Sept. 14, 1292

Law issued by the Synod at Aschaffenburg [Germany]: “Law issued by the Synod of Aschaffenburg [Germany]:  […] Jews of both sexes have to wear a sign or clothing publicly which distinguishes them from the Christians. They may not show themselves publicly during the Holy Week, but must remain in their homes with the doors and windows closed, so that the Christians who commemorate the Holy Passion with suffering will not be mocked by the Jewish people […] After a lengthy consultation and consent of the councilors, it is irrevocably decided that Jews in cities, castles and other settlements of the (arch-) diocese and church of the city of Mainz have to be visibly distinguished from Christians. Within two months after publication of this provision they must choose and communicate a sign and a clothing of their choice, with which they can be distinguished without any doubt.”

Corpus of the Sources on the History of the Jews in the late Middle Ages (Corpus der Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden im spätmittelalterlichen Reich), ed. by Alfred Haverkamp and Jörg R. Müller, Trier, Mainz 2011, SK01, Nr. 5,; Accessed online; Translated by Franziska Wagener 2/2/2017 ADD PAGE #