Aug. 29, 1304

Capitation Tax at Segovia issued by King Ferdinand [Spain]: “We, Ferdinand, by the grace of God, king of Castile etc., etc. To the Jewry of Segovia, and all other Jewries of the towns and places within the said diocese […]. Know ye, that the bishop and dean have complained to me, and say, that you will not pay nor account with them, nor to their order, the thirty deniers each of you have to give in memorial of the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, when the Jews crucified him […]. You are bound to pay the same in gold and I consider it just that you pay the amount in the correct coin. […]”
Diego de Colmenares, Historia de la insigne Ciudad de Segovia. Accessed online; Researched by Franziska Wagener 4/14/2016 ADD PAGE # ADD ENGLISH TRANSLATION