Mar. 18, 545

“Church Property and Non-Christians” Issued by Justinian (From the Code of Justinian, Chapter XIV) “Novella 131” [Present-day Italy / Holy Roman Empire]: “Novel 131. Concerning ecclesiastical canons and privileges…1. If an orthodox person alienates or leaves possessions on which there is a holy church, either by emphyteusis (perpetual lease), lease (conduction) or for any other purpose, to a Jew, Samaritan, pagan, Montanist, Arian, or other heretic, the holy church of the place shall claim the ownership thereof. 2. If anyone of the heretics, among whom we number…should dare to build a hiding place for his impiety, or Jews should construct a new synagogue, the holy church shall claim ownership thereof. 3. If anyone lets out his possession on emphyteusis (perpetual lease), lease (conduction) or in some other way to such person, and the owner of the possession knew that he was giving it over to a heretic, the church of the city in whose jurisdiction the possession is, shall claim the income of the time specified in the contract. …Given at Constantinople March 18, 545 A.D.”
“Introduction to Justinian’s Novels, 2nd Edition.” Fred H. Blume, Accessed online 9/23/2011 ADD PAGE # ADD RESEARCHER/DATE