Jul. 28, 1292

“Official Decree” issued by King Adolf [Present-day Germany; Free City of Mainz/Electorate of Mainz]: “We, King Adolf […] promise Our consanguine Archbishop and Arch-Chancellor Gerhard [II] […] his successors and the church of Mainz, with this document, among other things, the ability to restore ownership of the Jews of the city [of Mainz] who [have been bestowed upon him] from Us and the empire […] and to restore jurisdiction and authority over them. Thus, they (Jews) should afford the Archbishop and the church the same ‘services’ such as levies/fees, taxes, […] and other various ways, as all the other Jews who linger/live in the cities and villages of the Archbishopric […].”
Würzburg, StA, Erzstift Mainz Urkunden Weltlicher Schrank L3/12, Orig. (A 1), lat., Perg.; Würzburg, StA, Domkapitel Mainz Urkunden 1292 Juli 28 / I (weitere Ausfertigung, A 2); ebda., Mainzer Urkunden 3590a (Vidimus der Mainzer Stuhlrichter vom 20. Februar 1309) (B); ebda., Mainzer Bücher verschiedenen Inhalts 20, fol. 100v-101v und 102r/v (Abschr., 14JH.) (C, D). (“Würzburg, State Archive, Archdiocese Mainz Documents Secular Cabinet L3/12, Orig[inal] (A 1), Latin, [on] Parchment Paper; Würzburg, State Archive, Cathedral Chapter Mainz Documents 1292 July 28 / I (further copy, A 2); ibid, Mainz Documents 3590a (Vidimus of the Mainz magistrate of February 20, 1309) (B); ibid, Mainz Books of Various Contents 20, fol. 100v-101v and 102r/v (Copy, 14th Cent.) (C, D)”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 6/16/2017 ADD PAGE #