[Possible/Probable] “De Decanis” (“Of the Deans”) statues of the Provincial Council of Trier [Present-day Germany; Archbishopric of Trier] [Provisional]: “[…] with regards to the Jews, the provisions are as follows: Priests must never pawn sacred objects with Jews, and monks not without the specific permission of the Archbishop. Literarily uneducated Priest are prohibited to dispute with Jews in front of a lay audience. Priest should forbid persons under them from taking/accepting any kind of healing (drinking) potions/medicine (Heiltrank) or any kind of remedy from Jews. In order to enforce this prohibition ‘The Noble Advocates,’ the territorial lords/local rulers (Landsherren) are also encourages to force Jews under the threat of penalty to neither engage in the healing arts (Heilkunst), nor to offer Christians a healing potions (Heiltrank). […] Furthermore, Jews are strictly prohibited from demanding anything in access of the capital of the loan or to demand interest in case of a delayed payment; also, they are not to sell their goods more expensively due to any delays [in payment] [and Christians are prohibited] from investing with ‘Kawertschen’ (class of money lenders) and Jews for the sake of a gain.” [Researcher’s note: The oldest preserved manuscript from the 14th century, as well as the older editions, date the year of the statue at 1227 or earlier. However, in their editions, due to the mention of the Second Council of Lyons (1274), Blatau, Marténe and Durant have decided to move the date to 1277. n their opinion, an L had failed in the date data. Of course, the revision was scarcely accepted until very recently; for example, Rösch, Wucher (1994), Schreckenberg, Adversus-Judaeos – Text 3 (1994) etc. also take 1327 into account. Arens (1912), compares the statue with other councils and takes into account the respective historical context. The conclusion is that 1277 has the highest probability, although, later additions have, of course, been added to the manuscript. Furthermore, he was the first to recognize that the dating (March 1) would be able the year 1278 due to the Trier style. This dating is the preferred here. This approach is followed by Pixton, Espiscopacy (1995) and Johanek Statues (1998).]
Medieval Ashkenaz: Corpus der Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden im Spätmittlealterlichen Reich; Synoden und Konzilien 1, Nr. 2 (Corpus of the Sources on the History of Jews in the Late Middles Ages; Synods and Councils 1, No. 2). Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 2/17/2017