ca. 932

[Possible/Probable] Canon issued by the Council of Erfurt [Present-day Germany] 

Commentary from other sources:
1) “1. Summary of the Canons…On 1 July of the year 932 of the Incarnate Lord, when a Synod was held in Erfurt…a letter- sent from Jerusalem to Constantinople and thence to Rome by the patriarch- was brought to King Henry…Then, immediately at the close of the third day, the Lord’s Temple was opened and he was manifestly seen by the Christians just as he was when formerly crucified. The Jews wanted to see this, but the more they strove to approach the further they were drawn back, and all the Jews on this side of the sea were so terrified by this miracle that they were baptized. On account of this it was enjoined in that letter that all the Jews who live among the Christians should either be baptized or be driven out from the entire Christendom.”

Linder, Amnon: “The Jews in the Legal Sources of the Early Middle Ages.” (1997) p. 555

2) “The Council of Erfurt, summoned by Henry I and presided by Hildibert, archbishop of Mainz, assembled on I July 932. The archbishops of Trier and Hamburg were among the participants, and the king himself tool an active part in the proceedings. Among other matters the Council dealt with a letter received from the Doge, the patriarch, and the bishops of Venice, informing them about disputations between Jews and Christians in Jerusalem and massive conversions to Christianity in Jerusalem and in the Byzantine Empire. The Venetian document called on the council to follow suit by forcing the Jews of the Kingdom either to convert or to leave, and to prohibit to Jews the commerce in Christian cult objects. While the council inserted the information about the miracles manifested in Jerusalem in the preamble to its canons…it took no positive action in the directions suggested by the Venetians.”
Linder, Amnon: “The Jews in the Legal Sources of the Early Middle Ages.” p. 553

3) “The synod of Erfurt in 932 had no Bavarian attendees, but after the council a Breviarium canonum was prepared and, because its principal manuscript tradition derives from St. Peter’s in Salzburg, it seems likely that the Breviarium was prepared for and sent to Archbishop Odalbert of Salzburg. Henry I was at Erfurt, and Erfurt’s decisions were communicated to Bavaria.”
Geddes, Jane: “Speculum – Vol. 65, No. 4.” Medieval Academy of America; (1990) p. 999