ca. 591

[Possible/Probable] Order issued by Pope Gregory I [Present-day Italy] [Provisional]: “Gregory to the bishops Becauda and Agnellus, on the Hebrews…The Hebrews settled on Terracina supplicated us that they should have permission –  with our authority as well – to have the place which they have had until now for a synagogue…But since we have heard that because that place was so close to a  church that even the noise of the psalm singers reached there, we wrote to our brother and co-bishop Peter that if indeed the voice from that place is being heard at the church’s entrance, he should stop the Jews from having their celebrations. Your Fraternity should therefore inspect that place diligently, together with the said Peter, and if this is the case, or if it would seem to you that there is something detrimental to the church, provide another place within that fort where the said Hebrews shall assemble and in which they would be able to celebrate their ceremonies without hindrance…We forbid that the said Hebrews be aggrieved or harassed, contrary to reason…They should not be permitted, however, to have Christian slaves.”
Linder, Amnon: “The Jews in the Legal Sources of the Early Middle Ages.” Page 423