Dec. 20, 1302

Letter of Protection, issued by Wiebold, Archbishop of Cologne, to the Jews of Cologne [Present-day Germany]: “We, Wiebold, Archbishop of Cologne by the grace of God, hereby declare, that Our Jews in Our Cologne, who presently reside here, have been received by Us into Our protection and guard, thereby assuring them freedom from all injury, violence and harassment. In exchange, Our Jews shall pay sixty marks in Cologne currency, split into semi-annual payments of thirty marks, to be made each Easter Sunday and St. Remigius [October 1].”
Weyden, Ernst. Geschichte der Juden in Köln am Rhein von den Römerzeiten bis auf die Gegenwart nebst Noten und Urkunden [History of the Jews in Cologne on Rhine from Roman Times to the Present, accompanied by Notes and Documents]. DuMont-Schauberg: Cologne, 1867. Page 359. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 8/16/2020