumcision, to make distinction of meats, or to bear witness or institute legal proceedings against a Christian. And the penalty of these petty offences was death. Russel, Bruce M. and John R. Oneal: The Fiddle and the Bow – Triangulating Peace, (Bob Taylor’s Magazine) Volume II
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 624
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Expulsion of Jew”
3. Geography of Act Arabia; Present-day Saudi Arabia
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) Jews are expelled from Hejaz by Mohammad. Jenkins, Everett: The Muslim Diaspora – A Comprehensive Reference to the Spread of Islam in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas, 570-1500 (Vol. 1)
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 625
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Synod of Reims
3. Geography of Act Present-day France [Provisional]
4. Text of Act “11. Christians must not be sold to Jews or heathens. If anyone does so, he is excommunicated and the purchase is invalid. If a Jew wants to pervert his Christians slaves to Judaism, or cruelly tortures them, he loses them, and they fall to the Exchequer. Jews must not hold public office and their insults against Christians are to be wholly suppressed.”
5. Source Hefele, A History of the Councils of the Church, v. 4: 446
6. Researcher Joan Paez
7. Year of Research 2016
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 626
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Canon 13 issued by the Council of Clichy
3. Geography of Act France [Provisional]
4. Text of Act “[Canon 13] Christians shall not be sold to Jews and gentiles. If any of the Christians should choose, forced by necessity, to sell his Christian slaves, he shall sell them to none but Christians. For it they should sell them to pagans or Jews, they shall be withdrawn from the church’s communion and the purchase shall be invalid. As or the Jews, if they shall presume to draw Christian slaves to Judaism or if they should inflict on them harsh torments, those slaves to Judaism or if they should inflict on them harsh torments, those slaves shall be transferred to the fisc’s authority. These Jews shall not admitted to any public functions. The banquets of Jews should be utterly repudiated.”
5. Source Linder, Amnon: “The Jews in the Legal Sources of the Early Middle Ages.” (1997) Page 480
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 627
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Jews Banned” issued by Emperor Herclius
3. Geography of Act Byzantine Empire
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) Emperor Heraclius forbids Jews to enter Jerusalem and in other ways harasses the Palestinian Jews. Funk & Wagnalls: Jewish Encyclopedia, Volume IV (1903)
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 628
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Forced Conversion of Jews” issued by Emperor Heraclius
3. Geography of Act Byzantium
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) Heraclius set out to forcibly convert the Jews of the Byzantine Empire, reportedly advising his friend Dagobert, king of the Franks, to do likewise. “And after his victory over the Persians, he renewed the prohibition for Jews to enter Jerusalem.” [The Greek and/or Latin text could be found in the “Chronicon Paschale” or in the Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae” (Body/Collection of Byzantine Historical Writers) which contains both the Greek and Latin texts. See also: Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae.) Falk, Avner : A Psychoanalytic History of the Jews. Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press (1996) pp. 353–354; Funk and Wagnalls: Byzantine Empire: Heraclius. Jewish Encyclopedia. (1906); Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht, Volume 44 (Archive for catholic church laws; Volume 44) (Mainz; 1880) wikipedia.org; simpletoremember.com
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 629
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Decree issued by King Dagobert
3. Geography of Act Present-day France
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “In 629 Dagobert issued an edict commanding the wholesale baptism of all unbelievers in his domains, under threat of instant banishment. A great number of Jews thereupon sold their effects and left the kingdom; but heretic-hunting had not made sufficient progress in public esteem at that early date, therefore many of them were but slightly affected.” Gustav Pearlson: “Twelve centuries of Jewish persecution: a brief outline of the sufferings of the Hebrew race in Christian lands, together with some account of the different laws and specific restrictions under which they have ar various times been placed.” p. 44
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 632
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Decree issued by Heraclius
3. Geography of Act Present-day Italy
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “In A.D. 632, [Byzantine Emperor] Heraclius decreed that all Jews be baptized. The astounding attempt to unify the empire by forced conversions brought the usual reverse results: When the armies of Islam advanced on the Christian East a few years later, Jews, baptized or not, received them as welcome avengers.” Flannery, Edward H.: “The Anguish of the Jews.” p. 68 2) “The outcome was fingerpointing, recriminations, and purges of alleged collaborators with the Persians, especially Jews. Heraclius may have arrived at that decision while at Jerusalem in 630. Although an extremely harsh and unrealistic and ineffective measure, it was consistent with Heraclius’ other strenuous efforts to achieve religious uniformity among the subjects within his empire. But other factors may have been present.” Kaegi, Walter Emil: Heraclius: Emperor of Byzantium.” p. 216
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 633
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Converts to Judaism” issued by King Sisenand and Archbischop Isidore of Seville
3. Geography of Act Visigothic Kingdom
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “King Sisenand and Archbishop Isadore of Seville force converts to Judaism back to Christianity.” Funk & Wagnalls: Jewish Encyclopedia, Volume IV (1903)
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act Apr. 636
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Synod of Clichy
3. Geography of Act Present-day France [Provisional]
4. Text of Act “3. All Jews should be obliged to leave Spain and only Catholics shall be allowed to live in the [country]…”
5. Source Hefele, A History of the Councils of the Church, v. 4: 461
6. Researcher Joan Paez
7. Year of Research 2016
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 637
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Pact of Umar” issued by Umar ibn al-Khattab
3. Geography of Act Arabia; Present-day Saudi Arabia
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) Jews were not allowed to build new synagogues, had to pray quietly and were forbidden from preventing other Jews from converting. They were also forbidden to ride horses or hold judicial or civil posts. […] Jews are to wear yellow belts or turbans. […] After the fall of the city Caesarea, the anti-Jewish tenets of the “Pact of Omar” were enforced against them. Jews were not allowed to build new synagogues, had to pray quietly and were forbidden from preventing other Jews from converting. They were also forbidden to ride horses or hold judicial or civil posts. “Jewish Timeline – 70 (9 Av 3830) JERUSALEM (Eretz Israel) to 1948 – Part 1;” (March 15, 2016) israelarticlesdraiman.blogspot.com
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 640
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Ban on Jews” issued by Caliph Omar
3. Geography of Act Rashidun Caliphate; Present-day Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Iran, Egypt
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) Umar, the Second Caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate, banishes all Jews from Arabia. Funk & Wagnalls: Jewish Encyclopedia, Volume IV (1903)
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 642
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Expulsion of Jews”
3. Geography of Act Visigothic Empire
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources:
1) Jews are expelled from the Visigothic Empire.
“Jewish Persecution | Timeline of Judaism | History of AntiSemitism;” simpletoremember.com
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 654
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Decree of King Recceswinth
3. Geography of Act Visigothic Kingdom
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) Recceswinth forced Judaizing Christians (converted Jews who still kept Jewish traditions) to swear loyalty to the Church or die. They were forced to spend Jewish and Christian holy days with the clergy, but were not forced to eat pork. http://www.jewishhistory.org.il/history.phpstartyear=650&endyear=659
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 656 C.E.
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Canon 7 issued by the Tenth Council of Toledo
3. Geography of Act Spain
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) “…on December 1, 656, at [Tenth Council of] Toledo…[Canon] 7. It was loudly complained that clerics sell Christian slaves to Jews, and this was entirely forbidden, with the quotation of many passages from the Bible.” Karl Joseph von Hefele: “A History of the councils of the church, from the original documents. By the Right Rev. Charles Joseph Hefele.” (1895) pp. 474-475
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 660
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Forced Conversion of Jews” order issued by King Perctarit of the Lombards
3. Geography of Act Teutonic Langobard; Present-day Italy
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) Perctarit – son of Arupert I […] forced the Jews to adopt Christianity or be killed. Many Jews survived by outwardly accepting Christianity. “Jewish Timeline – 70 (9 Av 3830) JERUSALEM (Eretz Israel) to 1948 – Part 1;” (March 15, 2016) israelarticlesdraiman.blogspot.com
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 669
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Liber Poeintentialis” of Archbishop Theodore of Canterbury
3. Geography of Act England [Provisional]
4. Text of Act “16) If the Christians speak with the faithless Jews and accept their gifts with pleasure, and whore around with them, … he who has done so, is to be separated from the church for a whole year, or with a graver offence, for nice years of penance. […] 30) if anyone celebrates the feast of Passover with the Jews, he should be expelled from every church. 52) And if a Christian accepts unleavened bread from a faithless Jew, he is to repent 40 days with bread and water […]”
5. Source Ancient Laws and Institutes of England (Ancient Latin Version of the Anglo-Saxon Laws); Volume II; Printed by the Command of His Late Majesty King William IV.
6. Researcher Ziba Shadjaani
7. Year of Research 2016
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 671
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Expulsion of Jews” by King Wamba
3. Geography of Act Visigothic Kingdom
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) […] the Jews of Narbonne were expelled […]. “672 HILDERUC (Spain);” jewishhistory.org
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 680
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) 6th Sinod
3. Geography of Act Roman Empire [Provisional]
4. Text of Act “”No one of them who are in our sacred order [Christians], may eat their [Jews] unleavened bread, or live with them [Jews], or call on any of them [Jews] during a time of sickness, or learn medicine from them or wash with them in the public baths [Jews]. If anyone does so, if he is a cleric, he must be deposed, and excomminicated.””
5. Source Decretum Gratiani, Pars II, Causa XXVIII, Questio I, C. XIII
6. Researcher Joan Paez
7. Year of Research 2016
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 681
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Law issued by King Erwig
3. Geography of Act Present-day Spain [Provisional]
4. Text of Act “If any Jew of those, naturally, who are as yet not baptized or who have postponed their own or their children’s baptism should prevent his slaves from being baptized in the presence of the priest, or should withhold himself and his family from baptism, or if any one of them should exceed the duration of one year after the promulgation of this law without being baptized…whoever he may be, shall have his head shaved, receive a hundred lashes, and pay the required penalty of exile. His property shall pass over into the power of the king….”
5. Source “Jewish History Sourcebook: The Jews of Spain and the Visigothic Code, 654-681 CE.” Paul Halsall, July 1998, Article online, Accessed online 7/25/2011
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 682
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Laws Concerning Jews” issued by King Erwig
3. Geography of Act Visigothic Kingdom
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) King Erwig pressed for the “utter extirpation of the pest of the Jews,” and made it illegal to practice any Jewish rites. This put further pressure on the Jews to convert or emigrate. “Jewish Timeline – 70 (9 Av 3830) JERUSALEM (Eretz Israel) to 1948 – Part 1;” (March 15, 2016) israelarticlesdraiman.blogspot.com
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 692
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) Canon 11 & 99 issued by the Council of Trullo
3. Geography of Act Present-day Italy [Provisional]
4. Text of Act Canon 11 Let no one in the priestly order nor any layman eat the unleavened bread of the Jews, nor have any familiar intercourse with them, nor summon them in illness, nor receive medicines from them, nor bathe with them; but if anyone shall take in hand to do so, if he is a cleric, let him be deposed, but if a layman let him be cut off. Canon 99-We have further learned that, in the regions of the Armenians, certain persons boil joints of meat within the sanctuary and offer portions to the priests, distributing it after the Jewish fashion. Wherefore, that we may keep the church undefiled, we decree that it is not lawful for any priest to seize the separate portions of flesh meat from those who offer them, but they are to be content with what he that offers pleases to give them; and further we decree that such offering be made outside the church. And if any one does not thus, let him be cut off.”
5. Source “Council in Trullo.” Henry Percival. Accessed online excerpt 8/24/2011
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 693
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Confiscation of Jewish Property” by King Egica
3. Geography of Act Visigothic Kingdom
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) King Egica forced Jews to return to his treasury all land, slaves and buildings they had bought from Christians. “Jewish Timeline – 70 (9 Av 3830) JERUSALEM (Eretz Israel) to 1948 – Part 1;” (March 15, 2016) israelarticlesdraiman.blogspot.com
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None
1. Full Date of Act 694
2. Name of Act (or Short Description) “Jews Declared Slaves”
3. Geography of Act Visigothic Kingdom
4. Text of Act Commentary from other sources: 1) All Jews in Spain and the Gallic Province are declared slaves. [This decree could have been issued by either King Wittiza or his father King Egica who co-ruled in the Visigothic Kingdom during that time.] Funk & Wagnalls: Jewish Encyclopedia, Volume IV (1903)
5. Source None
6. Researcher None
7. Year of Research N/A
8. Notes None