Jul. 4, 1281

Edict, issued by Rudolf I, King of Germany, for the City and Diocese of Regensburg [Present-day Germany]: “Let it be known that the Jews of the City and Diocese of Regensburg shall not disobey the Honorable Bishop Heinrich of Regensburg in any way, nor resist his command, namely, ‘that Jews shall stay inside their homes during Eastertime, keep their doors and windows shut, and refrain from appearing in the lanes and streets in mockery of the Christian faith’ – and that they shall furthermore, in this regard, obey reverently all commands of the Bishop and his successors.”
Fürst, Julius. Urkunden zur Geschichte der Juden [Documents on the History of the Jews]. Hunger: Leipzig, 1844. Page 40. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 1/23/2020