ca. 1306

[Possible/Probable] Exile by King Philip IV “The Fair” [France] 

Commentary from other sources:
1) “Exile of 1306. Toward the middle of 1306 the treasury was nearly empty, and the king, as he was about to do the following year in the case of the Templars, decided to kill the goose that laid the golden egg. He [Philip the Fair] condemned the Jews to banishment, and took forcible possession of their property, real and personal…Their houses, lands, and movable goods were sold at auction; and for the king were reserved any treasures found buried in the dwellings that had belonged to the Jews. That Philip the Fair intended merely to fill the gap in his treasury, and was not at all concerned about the well-being of his subjects, is shown by the fact that he put himself in the place of the Jewish moneylenders and exacted from their Christian debtors the payment of their debts, which they themselves had to declare.  Furthermore, three months before the sale of the property of the Jews the king took measures to insure that this event should be coincident with the prohibition of clipped money, in order that those who purchased the goods should have to pay in undebased coin. Finally, Fearing that the Jews might have hidden some of their treasures, he declared that one-fifth of any amount found should be paid to the discoverer. It was on July 22nd the day after the Ninth of Ab, that the Jews were arrested. In prison they received notice that they had been sentenced to exile; that, abandoning their goods and debts, and taking only the clothes which they had on their backs and the sum of 12 sous tournois each, they would have to quit the kingdom within one month.”

“France: Exile of 1306.” Online article

2) “Before the [14th] century ended, Jewish history in France came to an end, but not before the expulsion itself became preferable to continued existence in that country. The first throes began in 1306 when, on the order of Philip IV, all Jews were quietly arrested on a single day and ordered out of the country within a month. One hundred thousand left, settling in nearby lands in the hope of recall, well aware that avarice had prompted the king’s decision.”
Flannery, Edward H.: “The Anguish of the Jews.” p. 107

3) “A much vaster [larger] expulsion [of Jews] from all royal lands came in 1306 under the secret instructions of King Philip IV of France, under whom the kingdom included the Ile-de-France, Poitou, Anjou, Champagne, Normandy, and Languedoc…”
Lindemann, Albert S. and Levy, Richard S.: “Antisemitism: A History.” p. 75