ca. 1300 C.E.

[Possible/Probable] “Peace Commandment of Mainz” ordinance issued by the City of Mainz [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Mainz] [Provisional]: “[…] if a Jew injures/wounds or hits/beats another Jew or Christian in Mainz, he has to pay five Pounds Heller for the beating and 10 Pounds Heller for the injury, and may remain in Mainz; should he lack the funds, [however], he shall sojourn outside of the city […] until he has come to an agreement with a Jew and a Christian, both of whom shall be honorable [people], and pay the penalty. […] A Jews who asks a citizen of Mainz to help him according to Jewish law, shall pay 40 Pounds of Heller to the city, while the helper shall leave Mainz for one month as penance. […]”
Würzburg, StA, Mainzer Urkunden, Weltlicher Schrank, L 68/2 ½, Orig., dt., Perg. (Würzburg, State Archive, [Official] Documents of Mainz, Secular Cabinet, L68/2 ½, Orig[inal], [on] Parchment Paper”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 6/21/2017