Jun. 3, 633

“Synod of Alexandria” presided over Cyrus of Alexandria [Alexandria; Present-day Egypt]: “[…] 57) Henceforth no Jew may be compelled to the reception of Christianity. Those who were compelled under King Sisebut, and received the sacrament, must remain Christians. 63) If a Jew has a Christian wife, if he wishes to continue to live with her, he must become a Christian. If he does not, they are to be separated, and the children of unbelieving (Jewish) mothers and Christian fathers must be Christians. 64) Baptized Jews who have fallen away from the faith may not be witnessed, even though they maintain that they are Christians. 65) On command of the King, the Synod orders that Jews and the sons of Jews shall discharge no public offices. 66) Jews may not buy or possess Christian slaves. If they have such, they become free.”
Robinson Clark, William (editor): A History of the Councils of the Church, from the Original Documents (Vol. 4); (Edinburgh; 1895); Kaegi, Walter Emil: Heraclius, Emperor of Byzantium (Cambridge; 2003) Researched by Ziba Shadjaani 1/9/2017 ADD PAGE #