Jan. 31, 438 C.E.

“Policy in Regard to Jews, Samaritans, Pagans, and Heretics” Law issued by Emperors Theodosius II and Valentinian III, 438 AD [Roman Empire; Some overall present-day countries include Italy, Spain, England, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt]: “We decree in this law—that shall stand forever—that no Jew, and no Samaritan, nor any one constant in either of these laws, should accede to honors and dignities, to none of them shall be opened an administration with public obedience, neither shall he serve as Protector.”
Theodosius II, Novella, 3, Researched by Ziba Shadjaani, and Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 12/13/2015 ADD PAGE # ADD AUTHOR ADD ONLINE SOURCE OR BOOK