Jun. 9, 1239

Papal Bull “Si Vera Sunt” issued by Pope Gregory IX [France]: “…the Pope [Gregory IX] saw fit to write [June 9, 1239] to all archbishops of the kingdom of France as follows:…’Wherefore, since this [Talmud] is said to be the chief cause that holds the Jews obstinate in their perfidy, we thought that your Fraternity should be warned and urged, and we herewith order you by apostolic letters, that on the first Saturday of the Lent to come [March 3, 1240], in the morning, while the Jews are gathered in the synagogues, you shall, by our order, seize all the books of the Jews who live in your districts, and have these books carefully guarded in the possession of the Dominican and Franciscan friars. For this purpose you may invoke, if need be, the help of the secular arm; and you may also promulgate the sentence of excommunication against all those subject to your jurisdiction, whether clergy or laity, who refuse to give up Hebrew books which they have in their possession despite your warning given generally in the churches, or individually…’”
“Odo of Chateauroux, on the Jewish Tamud (1247, 1248).” Jacob R. Marcus, Accessed online 10/4/2011 ADD PAGE # ADD RESEARCHER/DATE