ca. 1269

[Possible/Probable] “City Law/Regulation/Concession” for Prague issued and confirmed by King Ottokar II of Bohemia [Present-day Czech Republic] [Provisional]“[…] Jews are not to take more than 5 pennies per each Mark [5%] in interests and six [pennies] for each pound and one penny for every 30 pennies […]. A Jew cannot serve as his own witness. He must have/bring a Christian and a Jew [to serve as witnesses on his behalf]. If a Jewish man is caught with an unmarried Christian woman, he is to lose his life […] If a Jewish man is caught with the [Christian] wife of an honest [Christian] man, his punishment is to be impalement by the roadside, and his belongings are to go to the [local] judge. Jews are not to accept bloody or wet [church] garments as pledges/pawns […] If a chalice, book, or a church garment is found on a Jew, he’s to return them without compensation if he cannot say from whom he received them […]”
Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Fränkischen und Deutschen Reiche bis zum Jahre 1273. Herausgegeben im Auftrage der Historischen Commission Für Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland. Bearbeitet unter Mitwirkung von Albert Dresdner und Ludwig Lewinki [und] von Julius Aronius. (Regesta regarding the History of Jews in Franconia and German empires until 1273. Published by the Historical Commission for the History of Jews in Germany. Edited and gathered by Albert Dresdner, and Ludwig Lewinki [and] by Julius Aronius. (Berlin; 1902); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 4/16/2020