ca. 1320 C.E.

[Possible/Probable] “Jewish Ordinance to Strasbourg” issued by the City Council of Strasbourg, year 1320* [Free Imperial City of Strasbourg; Present-day France] [Provisional]: “[…] no Jew may have or inherit [land] in the city of Strasbourg or anywhere near the burg […] henceforth (‘hinnen furder’) […]” [Researcher’s note: The exact date for this ordinance appears to have been lost; however, experts believe that it was issued in the 1320s or early 1330.]
“Forschung zur Geschichte der Juden: Abteilung A: Abhandlungen: Band 2”; (“Research Regarding the History of the Jews: Section A: Treatise: Volume 2); (Hannover; 1995); Accessed Online; Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 9/28/2018